April 22, 2020 Planning Committee Minute
The Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Virtually Present
Jay K. McCracken, Committee Chair
Amy L. Boyles
Committee Members Absent
Everett Solon, Board Vice Chair
Board Members Virtually Present
Jane E. Goetz, Board Chair
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Chris Dunlap, Director of Information Technology
Others Virtually Present
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services
Bonnie Campbell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Matt Suerth, Director of Institutional Research
Fran Brolley, Director of Community Relations and Development
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mr. McCracken.
The committee members reviewed policies with proposed revisions highlighted. Ms. Roelfsema noted that Walt Zukowski, attorney for the college, has reviewed all of the proposed revised policies.
Policy 3.11 – Employment at Will
New language more clearly defines ‘Employment at Will” and a statement was added,
“At-will employees are not subject to the provisions of Board Policy 3.31.”
Policy 3.31 – Suspension was changed to Discipline
Revisions for 3.31 specified that the policy is intended to provide employees who
are not at-will employees of the college with general guidance. Language was revised
on Suspension with Pay, Suspension without Pay and Termination.
Policy 3.1 – Classification of Employees
Updated language states that the college recognizes five employment designations:
(1) Faculty; (2) Support Staff; (3) Administration; (4) Part-time Classroom and Laboratory
Instructors and locally-funded Counselors; and (5) Other. The classification of “Other”
includes all other employees not listed, i.e., coaches, temporary positions and Continuing
Education instructors
Policy 6.7 – Cannabis was changed from Medical Cannabis
Language was updated: the use of marijuana (cannabis) is allowed in Illinois under
the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.” Language on definitions, prohibition, employment
and confidentiality were update. Ms. Campbell informed that a Cannabis Production
Certificate has recently been approved by the Curriculum Committee and we are anticipating
the submission of the certificate for Board consideration and approval at the May
Board meeting. The certificate would then be sent to ICCB for approval to be offered
in the fall term.
Policy 3.22 – Medical Leave/Termination of Employment Due to Incapacity
Language on requests for an extension were clarified. Ms. Roelfsema noted that the language has been updated for clarity and to bring the policy in line with what we do in practice.
Policy 3.5 – Certification of Health
A sentence was added at the end of the policy, “Positions as outlined in Board Policy
3.31 – Medical/Occupational Examinations will be required to undergo an occupational
examination at the college’s expense prior to returning to work following an injury
or illness.” Dr. Corcoran clarified that the occupational exams would apply to such
position as those in facilities and shipping/receiving while the medical exam would
be for full-time faculty and administration.
Policy 6.5 – Drug-Free Work Campus (changed from Work Place)
Language was added to the first paragraph of the policy, “While the use of marijuana
(cannabis) is allowed in Illinois under the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, no person
shall use medical cannabis or possess any cannabis product while on any college property
or while participating in any college-sponsored programs or events, whether on or
off-campus.” Language was added to the second paragraph, “No employees, college representatives,
students, or visitors are to consume or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages,
cannabis or controlled substances while on any college property.” Ms. Campbell clarified
that for the proposed Cannabis Production Certificate no students would have access
to the product in their possession and noted that labs and internships are to be conducted
off-site. Dr. Corcoran confirmed that the Ottawa Center is included with this drug-free
work campus policy.
Policy 2.9 – Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct referenced in Policy 2.9 was updated to include as prohibited
conduct the unauthorized and/or illegal possession, use, distribution or being under
the influence of any alcoholic beverage or marijuana on campus property or in connection
with any college-sponsored activity.
Mr. McCracken noted that the changes to the Board Policies as presented are appropriate. The committee recommended that the proposed revised policies be presented to the full Board.
This project has been conducted annually, during the spring term at IVCC since 2007 to gain a better understanding of where IVCC ranks nationally among community colleges on a variety of predetermined benchmarks. State and National participation rates fluctuate from year-to-year which changes IVCC percentile rankings on any given measure. Dr. Corcoran noted that the committee reviewed the NCCBP at its meeting in October 2019. Since then the college has received the Executive Report on the six key national benchmarks and how IVCC compares to national data representing 219 community colleges. Mr. Suerth reported that the college ranked very high in persistence, completions/transfers and developmental completer success rates. He pointed out that while IVCC had six opportunities for improvement there were 17 strengths. Mr. McCracken thanked Mr. Suerth for a thorough report.
The Institutional Research Office tracks IVCC’s high school market penetration rates in six-year intervals. The penetration rate reflects the percent of recent high school graduates that subsequently matriculate to IVCC and shows how well IVCC is promoted to district high school students. The 2019 Enrolled Penetration rate is 27.1 percent, declining from the class of 2018’s rate of 29.5 percent. However, the six-year average increased to 27.2 percent. This number accounts for high school graduates who enrolled at IVCC during the 2014-2019 academic years. Despite a general overall high school enrollment decline, a slight majority of high schools are growing modestly in size at least in the interim. For the immediate future, senior class size enrollments at nine of 17 public high schools increased modestly while eight schools declined in size. Calculated for the second year by Institutional Research, National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) data indicates 42.6 percent of spring 2019 high school graduates did not attend college in the first fall term after graduating high school. Of district graduates that attended community college, 79 percent attended IVCC. An additional 18 percent enrolled in community colleges adjacent to or just beyond District #513’s boundary. District #513’s graduating 2019 class size increase equaled 2016’s class size which bodes well in the short term. Three of the last six years have seen class size exceed 1,800 graduates. New freshmen enrollments, as well as penetration rates, have leveled off over the past three years. Fall 2019 was the first year since 2015 when dual enrollment last dropped below 18 percent of college enrollment (17.8 percent). This percent decrease was achieved despite enrolling 507 unduplicated students in multiple sections covering 29 courses taken at 15 District schools including both public and private institutions. The combined penetration/enrollment rate for dual-credit students and high school graduates was 44.9 percent, a drop from 49.9 percent in fall 2018. Mr. Suerth noted that in conclusion the penetration rate acts as a proxy indicating how well IVCC’s educational reach extends into the district it serves. While the overall rate declined slightly to 27.1 percent, the underlying demographic realities will continue to present challenges to IVCC’s educational mission. Mr. McCracken thanked Mr. Suerth for an excellent report and noted that the data underscores the need to address that population not pursuing an advanced degree and the importance of marketing the Career Start programs. While 42.6 percent of district graduates did not attend college, Dr. Corcoran pointed out that we can be very proud that of those district graduates attending community college, 79 percent chose IVCC.
The IPEDS is a system of survey components that collects data from about 6,400 institutions that provide postsecondary education across the United States. IPEDS collects institution-level data on student enrollment, graduation rates, student charges, program completions, faculty staff and finances. IVCC uses the IPEDS Feedback Report for benchmarking against a group of Illinois peer institutions (9) and for tracking IVCC statistical trends over time. Mr. Suerth noted that the Hispanic/Latino population remains at 15 percent as of fall 2018, an increase of six percentage points since fall 2012. This continues a slow, but steady upward trend. The total number of degrees and certificates awarded decreased by 74 awards, for a total of 968 graduates. Compared to its peers, IVCC ranked fifth for the second year in the total number of degrees/certificates awarded even though our enrollment headcount is substantially lower than many of its peers. IVCC awarded 497 associate degrees, up from 468 from FY2017, while the peer group median increased to 480. The net price of attendance decreased to 15.9 percent in fiscal year 2018 and IVCC now ranks ninth among its peers in cost of attendance. The percent of first-time, full-time students receiving Pell Grants decreased from 51 to 46 percent. IVCC now ranks fourth in Pell Grant aid. The percent receiving State/Local grants increased from 21 to 28 percent and the college now places first in this type of aid. Retention rates of first-time degree/certificate seeking students from the fall 2017 cohort increased significantly from 59 percent to 70 percent in the 2019 report. IVCC’s first-time, full-time students retained at 70 percent while the peer group median retained at 67 percent. The part-time retention rate increased slightly from 45 to 46 percent and now exceeds the peer median of 43 percent, ranking IVCC fourth among peer institutions. Mr. Suerth noted that in conclusion, the college should continue to review these important metrics and take steps to improve them as needed. Mr. McCracken thanked Mr. Suerth for the excellent report. Dr. Corcoran noted that this report also highlights that the college is doing a fine job with retention. Ms. Campbell addressed the number of certificates awarded and noted that we will be coming forward with additional short-term stackable certificates such as the welding certificates that were approved by the Board at the April meeting.
Mr. Grzybowski provided responses to inquiries received from Board members at the March 12, 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees.
- One inquiry involved figuring the percentage of the in-district high school graduating class of 2019 who completed at least one IVCC credit hour before graduating from high school. The annual High School Market Penetration Report indicates that there were 1,864 in-district high school class of 2019 graduates. Mr. Grzybowski informed that when we filter those high school graduates through two data sources, the National Student Clearing House and a customized internal data query, we find that 695 or 37 percent of the total for the class of 2019 graduated from high school in 2019 having earned at least one credit hour from IVCC.
- Another inquiry involved looking into a reference that “90 percent of IVCC students were eligible for student aid during the 2014-15 academic year.” After several days of looking into this by current IVCC Financial Aid Director Eric Johnson and staff and contacting former IVCC Financial Aid Director Patty Williamson for assistance, Mr. Grzybowski reported that he was unable to verify that percentage. Ms. Williamson thought that it could possibly be “90 percent of students eligible for a loan,” which is federal aid. Mr. Grzybowski advised that he and the Financial Aid staff are still checking into this inquiry.
- A request was made to recalculate the number of students enrolling from the east side of the district in the same manner it was done in 2009 when IVCC was planning to open the IVCC Ottawa Center. Mr. Grzybowski reported that from a memo dated June 8, 2009 sent by former IR Director Cathy Bangert and former IR Analyst Bob Mattson to the administration, it was stated that “approximately 1,500 students enroll each semester…from the east side communities.” The memo identified the following cities as being included: Ottawa, Streator, Marseilles, Earlville, Sheridan, Seneca Grand Ridge, Ransom, Serena and Naplate. It also listed “several smaller surrounding communities” as being included as well. When only focusing on the identified cities, the enrollment during Fall 2019 totaled 1,047 students (37 percent of the 2,841 Fall 2019 tenth day figure). Mr. Grzybowski noted that the number would be closer to 1,500 once the “several smaller surrounding communities” are identified and included. The 40 percent measure that was referenced during the Board meeting could be in reference to a meeting between IVCC and City of Ottawa officials wherein it was referenced by our former VP for Academic Affairs and Student Services that “40 percent of students lived closer to Ottawa than Oglesby.” Mr. Grzybowski noted that replicating that figure would require additional time and a deeper data mining project by the Office of Institutional Research.
Mr. McCracken thanked Mr. Grzybowski for the follow-up and for providing such helpful information.
Mr. McCracken extended on behalf of the Board of Trustees our deepest sympathy to Dr. Anderson on the recent loss in her family. Mr. McCracken thanked everyone for attending the Board Planning Committee meeting both physically and remotely.
Mr. McCracken requested a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Goetz to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed by voice vote. Mr. McCracken declared the meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.