January 10, 2019 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 10, 2019 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Committee Chair
Angela M. Stevenson
Committee Members Absent
Melissa M. Olivero
Other Board Members Present
Jane E. Goetz, Board Chair
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services
Bonnie Campbell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Fran Brolley, Director of Community Relations and Development
Scott Curley, Director of Facilities
Michelle Carboni, Director of Purchasing
Willard Mott, Instructor of Agriculture
Dominick Demonica, Demonica/Kemper Architects
Mr. Mallery called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Illinois Community Colleges are required to submit updated master facility plans for the ICCB recognition process. IVCC’s recognition visit is scheduled for later in FY2019. Our last master plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees in September 2011. Dominick Demonica of Demonica Kemper Architects was involved in the master plan of January 2005, the update in September 2011, and was again retained to update the college's plan. Ms. Roelfsema reported that the September 2011 master plan was the basis for the proposed plan. Ms. Roelfsema added that changes and enhancements to the plan include:
- The Community Technology Center and the maintenance shop were proposed in September 2011 and are now part of the existing facilities;
- The automotive technology building now includes the two proposed additions and was renamed Building J;
- Added to the list of proposed facilities were new agriculture facilities where the barn was previously located; and
- A building for truck driver training students to learn to perform pre- and post-trip inspections of the vehicles.
Ms. Roelfsema noted that renovations proposed in the September 2011 plan which are now completed include:
- Life and physical science labs;
- Lower level technology labs to emergency medical services and forensics lab;
- Former counseling center into Student Life Center;
- New larger elevator in Building E;
- Dislocated Workers Center in Building D is now the center for the Early Childhood Education program;
- Building D lecture hall – the renovation included new wall coverings, lowered ceilings, and new technology;
- Continuing Education Department area is now the home of Business Employment Skills Team (BEST) in Building C;
- Adult Education area in Building E is now home of North Central Illinois Economic Development Corp. and the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CETLA); and
- Massage Therapy program was relocated to Building G.
Mr. Demonica commented that IVCC has done well in following its master plan.
Dr. Corcoran reported that thanks to Board Chair Jane Goetz and Foundation Director Karen Nussbaum, agriculture faculty and administrators have been working with W. Kyle Dooley of CNH Industrial on a plan that will result in CASE IH high-tech equipment soon being available for IVCC faculty and student use. It was noted that Mr. Dooley and his associates hope to begin this new arrangement by delivering to the campus a tractor, field cultivator and planter in time for use during the spring semester and planting season. Dr. Corcoran informed that ideally, more equipment will then follow, resulting in a year-round, first-class IVCC student experience.
The Committee reviewed options for a replacement facility of the demolished barn that could be an asset to our Agriculture program in many ways, including providing storage for equipment. Images of the proposed facility were shown by architect Dominick Demonica as a part of the college’s master plan update. The proposed 7,500-square foot building would house a tractor, field cultivator and planter for use by IVCC Ag students and instructors. The facility would have four parking bays, two overhead doors and a training lab area in a covered space. In a second phase of the master plan project, it is proposed that a lab for the agronomy program be added. Mr. Demonica informed that phase two would be a more academic space and include: a classroom with computers around the perimeter; a lab space; lab prep and storage space; conference room; office space for two faculty; student collaboration space; and toilet facilities. Parking would be created with potentially in the long-term a walkway to accommodate overflow parking for other college events.
Mr. Mallery inquired about an existing building shown on a map of the master plan; he asked if there is a way to use it for farm equipment that could arrive early. Mr. Curley informed that the building is currently used for storage that is shared; it is two-thirds theatre production storage and the remaining space used by facilities. Dr. Corcoran noted that we have already begun the process of making the existing building available for the farm equipment upon its arrival. Mr. Mott added that the tenant, Mr. Luke Holly has been included in the conversations regarding the Ag building proposal and he has been receptive to working collaboratively with the college and the Ag students in all aspects.
Dr. Corcoran noted that IVCC has secured nearly $165,000 in deferred maintenance funding from the state for the project, requiring a $60,210 match from the college, and the college will seek additional state dollars if there is a capital bill. Dr. Corcoran added that our political sources suggest that it is wise to have a project on the list for the new legislative session. Mr. Mallery inquired about an approximate cost for the project. Mr. Demonica advised that the budget for the project would be $675,000. The committee recommended sharing the master plan with the full Board.
The IVCC farm field drainage tile is in need of being replaced. Dr. Corcoran reported that ponding in several areas along with excessive moisture in others make routine field work challenging throughout the growing season. The installation of new field drainage tile will improve the productivity of the farmland being farmed by the tenant, provide additional earning opportunities and an improved learning experience for the agriculture students, and could also be a benefit to the University of Illinois Extension research. Mr. Mallery inquired if Mr. Holly has any yield mapping that he would share with us and how much longer does the current tenant have on his agreement with the college. Mr. Mott noted that he would ask Mr. Holly about the yield map documentation. Ms. Carboni advised that Mr. Holly is starting the second year in 2019 of a four-year agreement. Ms. Goetz commented that the project would provide a great teaching and learning resource for the Ag students.
The next step would be for Mr. Mott to complete the FSA Form 1026 to begin the process. The committee recommended moving forward with the proposal.
Mr. Mallery declared the meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.