March 10, 2016 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2016 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Michael C. Driscoll, Vice Chair
Jane E. Goetz
David O. Mallery
Everett J. Solon
Austin M. Burnette, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Melissa M. Olivero, Chair
Larry D. Huffman, Secretary
Laurie A. Bonucci
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Associate Vice President for Student Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
In the absence of Ms. Olivero, Dr. Michael Driscoll call the meeting to order.
In the absence of Dr. Huffman, Dr. Driscoll made the motion to appoint Mr. Solon to serve as Secretary Pro-tem, seconded by Mr. Mallery. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the amended agenda (added Ratification of Engagement Letter), as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – February 1, 2016 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting; February 4, 2016 Special Board Meeting; and February 11, 2016 Board Meeting
Approval of Bills - $2,545,629.54
Education Fund - $1,791,766.73; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $89,381.99; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $449,684.16; Auxiliary Fund - $133,878.56; Restricted Fund - $6,518.55; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $74,399.55
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for pay periods ending February 6, 2016 and February 20, 2016
Purchase Request – Student Computer Upgrades
Authorized the administration to purchase 28 laptops, 111 computers, and 18 monitors from Dell, Inc., in the amount of $100,885.
Request for Proposals – Banking Depository and Services for Operating Funds
Granted the administration permission to seek proposals for banking depository and services for the operating account.
Before each board member were two documents that Dr. Corcoran wanted to bring to their attention. First was a memo from Cheryl Roelfsema with an attachment that explains in layman’s terms how property taxes and the tax levy impact funding at IVCC. Cheryl has begun sharing her listing of FAQs with folks across the college and will be posting it at the website soon so that everyone has access to the same information and is better prepared to answer questions from community members when asked to explain this complex subject. Second is information from the College’s partners at University of Illinois Extension regarding possible cooperative field research projects involving college-owned property. The proposed use of College land for Extension-research purposes has come about as a result of the partnership with the Extension to significantly expand the College’s agriculture program and better serve the needs of students and employers in the IVCC district. Jill Guynn, Daryle Wragge and Russ Higgins are the Extension representatives who will be working with Chris Kolodziej, the College’s excellent farm tenant, on research projects. Dr. Corcoran is excited about what this could lead to--stay tuned for more to follow on that effort. The IV Sustainability Club’s organic garden will move to the east campus so that it’s more accessible to water and easier to maintain. Thus, the acre that was being used for this purpose south of parking Lots 3 and 4 will be going back into the crop rotation managed by Mr. Kolodziej. On Friday, April 1, IVCC’s main campus will be the site of rapid response training for Oglesby Police. The College is closed that day for spring break. A City of La Salle Police trainer, Jim Strand, will be instructing Oglesby officers in rapid response work at the all-day session. Mr. Strand received his training from the Department of Homeland Security and has conducted similar training exercises throughout the Illinois Valley.
Although Fran Brolley has done his typical wonderful job of issuing press releases regarding Kaitlin Raineri being named as the top scoring student in Illinois as a 2016 Coca-Cola New Century Scholar out of 1,900 applications, and the local media have done a phenomenal job of covering this story. Dr. Corcoran also spotlighted Eric Schroeder and Carmen Hartford for the behind-the-scenes job they do every year as PTK faculty advisors of our Rho Omega chapter. To say that the College is thrilled for Kaitlin and her parents, Mike and Kay, would be an understatement—the College is also proud of its faculty who no doubt work hard and bring out the best in so many of the College’s multi-talented students. To the best of Dr. Corcoran’s knowledge, the College has had only two students rise to this level of recognition, Caitlin Rinker and Kaitlin Raineri. Dr. Corcoran thanked everyone for thrusting IVCC students into the national spotlight. Paula Hallock does a great job of working with Glenna Jones on coordinating the College’s annual recognition event. Next week Paula will be printing 2016 recognition event invitations for the 20th annual event. Dr. Corcoran would appreciate board members marking their calendars for Friday, April 29 at Grand Bear Resort with a 4 p.m. social hour, 4:30-5:30 hors d’oeuvres, and 5:30 awards presentation. The deadline to RSVP will be April 14, the night of the College’s next board meeting. Not only will this be special because it’s the 20th event but also because over 100 honorees will be recognized, including 16 award nominees/recipients and 16 retirees. Last Thursday, March 3, Susan Monroe and Lisa Witalka coordinated this year’s etiquette dinner for students preparing to move on to the next chapter in their lives after training at IVCC. There was a large of number of employers in the area who attended and showed tremendous support for the students. Lee Ann Piano facilitated the training and did a fine job. Kudos to everyone in Mark’s Student Services division for making this program a memorable and rewarding experience for the College’s students. The College’s March 8 Open House was a big hit. Over 120 students and parents attended. Feedback was super and everyone did a great job. Dr. Corcoran commended Quintin Overocker.
The Planning Committee will be scheduling a meeting soon. Agenda items include the IPEDS Report, Market Penetration, PACE Survey, and Board Policies.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve tenure for Samantha D. Whiteaker, Nursing Instructor. Dr. Anderson noted the tenure process is designed to promote excellence in teaching. At IVCC it is a three-year process. In the course of that time the instructor is evaluated at least eleven times. Part of the documentation they provide, in addition to their teaching observations, include student course evaluations. Students evaluate their instructors at the end of each semester of every course. The instructor keeps a record of their professional development. They are expected to contribute to the institution through committee and service work. At the end of the process they present their portfolio. Bonnie Campbell introduced Samantha Whiteaker and reported that Samantha received her bachelor of science in nursing and her master’s in nursing education. She has completed her Certification in Nursing Education through the National League of Nursing. She is the only faculty member at this time who has completed her CNE, a huge kudo. Samantha always says “yes” and is open to new thoughts and ways of doing things in the classroom and in clinical studies and Ms. Campbell is very thankful for that. Samantha has a wonderful passion for nursing and teaching. Her students are thankful for her passion and one student wishes she could have her as an instructor in every class she takes. Ms. Campbell hopes that Samantha stays at IVCC for a long time. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve tenure for Karie J. Stecken, Nursing Instructor. Bonnie Campbell introduced Karie Stecken and reported she graduated with a bachelor in science in nursing and a master’s in nursing. Prior to IVCC Karie was employed by St. Mary’s Hospital in numerous positions such as a floor nurse, ICU, supervisor of the ICU and emergency department. Her hospital and patient care experience has been invaluable. Her current nursing practice is well respected among the faculty members. Karie cannot say “no.” Karie has taken on a lead teacher role in three courses in the last 18 months which is a lot to ask of a new faculty member. She is a team player and works diligently with the other nursing instructors to provide the best education experience for the nursing students. Students have said she is the best instructor ever and she is very knowledgeable and good in providing explanations for procedures and protocols. She makes sure everyone understands and makes her students feel confident. Motion pass by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mr. Solon to accept the base bid from the Luse Companies, Aurora, IL, in the amount of $49,660 for the asbestos abatement for the Room D225 Renovation Project. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to accept the base bid and Alternate No. 1 from John’s Service & Sales, Inc., Oglesby, Illinois, in the amount of $842,175 for the Building B Chiller/Air Handler Replacement. Basalay, Cary & Alstadt will be the Architect for this project. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Mr. Burnette to nominate Dr. Patricia Pence, Nursing Instructor and the 2016 recipient of IVCC’s Stephen Charry Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence, to represent IVCC for the Illinois Community College Trustee Association’s Outstanding Faculty Award. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Ms. Goetz to nominate Ms. Andrea Kowalski, Speech Instructor, for the Illinois Community College Trustee Association’s Outstanding Part-time Faculty Award. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Burnette and seconded by Mr. Solon to convene a closed session at 6:55 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) probable litigation; 3) collective negotiations; and 4) closed session minutes. Motion passed by voice vote.
After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 7 p.m. On a motion by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Mr. Solon, the regular meeting resumed at 8:30 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Mr. Burnette to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the February 4 and February 11, 2016 Board meetings. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve entering into an engagement letter, as presented, and authorize the chair to sign such letter. Motion passed by voice vote.
A question was asked of how the College handles faculty members who in looking at their schedule for the semester give notice when they will be away for business reasons or professional development. Through the dean meetings there is consistency of how faculty should work with their supervisors. Absences go through the dean and faculty are encouraged to work ahead with additional assignments. Faculty understand that their responsibility is to cover the content of the course. In sudden absences, the dean is to be notified as soon as possible. All deans handle absences in the same way. A substitute covers the class for extended absences.
Dr. Driscoll declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.