September 28, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci (arrived at 9:15 a.m.)
Larry D. Huffman
Committee Members Absent
Other Board Members Present
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Mark Grzybowski, Associate Vice President for Student Services
Fran Brolley, Director of Community Relations and Development
Scott Curley, Director of Facilities
Dominick Demonica, Demonica/Kemper Architects
The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Mr. Mallery.
Three Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) projects were chosen in preparation for the tax year 2016 levy. The first project is the replacement of the air handler/chiller in Building E at an estimate of $1,111,745. This is a continuation of replacing the air handlers in each of the five original buildings. Age of the existing equipment justifies its replacement. The biggest challenge is the window in which to complete the project, over the winter break. Bids will be requested early next year which will allow an entire year to get everything fabricated and ready to go. The second PHS project is the replacement of the HVAC controls in Building G at an estimate of $175,756. This project will update the building controls providing a more comfortable environment and energy savings. This work is also in preparation for replacement of the HVAC system in Building G as a future PHS project. The existing components used by the air handling units are no longer being produced and replacement parts are becoming more difficult to find. Mr. Mallery asked if it would be beneficial in replacing the controls at the same time as replacing the air handlers. The engineering firm thought this would be insignificant. The controls would transfer to the new equipment. The third project is the replacement of four overhead doors in Building J at an estimate of $124,296. The block walls in the welding area create a safety hazard with one overhead door. The block wall runs perpendicular to the overhead door and a person can be trapped in the space between the wall and the door. Replacement is necessary to safely protect personnel. The project will reduce the 30 ft. door to a 16 ft. door. The other three doors will be replaced to be in compliance with current safety codes. The new doors will also provide energy efficiency by having better insulation and seals.
The recommended upgrades to the Cultural Centre are a result of an approximate $400,000 bequest from the estate of the late Walter Durley Boyle to be used for capital or building purposes. Mr. Boyle had a love for the College for many years and served on the Board of Trustees and also as a director of the IVCC Foundation. The project will include energy-efficient LED lighting and contemporary wood wall treatments to improve acoustics and aesthetics. The $395,841 estimated cost for the work also includes ceiling painting, wallcoverings, handrails, and electrical and fire alarm improvements. The administration received faculty feedback from the division of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences on their wish list for the Cultural Centre. The recommended upgrades were very well received. Dominick Demonica will be working closely with the company that recently installed a new sound system so that the acoustical properties are not reduced. Mr. Boyle’s bequest reaches the level of a naming opportunity which will be done in the future.
The administration requested direction from the Board on making repairs to the barn located south of the main campus buildings. Total costs to reroof and paint the barn are in the range of $66,000 to $92,000. There was concern that the College is cutting everything else to support teaching and learning and spending this amount of money falls in the realm of poor judgment. The barn is an historical structure to many people and there will be complaints if it is taken down, but eventually that will pass. The barn needs so many improvements – structure, safety issues, continuing repairs, etc. At some point if the College does not maintain it, it will need to be taken down. Ms. Bonucci noted she would be willing to investigate options for personal or private fundraising before tearing the barn down. She would also personally create a barn quilt with the College logo and mascot. Ms. Bonucci will have a timeline for fundraising efforts at the next board meeting with an end date of December 2017.
Mr. Mallery declared the meeting adjourned at 9:33 a.m.