January 15, 2015 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 15, 2015 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Melissa M. Olivero, Chair
Michael C. Driscoll, Vice Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci
Jane E. Goetz
David O. Mallery
Everett J. Solon
Amy M. Rogowski, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Larry D. Huffman, Secretary

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Walt Zukowski, Attorney

In the absence of Dr. Huffman, Ms. Bonucci was appointed secretary pro-tem.


It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the agenda, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.




It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Solon to approve the consent agenda, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote. 

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – December 3, 2014 Facilities Committee meeting and December 11, 2014 Board Meeting 

Approval of Bills - $2,198,913.26

Education Fund - $528,455.47; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $70,960.25; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $1,330,913.35; Auxiliary Fund - $143,163.04; Restricted Fund - $58,160.06; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $67,261.09

Treasurer’s Report


Approved the stipends for the pay period ending November 29, 2014.

Truck Driver Training Tractor and Trailer Lease Extension

Approved to extend the lease with CIT Group Leasing, Inc. at $3,856 per month, plus a 14 cent per mile maintenance fee per vehicle, for two (2) 2012 Volvo tractors.  Approved to lease two (2) 2003 Hyundai trailers from PAL at $520 per month.


Dr. Corcoran reported on Tuesday, January 6, the Student Services Team held a second Express Registration event and the turnout was impressive given the circumstances. Twenty-one students braved the elements that frigid evening and 17 registered for at least one class. Coupled with the same event in Ottawa just before the holidays, a total of 72 students were served and almost 500 credit hours generated. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Mark Grzybowski, Connie Skerston, and the groups they led in achieving the outcomes. IVCC is still waiting for the “green light” from the Capital Development Board for authorization to proceed with construction on Phase 3 of the Community Instructional Center project. The schedule calls for work to begin in February so that the project is completed by December and ready to go when the spring semester begins in January. Phase 3 includes renovations in Building C for the addition of a cyber café and expansion of the library into the former cashier area; 5,000 square feet is dedicated to student life space and a new ADA-compliant elevator in Building E; and renovations to multipurpose classrooms and lab spaces in Building D.  A member of the board asked for an update on the work done by the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), so a five-year performance and economic impact report was distributed for the Board’s review. Highlights include 111 jobs created and 50 retained, 28 business start-ups, four business expansions and 39 “documented success stories.” The SBDC has also counseled 427 clients, conducted 66 training seminars, honored 160 individuals through its 40 Under Forty event and established the annual Breakfast of Champions awards ceremony. Dr. Corcoran encouraged others to congratulate Bev Malooley, Gina Czubachowski and Continuing Education Department director, Jamie Gahm, on a job well done.  Dr. Corcoran reported Mike Phillips has been asked to serve on the Middle Illinois Regional Water Supply Planning Committee.  This will allow him to serve local communities while gaining experience he can share in the classroom.  Dr. Corcoran received an email from a second year student at IVCC, Amber Phillips.  She has been contacted by Harvard University because of how well she has done at IVCC.  She commended instructors, Jeff Spanbauer, Larry Ault, Adam Oldaker, and Jason Beyer who went out of their way to assist in her education and so many more have been great as well.  She has been assisted financially by Foundation scholarships and noted that Donna Swiskoski from the Foundation office has been invaluable. As far as Harvard, first she has to take three classes and then assessed on her performance in these classes which will determine her funding options.  She thanked IVCC for being such a great school.


Mr. Mallery deferred his comments on the Facilities Committee meeting until the next agenda item which was discussed at the committee meeting.

Ms. Olivero removed herself from the Facilities Committee and appointed Jane Goetz to take her place.  Ms. Goetz accepted.

The Audit/Finance Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet on Tuesday, January 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the IVCC Board Room. 


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to proceed with the Quality-Based Selection process for architectural firms.  The Facilities Committee discussed the quality-based selection of an architect at its meeting on December 3.  Changes made to the matrix were reflected in the Board book.  Mr. Mallery stated he was looking forward to being a part of the selection committee.  Ms. Olivero noted the last time the College selected an architect a member of the Board was not on the selection committee.  From a historical standpoint, Ms. Olivero was not in favor of having a board member on the committee.  Laurie Bonucci and Jane Goetz were in agreement with Ms. Olivero, but Dr. Driscoll, Everett Solon, and Dave Mallery were in favor.  Mr. Mallery will serve on the selection committee on behalf of the Board.  Mr. Mallery asked if the committee could meet and have a workshop to discuss the categories.  Dr. Corcoran stated that he has been able to work with Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects for ten years and there has been an extraordinary amount of changes in those ten years.  He does not want the selection process viewed as if the College is unhappy with them.  Dr. Corcoran believes it is wise to seek proposals for professional services on a regular basis and it is healthy to go through this process when the opportunity presents itself.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Engineering Technology as presented.  Dr. Corcoran expressed his appreciation of the work that Sue Isermann and her team have done on this new degree program.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to proceed with purchasing consulting services from the Burwood Group for cell phone DAS Vendor Selection and for upgrading the Wi-Fi network infrastructure as quoted by the Burwood Group Inc. in the amount of $53,500.  Mr. Mallery noted that the $53,500 is only for the consulting services, selection of a vendor and working with the cell phone companies and does not include hardware.  Funds to complete the system will be paid by a $73,000 grant and any additional funds will come from a fund balance in the Auxiliary Fund for Information Technology projects.  Motion passed by voice vote.


“Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513, accepts for destruction the verbatim audiotapes of Closed Session Meetings from June 19, 2012; July 17, 2012; August 21, 2012; September 18, 2012; October 16, 2012; November 20, 2012; December 18, 2012; January 15, 2013; February 7, 2013; February 19, 2013; March 19, 2013; April 16, 2013; and May 21, 2013.

“Be it further resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513 authorizes the destruction of Closed Session audiotapes from June 19, 2012; July 17, 2012; August 21, 2012; September 18, 2012; October 16, 2012; November 20, 2012; December 18, 2012; January 15, 2013; February 7, 2013; February 19, 2013; March 19, 2013; April 16, 2013; and May 21, 2013 as all the criteria for destruction of these tapes under the Open Meetings Act have been met.”

It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Goetz to table this item indefinitely by the recommendation of the College’s attorney.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Due to an insurance issue that arose recently during the holidays, Mr. Mallery requested information from the administration and noted a large responsibility of the issue lies with the third-party provider.  He hopes the College would recover the expenses, including attorney fees, from this matter.  Mr. Mallery is concerned that the College has proposed a two-tier insurance package.  In regards to fairness and respect, Mr. Mallery does not see that being observed at this time.  He does not like that the staff are paying higher deductibles for those that can afford it the least. 

Ms. Rogowski reported that 20 students from the Oglesby Public School were impacted by the Children in Need Christmas Party through the IVCC sports program.  The students were very appreciative and the volunteers felt it was well worth it.


It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Mr. Mallery to convene a closed session at 6:27 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) collective negotiations; 3) pending litigation; and 4) closed session minutes.  Motion passed by voice vote.

After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 6:31 p.m.  On a motion by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Goetz, the regular meeting resumed at 9:50 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Ms. Bonucci to decrease the number of faculty members employed by the Board and dismiss a tenured faculty member, Mr. Charles Kwiatkowski, effective at the end of the spring term, May 16, 2015.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to eliminate the positions of Disability Services Co-coordinator to allow for the restructuring and hiring of a full-time staff Disability Services Coordinator.  Tina Hardy and Judy Mika will be honorably dismissed upon the hiring of a full-time Disability Services Coordinator.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the December 11, 2014 board meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.




Ms. Olivero declared the meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m.