June 16, 2015 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting

The Audit/Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

Larry D. Huffman, Chair
Jane E. Goetz
Everett J. Solon

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Associate Vice President for Student Services
Kathy Ross, Controller
Harold Barnes, Director of Information Technology
Emily Vescogni, Director of Learning Technologies

The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Dr. Huffman.


The Committee was provided a memo from Harold Barnes and Emily Vescogni which included a brief explanation of each expenditure related to a strategic plan project or expenditures not related to the plan, but which the cost is expected to exceed $10,000.  Each entry indicated the source of funding.  Also included was an executive summary of the FY2015 Progress Report and the Report highlighting projects and activities from the past year.  The FY2016 Update to the Information Technology Strategic Plan provides the anticipated expenditures for achieving the stated goals and objectives.  The PowerPoint focused on projects that have been completed and also those that are in the Plan for FY2016.  Colleague migration was upgraded with different equipment and a new SQL server.  Previously Colleague was run on IBM equipment and now it is less expensive to run.  WiFi coverage has been expanded throughout the campus but will not be switched over for another couple of weeks due to a few finishing touches.  An upgrade on the backbone fiber, core and edge switches has been completed increasing the College’s bandwidth from 1Gb to 10Gb.  Work has been completed on the campus-wide cellular service enhancement project.  The College has received authorization to offer online-degree programs.  Previously, the College offered online courses but not online-degree programs.  Approximately 135 IVCC students, mostly adults, receive degrees completely online.  The Ellucian Go Mobile App has been deployed which reconfigures documents to fit the size of your technology device.  Projects for FY2016 include upgrading the Cisco phone system which currently runs on the College’s network but will run from the College’s cluster of servers.  Users will be able to view or listen to emails and voice mails.  Another project is linking Financial Aid to the Bookstore cash register which will eliminate lines for vouchers, faster access to course materials, and reduced labor costs.  When College web-time entry is installed, there will be no manual reentry of data into Colleague and there will be automated work flow for approvals which will save paper.  The Ellucian Portal simplifies information exchange for students, faculty and staff by giving them a single, virtual doorway.  This eliminates a different password for each device and also eliminates numerous cords for connecting devices.  AV over IP (Audio Video over Internet Protocol) provides remote management which eliminates sending employees all over the campus to check out problems.  It also provides usage reports on equipment which also eliminates employees checking each piece of equipment.  Another project for FY2016 is to replace 14 small UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supply) which will provide extended run time in case of a generator failure and it will be easier to maintain. 


Each committee member was presented with an excerpt from the FY2016 tentative budget.  Cheryl Roelfsema noted the budget council is a fairly large group and represents every department of the campus. The budget is built on the following assumptions:  Revenues will remain at FY2015 levels (no growth in the district’s equalized assessed valuation, state funding, and enrollments).  There is a seven percent increase in the tuition rate.  Expenditures include average salary increases of 2.5 percent, employee benefit increases of 3.5 percent, a two percent inflation factor for other expenses, and a $175,000 contingency in the operating funds.  In FY2015 two full-time positions were not filled but the Dental Assistant full-time instructor position was added.  For FY2016 five faculty positions are open due to a resignation, retirements, and a reduction in force.  Two of the faculty positions, math instructor and World Languages instructor, will be filled.  The Board commended Cheryl for managing the budget with revenues and enrollments decreasing while also managing a huge building project and attending numerous meetings in association with the project. 

Dr. Corcoran noted the World Languages instructor position is being filled on the recommendation of Dr. Holloway, Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences.  Dr. Corcoran views this position as an opportunity to build credit hours.  Dr. Huffman noted that Dr. Holloway’s justification of filling the position made sense.  Hiring the right person is the key with the right educational background and ability to develop the program.  Dr. Anderson noted that Dr. Holloway is being very creative on what this position can do.  He is not hiring a person until it is the right person, even if it takes a year.

The administration has evaluated its personnel needs across the campus and determined a formal restructuring of some departments is necessary.  This restructuring impacted five employees.  Kim Herout is currently the full-time Workforce Development administrative assistant and will move to the full-time administrative assistant in Financial Aid.  Lisa Witalka is currently the full-time administrative assistant in Counseling and will return to her former position in Career Services as the full-time administrative assistant.  Becky Biers is currently the part-time administrative assistant in Financial Aid and will move to the part-time Admissions and Records enrollment services position.  Crystal Credi is currently in a part-time enrollment services position and will move to the part-time administrative assistant position in Counseling.  Janice Studer is currently the part-time administrative assistant in financial aid and this position will be eliminated.  A new position for the part-time administrative assistant in Workforce Development will be advertised.


It was reported that the Workers’ Compensation Experience Rating for IVCC has declined in the last five years.  Last year the rate was 1.38 and this year .94.  Cheryl noted IVCC has a good carrier in helping the College to manage the claims.  Human Resources should be commended for responding promptly in reporting incidents and staying in contact with the employees.  Employees have become more cognizant of liability issues and reporting them in a timely manner.


The College currently has a bond levy of $5 million for its match in the construction of the Community Technology Center which is about to be retired.  It would be in the College’s best interest to consider replacing this bond levy with another which would position the College favorably for the future. The College has a partial-year levy left so if the Board decides to move forward with replacing the bond, a schedule would need to be worked out for the remainder of the calendar year.  It was suggested to issue bonds for Information Technology improvements.  The College could lease the computers and servers on a schedule of upgrading every three or four years.  Since it is very difficult to stay on top of emerging technologies, the College would have the technology it needs and the students and faculty would have what they need, as well.  Other suggestions for College needs included erosion control (the pond is gone and the dam washed out), additional facilities for new programs (a program that would have a payback, growth in credit hours, and serve the needs of the community – look into diesel mechanics or building the ag program), emergency sprinklers, and the Cultural Centre wish list.  More discussions on a bond levy will take place with the Board.

The Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Center Planning Board called Dr. Corcoran and discussed moving forward in securing an architect to design the Center.  Discussions by the IVCC Board have not taken place as to leasing or donating the land.  If the land is donated and not all the local district dispatch centers are included, it would be at the expense of the whole district.  It was suggested that Dr. Corcoran discuss this with his colleagues to see what they have done in similar situations.  The Board also suggested having the administration look into liability issues when a person is incarcerated at the Center.  Utilities to the Center will be at the expense of the Planning Board.  Tearing down the barn is another issue to be considered.  The Board did support the request from the Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Center Planning Board for discussion to continue on a plan that would involve the construction of a 5,000 square foot emergency dispatch center on IVCC’s south campus at its March 12, 2015 board meeting.  Dr. Corcoran will provide the Planning Board the name of IVCC’s architect.


Dr. Huffman declared the meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.