August 26, 2015 Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

David O. Mallery, Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci
Larry D. Huffman

Committee Members Absent

Other Board Members Present

Austin M. Burnette

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Services
Fran Brolley, Director of Community Relations and Development
Dominick Demonica, Demonica/Kemper Architects

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Mr. Mallery. 


The administration has looked into way-finding signage for both entrances to the College and at each “Y” in the roads on campus for a total of six different signs.  The College has received three quotes and the cost is below $10,000.  The signs will be dark gray in color with white reflective lettering.  This project is long overdue and will be very helpful for those who are unfamiliar with the campus.  This is an item for information and requires no action.

In regard to the Regional Dispatch Center (RDC), the cost associated with installing water and sewer from the east side of the road to the west side of the road is more than the RDC Planning Board had anticipated.  The Planning Board has had discussions with Dominick Demonica on other possible locations on campus that would minimize the costs and not be detrimental to the College’s Master Plan.  The Planning Board has expanded for a total of five partners – LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Bureau County, and Mendota. 

The College barn located south of the campus is in need of a new roof and a coat of paint or authorization for the administration to look into taking the barn down.  There is a cost associated with maintenance and the administration would like to know at what degree they should budget on a regular basis for maintenance of the barn.  The administration is open to various solutions and encouraged the facilities committee to think about it.

A tour was conducted of the construction on the third phase of the Community Instructional Center project which included the cybercafé, the library expansion, the new student life space, and EMS and forensic labs.  The tour concluded with a preview of the planned renovation of the elevated lecture hall – D225.  The renovation will update the lecture hall by lowering the ceilings for better acoustics, replace the lighting for energy savings as well as better lighting, and creating a new center aisle down the middle of the seats. The hall will be wired to accommodate the new AV over IP technology.  The storage closets will be reconfigured in order to accommodate another row of seating and a larger instructor’s area in the front of the room.  Wall finishes and carpeting will be replaced to make the hall a more attractive teaching and learning space.


The administration recommended two projects in preparation for the Tax Year 2015 levy:  Building D Air Handler/Chiller Replacement and the D225 Lecture Hall Renovation. 

Building D Air Handler/Chiller project is third in a series of five to replace the air handler/chiller equipment for each of the five original buildings at an estimated cost of $923,819.  Mr. Mallery questioned if the College is saving anything on the maintenance contract for the new air/handler chillers.  Mr. Scott Curley did not expect much on lower maintenance costs, but noted the maintenance contract this year decreased by $9,000 because Building A air handler/chiller was not included in the contract since it is being replaced in December 2015.

D225 Lecture Hall Renovation will take place over the summer of 2016 with a substantial completion date of August 5 at a cost of $659,624.  This price includes the cost of the technology equipment which may be partially funded by Information Technology and student technology fee reserves.  Dominick hopes to bid the project after the first of the year and award the contract at the February meeting.  It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Mr. Burnette to recommend to the Board the two Protection, Health, and Safety projects for tax year 2015, as presented.


Mr. Mallery declared the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.