November 13, 2014 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2014 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Melissa M. Olivero, Chair
Michael C. Driscoll, Vice Chair
Larry D. Huffman, Secretary
Laurie A. Bonucci
Jane E. Goetz
David O. Mallery (entered the meeting 6:25 p.m.)
Everett J. Solon
Amy M. Rogowski, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Mark Grzybowski, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Services and Cory Tomasson, Interim Athletic Director presented a banner to the women’s tennis team commemorating their 4th place in the NJCAA Division III National Tournament in Rolling Meadows, New York. Team members Ashley Ainsely, Katie Wellner, Kayla Guenther, Bianca Sutton, Carly Haywood, Tara Ketner, and Kaylee Sienza were accompanied by their head coach, Julie Milota, and assistant coach, Lyle Guenther. The banner will hang in the IVCC gym.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Solon to approve the consent agenda with corrections in the October 7, 2014 Audit/Finance Committee Minutes and in the October 9, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – September 25, 2014 Board Planning Committee Meeting; October 7, 2014 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting (correction: the Operations and Maintenance Fund had a surplus of about $106,000, not $160,000); and October 9, 2014 Board Meeting (correction: under Committee Reports, first paragraph, delete the last two sentences and replace with: Despite the College’s enrollment being below what was projected for revenue generation in the FY2014 budget, careful management of expenditures by the administration allowed the College’s Operating Funds to have a slight surplus at year’s end. A slight deficit in the Education Fund was offset by a surplus in the Operations & Maintenance Fund, resulting in a surplus for these two Operating Funds of about $80,000 for the year.
Approval of Bills - $1,373,745.24
Education Fund - $713,565.04; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $129,109.02; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $202,130.62; Auxiliary Fund - $110,121.82; Restricted Fund - $163,822.61; Audit Fund - $15,000.00 and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $39,996.13
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending October 4, 2014 and October 18, 2014.
Dr. Corcoran reported the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) third quarter pass rates for 2014 are in and according to Bonnie Campbell, dean of health professions and director of nursing, 55 of 57 students, or 97 percent, passed the NCLEX-RN exam, a 10 percent improvement over last year, and 18 of 19, or 95 percent, passed the NCLEX-PN exams, compared to 85 percent last year. Bonnie noted she is blessed to work with a fabulous group of nurse educators and students. Dr. Corcoran congratulated the Nursing Program faculty, staff and students on a job well done. On October 9, IVCC hosted a College night program with 53 colleges and universities participating. Dr. Corcoran was not able to attend because it happened to take place at the same time as the monthly meeting of the Board; however, he wanted to be sure to recognize Connie Skerston, assistant director of admissions, and her Student Services team of Mark Grzybowski, Karen Gregorich and Kathy Sramek, for coordinating this very popular event. Dr. Corcoran reported there are several stories in the latest edition of IV LEADER that he encouraged everyone to read: along with student trustee Amy Rogowski’s excellent article on student clubs, organizations, and wrap-around services that help ensure student success, this year’s PTK Commit to Complete campaign is very impressive; several of Jean Batson-Turner’s Human Services program students did a fine job of facilitating an excellent domestic violence awareness event; and Don Grant Zellmer, Norm Engstrom and Dr. David Kuester’s production of Dames at Sea was outstanding. Dr. Corcoran thanked St. Bede Academy for being able to perform in their theatre while work on the College’s Cultural Centre sound system was being completed. The Manufacturing Expo held on October 22 was a great success thanks to the North Central Regional Betterment Coalition, Area Career Center and district high schools working closely with the college’s team of Sue Isermann, Mark Grzybowski, Cheryl Roelfsema, Danielle Stoddard, Jamie Gahm, Jennifer Scheri, and Fran Brolley. Approximately 300 students attended and the feedback was outstanding as evidenced by the thoughtful note on page 66 of tonight’s agenda. Dr. Corcoran thanked the Board members who attended the Northwest Regional Trustees meeting held in the new Community Technology Center on November 3. The trustees and administrators from IVCC’s peer colleges were very impressed with the facilities and fine presentations by Dr. Robyn Schiffman, Adam Oldaker and Cory Tomasson. On November 4, Cheryl Roelfsema and Dr. Corcoran met with the chiefs of police from Oglesby, LaSalle and Peru regarding plans for constructing a regional emergency dispatch center in Oglesby. The chiefs recently met with the consultant who worked with them on the concept and the College is looking forward to follow-up meetings with them soon and working with the IVCC Board of Trustees on options to consider for the extent of the college’s involvement with the project. The bottom line is by partnering with these entities, the College could very well end up with a center that could provide extraordinary learning opportunities for its students and employees tied to many of its programs including Criminal Justice, Forensics and EMS. This year’s Breakfast of Champions program, sponsored by the Small Business Development Center, was held on November 6. Director Bev Malooley and business specialist Gina Czubachowski did a great job of recognizing 20 entrepreneurs and small business owners who are having a profound effect upon the Illinois Valley, as well as 10 students from local high schools enrolled in the Illinois Valley Entrepreneurship Class taught by the Career Center’s Marty Makransky. Dr. Corcoran thanked Trustee Laurie Bonucci for representing the Board at the November 6 meeting of taxing bodies in Bureau County. The group discussed community wants and needs and consensus was reached on a top ten list of goals for the community. Dr. Corcoran and Ms. Bonucci appreciated the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and look forward to more of these meetings in the future. [The College’s five goals were building its endowment, growing its enrollments, supporting its hospitals, being a key player in the regional economic development movement and adding to the number of internships.] Congressman Adam Kinzinger’s youth leadership conference held on Friday, November 7 was well received by 180 local students. Dr. Corcoran thanked the Business Office and Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences Division for their expertise and support. The LPO-IVCC hall of fame induction ceremony on November 8 was very well done. The many family members and friends of this year’s inductees had a spectacular evening thanks to Vince and Fran Brolley, Rosie Lynch, Donna Swiskoski and Sue Monroe. The Illinois Community College Board released a report yesterday regarding the economic impact of community colleges throughout Illinois, as well as specific reports for each district. He encouraged everyone to review IVCC’s report with pride as it validates the point that a certificate or degree from IVCC is a credential of great value. The lifetime earnings gain for an AAS or long-term certificate program graduate is extraordinary and one of the best investments a person can make in their lifetime.
Dr. Huffman noted the Closed Session Minutes Committee met at 5 p.m. prior to the board meeting and recommendations for release of closed session minutes will be presented at the December board meeting.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to adopt the Resolution approving a Tentative Tax Levy and Tentative Certificate of Tax Levy, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the appointment of Mr. Matthew P. Suerth as the Director of Institutional Research at an annualized salary of $70,000. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Huffman to add a full-time custodian as per the wage schedule in the labor agreement with the SEIU Local #138. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Bonucci to authorize the administration to contribute to employee Health Savings Plans for employees electing the High Deductible Health Plan beginning January 1, 2015. Annual contributions for the Health Savings Account per employee will be: Individual - $2,500; Employee +1 - $5,000; and Family - $5,000. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the transfer of $19,805 from the Education Fund (Fund 01) to Restricted Funds (Fund 06) for the Student Support Services grant pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2013 audit findings and the request of the Department of Education. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Goetz to authorize the administration to provide $2,500 to NCAT in order to develop a dedicated route from Streator to the IVCC Main Campus four days per week for one year. This commitment is contingent upon NCAT providing the appropriate levels of insurance. IVCC has been working with its attorney and insurance consultant on the appropriate levels. Mr. Solon moved the motion be amended to include “contingent upon the appropriate levels of insurance” and was seconded by Ms. Goetz. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Goetz to accept the bid from Midwest Transit to lease two (2) 2015 Ford/Starcraft-Starquest buses for 36 months, at an annual lease payment of $8,566 per bus. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the purchase and installation of repair parts in the amount of $14,110 to bring the elevators into compliance with Illinois Public Act 096-0054. Motion passed by voice vote.
Amy Rogowski reported the on-the-spot admissions for transferring to state universities took place on October 24 and was a success. Forty-four students were accepted into one of the state universities and Amy was accepted at Illinois State University. October 21 was the last home game for women’s IVCC volleyball team and the annual Dig Pink Rally. Dig Pink is a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness and $1,100 was raised. ICCB is holding “Illinois Community College Day of Service” on February 24. The theme this year is promoting student success and college preparedness. Colleges were encouraged to work with Project Success students. The Student Government Association’s Vice President is raising awareness to high school students of what IVCC has to offer in regard to student organizations. Student advocacy day’s goal will be to pass legislation on college affordability. Nine students will travel to Lewis & Clark Community College for a conference and check out their student life space and hopefully bring back some good ideas.
Dr. Huffman suggested bringing high school students in their student organization groups out to the College. In regard to the “Dames at Sea” production, people of all ages enjoyed it. Dr. Huffman enjoyed the presentation on remedial education by Dr. Schiffman and Mr. Oldaker at the ICCTA Northwest Region Trustees meeting. He believes the less remediation classes the students are in the better the students are and the better IVCC is. He also commended Country Catering on a great job. One of the biggest issues to overcome for community colleges of IVCC’s size is food service. Country Catering’ service is above and beyond. He would like the College to continue to work collaboratively with them.
Ms. Bonucci noted the meeting of all taxing bodies in Princeton was a strategic planning session. Many different organizations attended. She was pleased to be there and proud that Dr. Corcoran was there and spoke up. She attended the Foundation Hall of Fame induction ceremony and found it to be very heartwarming. She commended the staff on a wonderful evening.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Bonucci to convene a closed session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes. Motion passed by voice vote.
After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 6:37 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Solon and seconded by Dr. Driscoll, the regular meeting resumed at 8:11 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Ms. Bonucci to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the October 9, 2014 board meeting. Motion passed by voice vote.
The Board Facilities Committee will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3 in the Board Room.
Ms. Olivero declared the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.