February 13, 2014 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, 2014 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Melissa M. Olivero, Chair
Michael C. Driscoll, Vice Chair
Larry D. Huffman, Secretary
Laurie A. Bonucci
Jane E. Goetz
David O. Mallery
Everett J. Solon
Taylor A. Gunia, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Solon to approve the agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Reed Wilson reported that for the last two and one half years, IVCC staff and the leadership of the University of Illinois Extension Service region have been working to develop a partnership plan. The Extension annually serves tens of thousands of citizens in the IVCC District including 6,000 youth via 4-H, after school programs, Ag in Classroom programs and more. The proposal calls for the Extension to lease 1300 square feet of the former Financial Aid office in Building C. The Extension would relocate its director, its three-person educator staff and a secretarial position to IVCC. Reed introduced Jill Guynn, Director of the U of I Extension Unit #8. She presented a PowerPoint on the mission of the Extension and the educational programming it provides to Illinois residents. Jill introduced Dr. Ryan Hobson, Extension Regional Director. He noted the University of Illinois Extension has a high level of interest in partnering with IVCC and other community colleges. Their presence in community colleges will increase. Melissa Olivero is interested in seeing what this partnership does for IVCC students. Some of the programs overlap with IVCC’s continuing education program. Jill Guynn and Jamie Gahm have met and discussed these issues and plan to work closely together and collaborate.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Bills - $1,608,916.87
Education Fund - $1,275,958.01; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $78,698.14; Operations & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $107,599.20; Auxiliary Fund - $130,178.45; Restricted Fund - $16,333.07; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $150.00
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending January 11, 2014 and January 25, 2014.
Dr. Corcoran noted on August 20, 2013, Dean Marianne Dzik provided the Board with an overview of the wonderful faculty, staff and programs within her English, Math and Education division. He had four updates from Marianne that he thought the Board would find interesting and impressive. 1) IVCC had 18 students enrolled this semester in Fast Track to College Math and they all successfully completed the program. On the pre-test, scores ranged from 15.6% to 70% with the average being 43.3 percent. On the post-test, 11 students scored 90 percent or better with 83.4% being the lowest score. Dan Serafini and Trisha Blood were commended for another great job in reviewing algebra with these students. Marianne is convinced that My Math Test works and if more students had a quality review prior to the placement test, more would place into college-level math. 2) IVCC is one of several area community colleges that have been asked to take part in a research study with NIU. The goal of the study is to determine what constitutes college-level reading at each institution and will examine the current literacy practices and expectations in developmental reading courses and in introductory-level general education and occupational courses. The study will answer the question: What does it mean to be college-text-ready? 3) The Education and Early Childhood Education programs recently held an orientation meeting for 43 students. Topics such as background checks, the Test of Academic Proficiency, licensure changes, and dispositions were discussed. Jill Urban-Bollis and Diane Christianson organized and facilitated the event. 4) The Illinois Board of Higher Education announced the awarding of Early Childhood Educator Preparation Program Innovation Grants to Illinois State University and Western Illinois University. IVCC's Early Education Program is a partner in each of these grants. The purpose of the grants is to revise our education and early childhood education courses to reflect the changes in early childhood education licensure requirements so that our courses will seamlessly transfer to ISU and WIU. Dr. Corcoran reported on the Construction update from Cheryl Roelfsema. As of Monday, February 10 only two items remained from the Phase 1 punch list as well as some warranty issues. In Phase 2, asbestos removal in Buildings 6, 11 and 12 was completed on February 10. Ameren will be on site February 17 or 18 to disconnect the natural gas lines and electrical lines from the same three buildings. Vissering Construction will cap the water lines on February 17 and actual demolition of the buildings could start as early as February 21. IVCC staff and faculty have been working with the architects on the Phase 3, fifty percent submittal for CDB. The Building G heat exchanger replacement is still on target for installation the week of March 10, spring break. The Cultural Centre sound system project plans are being finalized and should be ready to go to bid on March 20. Dr. Corcoran reported on the Academic Challenge from Ron Groleau. The annual Academic Challenge Regional competition was held on Friday, February 7. Eleven district high schools and 275 students participated for the right to advance individually and/or as a member of their team to sectional competition at Illinois Central College on March 5. The individual first place students are eligible for scholarship money from the IVCC Foundation provided they attend IVCC upon their graduation from high school. The Foundation also provided funds to award IVCC t-shirts and sweatshirts to approximately 20 lucky winners. Each student received an IVCC Viewbook promoting the college and all it has to offer. With this being Dr. Lori Scroggs’s final Board meeting, Dr. Corcoran said how pleased he has been to work with her in so many ways over the last 20 years. Even the years that she worked at Bradley University, she served IVCC proudly as a member of the board of trustees. He thanked her for her service and wished her nothing but the best in the next chapter of her life.
Dr. Huffman reported the Audit/Finance Committee met on Wednesday, January 29 at 6 p.m. in the Board Room and the minutes from the meeting were in the Board book. He noted the five-year budget had a dismal outlook due to the economy of the state.
The Facilities Committee will meet on Friday, February 21 at 1 p.m. in the Board Room.
Dr. Lori Scroggs reviewed the tenure process. There are requirements at the state level, but IVCC’s requirements are much more rigorous. New faculty members attend a faculty orientation for a semester long led by Marianne Dzik. The instructors are evaluated by the deans six times, by the vice president or associated vice president five times, by students, and self-evaluations. The instructors reflect upon their accomplishments through their portfolios. Prior to the Board meeting, the portfolios are presented to the Vice President, Associate Vice President and the appropriate dean who are given the chance to ask questions.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve tenure for Christine Blaydes, CNA instructor. Bonnie Campbell, Dean of Health Professions, noted she would not know what to do without Christine Blaydes. Christine coordinates the CNA program which has 300 students every year. The program is highly regulated and Christine works closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health. Besides coordinating the program, she also teaches in the classroom and the clinicals. She keeps the program up-to-date and moves it forward. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve tenure for Jared Olesen, Sociology instructor. Dr. Holloway, Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences, noted that Jared has a good command of work that he has done which spans many areas of sociology. He recently completed his PhD, publishes articles, and he is an excellent teacher in the classroom. He is very engaged and his students are, also. He uses a variation of teaching styles, active learning and technology. He also has an environmental conscious with IVCC green initiatives. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve tenure for Tony Ruda, Fitness Center instructor. Ron Groleau, Dean of Natural Sciences and Business, noted that Tony works with thousands of students and community members. He is an online instructor and face-to-face teacher. He is a graduate of IVCC and is very appreciative in giving back by sponsoring scholarships. Professionally, he helped LTV Steel plan a fitness center at the company and has helped St. Margaret’s Hospital run a summer healthy kids camp. His efforts with St. Margaret’s Hospital help improve children socially, physically, and spiritually. Tony is also involved in the community. He served on the Spring Valley Park Board as past president, and a youth coach for baseball, football, and soccer. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Goetz to adopt the resolution designating the fiscal year be from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015; adopt the resolution designating Dr. Jerry Corcoran as the district’s officer appointed to prepare the tentative budget; and approve the budget calendar, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Solon to increase tuition by $10.00, from $93.60 to $103.60 per credit hour beginning with the summer 2014 semester. Dr. Huffman noted the tuition was raised last year by the same amount but the decrease in enrollments ate up the increase. Mr. Mallery suggested maybe the increase in the tuition is the reason for the decrease in enrollment. Dr. Huffman said there is no evidence to know this for sure. Even with the proposed increase, IVCC will come closer to its peer average and $7 to $8 below the state average. Dr. Corcoran said the administration tries to look at other community colleges and he wants IVCC students to have every advantage. At the state average it enables IVCC to have a high quality education for students to transfer to a university and find a good job. Mr. Mallery noted that when IVCC had the lowest tuition in the state, it served the students well. He doesn’t know if it is the money that makes it a good learning environment. He thinks IVCC is pricing people out of an education. Dr. Corcoran noted that the administration is finding a balance between high quality programs and a reasonable tuition rate. Taylor Gunia, student trustee, reported the administration met with the Student Government Association, and they thought the increase was not a huge burden to take on. Dr. Huffman stated he will vote for the tuition increase because he has a fiduciary right to do what is right for the College as a whole and in its best interest. The last three years the State’s share has been 11-12 percent, well below the 33 percent level. Over the same period the local taxpayers are paying their fair share of 43-46 percent. Students are paying a little more than theoretically intended at 37-38.5 percent. Student tuition and fees are the only source of revenue to increase. Every single program, service, and activity will be looked at by the administration so that revenues can be reallocated. Motion passed by voice vote with Mr. Mallery voting “naye.”
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Solon to increase fees for 79 courses, decrease fees for 28 courses, and eliminate fees for one course, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to accept with regret Marianne Dzik’s request for retirement effective March 31, 2014, and wish her a long, happy, and healthy retirement. Marianne started her employment at IVCC 30 years ago in a part-time position in the remediation area in the writing and reading language skills lab. In 1992, she was named Coordinator of Special Needs and Remediation and then this evolved to become Special Populations and Remediation Coordinator. In 2000, she was named Division Chair Academic Enrichment and the position was later changed to Dean of English, Mathematics, and Education. She has been a wonderful resource to the College. Dr. Corcoran stated he hates to see her go, but the College has been enriched by her. Marianne noted that she thoroughly loves the College. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to accept with regret Gary Johnson’s request for retirement effective March 1, 2014, and wish him a long, happy, and healthy retirement. Gary started his career at IVCC in June 1999 as Supervisor of Facilities. In 2005, he was named Director of Facilities. In the past nine years he has overseen the most construction projects this institution has seen in the last 30 years – Truck Driver Training building, Peter Miller Community Technology Center and the renovations on the East Campus. Dr. Corcoran stated he has done a great job and he wishes him nothing but the best. Gary noted he has had an exciting journey and thanked everyone for their help and support. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Mr. Solon to approve the appointment and salary adjustment for Mr. Scott Curley as Interim Director of Facilities with a $200 per pay period salary adjustment beginning March 1, 2014 and continuing until such time as a new Director of Facilities reports to duty. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the University of Illinois Extension Service and Illinois Valley Community College agreement to establish the Extension’s Unit #8 on the IVCC main campus to take effect on July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to authorize the administration to send letters of support for the proposed extension of the City of Ottawa I-80 North Tax Increment Financing district, as presented. Dr. Huffman noted it was important to the College that this agreement is going forward with the College striving to be made whole as it has been in the past. Mr. Mallery was concerned the increment from any new developments will be passed on to the City of Ottawa. Motion passed by voice vote with Mr. Mallery voting “naye.”
Ms. Olivero thanked Dr. Scroggs for her years of service. She was an inspiration to her when she came on board. Ms. Olivero noted that she is well liked and respected and this is hard to achieve. She will be missed. She also expressed a sad goodbye to Marianne Dzik and Gary Johnson.
Dr. Huffman reported the Audit/Finance Committee discussed the Ottawa Center agreement. The Ottawa Center is a convenience for the people on the east side of the district, but he was not sure it is a point of efficiency. He suggested exercising caution in moving forward and to look at the big picture and see how it fits with the whole college operation. Melissa asked that this be a topic for discussion with the full board in closed session as it relates to the lease of real property. Dr. Corcoran reported a break even analysis was presented to the Board in 2008 and it was decided that it would be used to determine the continuation of the Ottawa Center. The enrollment from the east side of the district has never been stronger. He will provide the metrics to the Board members.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to convene a closed session at 7:22 p.m. to discuss 1) student disciplinary case; 2) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 3) probably litigation; 4) pending litigation; and 5) closed session minutes. Motion passed by voice vote.
After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 7:30 p.m. On a motion by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Dr. Huffman, the regular meeting resumed at 8:20 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the January 9, 2014 board meeting. Motion passed by voice vote.
Ms. Olivero declared the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.