May 21, 2014 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci
Committee Members Absent
Melissa M. Olivero
Other Board Members Physically Present
Larry D. Huffman
Amy M. Rogowski, Student Trustee
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Scott Curley, Interim Director of Facilities
The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.
A tour was conducted of the areas of the College to be discussed on the agenda.
The current ICCB RAMP includes a plan to renovate Jacobs Library in Building C and to build an addition to and renovate the fitness center in Building G. This project has been on the ICCB approved project list at No. 31 since FY2009. Since then changes have occurred in technology, students’ study habits, and enrollments. There have been many discussions about splitting the RAMP into two projects. During FY2015 work will begin on the 2016 Facilities Master Plan and facility needs will be reassessed. Discussions will take place with the Facilities Committee and a new RAMP could be submitted at a later date. The administration recommended not submitting a RAMP project for FY2016 and sending a letter to ICCB to this affect.
A list of facility projects divided into three categories – Protection, Health & Safety, Capital Projects, and Maintenance. The Operations Committee prioritized the projects and recommended the following be considered for the 2014 tax levy:
Building C Plumbing (including sewer lines Building C-G) $500,000
Access Card Readers 200,000
Chiller Replacement 600,000
Lighting Replacement in LRC-B and LRC-A (Library) 200,000
Carpeting – Culture Centre 50,000
The sewer lines have aged and are cracking. Building C is the only building that the sewer lines have not been replaced. The lines are currently cast iron and cast iron is being recommended in the $500,000 price range.
After the card readers were upgraded, technology was installed in seminar rooms and access to these rooms is needed by faculty. G4S security has been opening the rooms when needed. Currently, faculty only have keys for their offices and keys to seminar rooms would compromise security, thus, the need for additional card readers.
The College has six chillers and the chiller in Building A has been replaced. The administration recommended replacing another chiller. The Building C chiller is located behind the link area where the drainage and restoration project (agenda item 6) is being recommended. It would be a good time to replace the chiller in this area at the same time the area is being cleaned up, but this chiller is the newest of the five. Mr. Mallery suggested tying the chiller to the geothermal for the Cultural Centre heating unit. The administration will look into this option.
The lighting in LRC-B and LRC-A is outdated and replacement bulbs are no longer available. This project would involve replacing T12 with T8 light bulbs, which are more energy efficient. The current voltage is enough to handle the computers and the new lighting. During the tour of LRC-A (Library), the Committee also discussed the location of a new ADA accessible elevator (southeast corner of the Library) which would be a project at a future date.
The carpeting in the Cultural Centre is in poor condition and needs to be replaced.
There was consensus among the Committee with the recommended PHS projects, as presented.
During the spring of 2103 water pooling from the CTC building seeped into the server room. As an emergency repair, drain tile was attached to the downspouts on the north side of the link area where the HVAC equipment is located to divert the water away from the buildings. This temporary solution has worked but is not attractive. The administration is looking for a permanent solution. The whole area will be investigated and if the scope is larger than anticipated, the administration will bring this project back to the Board. If the cost estimate is reasonable, the administration will move forward to seek bids.
Faculty, staff, and students have expressed a need for close, convenient parking for persons with disabilities. The campus is in compliance with the required number of ADA parking spaces, but none of the spaces are close to any buildings. After reviewing a number of areas with Chamlin & Associates, the area south east of the CTC building was selected. Chamlin provided a drawing of the area which included 18 parking spaces with access from the road that now connects with parking Lot 7. Mr. Mallery was concerned with the access area when pulling out of the parking lot. He was also concerned that the new parking lot would detract from the appearance of the new CTC building. He suggested constructing a parking lot south of the turn-a-round where a knoll is located. Ms. Bonucci noted there are mature trees on the knoll and you can’t put a price on those trees. She suggested plantings around the parking lot to soften the area. The proposal will be presented to the whole Board at the June meeting. Cheryl was hoping to bid this project and the resurfacing of Lot 1 at the same time to secure cost efficiencies.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery, seconded by Ms. Bonucci, to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.