February 21, 2014 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 1 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2014 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci
Committee Members Absent
Melissa M. Olivero
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Scott Curley, Supervisor of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect
Michael Alstadt, Architect
Steve Halm, Capital Development Board
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.
It has been almost four years ago that Paul Basalay and Dominick Demonica met with the user groups on the design development of the Community Instructional Center (CIC) Project – Phase 3. They met again in the last two months with staff and faculty to review the plans. The five areas in this project are:
Student Life Space – E207 – formerly occupied by Counseling
EMS Medical Services Lab and Classroom – D101 – C, D, F, & G – formerly occupied by Electronics
CETLA – D208 – formerly occupied by Dislocated Workers Center
Library/Bursars Office – formerly occupied by the cashiers
Forensic Lab and Classroom – D101 and D109 formerly occupied by Electronics and Computer Networking
In February 2010 the estimated cost of Phase 3 was $1,139,750. The estimated cost now, four years later, is $1,754,172. This estimate does not include $21,200 for audio visual wiring or $148,353 for asbestos removal. If these costs are included, the estimated cost is $1,923,725. President’s Council reviewed the budget numbers and discussed the possibility of CETLA and forensics being eliminated from Phase 3. Sue Isermann and Lori Scroggs met individually with faculty and academic support employees who agreed on alternative solutions for their respective areas. The administration estimated these changes would eliminate $400,000 from the project budget for a revised budget of $1,523,725. Relocating forensics could be included as an alternate bid in case there was a favorable bidding climate when this project is bid. Funding available for the project: $235,000 – remaining CDB project funds; $275,000 – remaining furniture/moveable equipment funds; $259,000 – Capital renewal funds; $339,000 – excess PHS funds for the elevator; $148,353 – excess PHS funds for asbestos removal for a total of $1,256,353. This results in a shortfall of $267,372. The administration recommended using $270,000 from the Operations & Maintenance fund balance to complete Phase 3. In FY2013, this fund had a surplus of $443,106 due to reduced utility costs and unexpended contingency funds. Dominick Demonica provided a slide show of what the original Phase 3 design would look like and then pointed out the changes that will be made to cut costs. Major changes were moving CETLA to the area occupied by Adult Education. CETLA will live with the existing space as is and will occupy 2/3 of the area. Forensics will remain in its existing space, but will need water. They will swap storage space so it is close to their lab. The forensics lab in the original Phase 3 design will be used as a classroom. Mr. Mallery would like to see the students help pay for not only the furnishings of the student life space, but for the construction by the money collected for student activities and organizations. He would like this money to be used for the long list of PHS projects. Dr. Corcoran noted the College has needed student life space for years and this gives the College a tremendous opportunity for the students to experience college life more in line with what they would see at the four-year universities. Dr. Corcoran believes you assess the merit of construction by the number of students who use the facility. The cyber café is a wonderful transition from the new building into the main building. He realizes it is an extraordinary cost, but it is an extraordinary opportunity. Mr. Mallery would like the College to be more conservative in the way the $170,000 collected in student activity fees is spent. This budget has been developed year in and year out and its use impacts the students and their experience at IVCC. Dr. Huffman noted that the College will spend more money out of its funds, but there is still the State money and this is an opportune time to use the money. Mr. Mike Phillips, president of the faculty union, noted that over the past 17 years, the College has gradually closed off the student space for office space. The only space left is the library. Student life space is important to student retention. Students are more likely to stay or return if there is space and activities that relate to students. The Student Government Association will purchase all of the furnishings for the cyber café and the student life space. Mr. Mallery stated he was in support of project, but he was just looking at the budget side. Dr. Corcoran thanked Mr. Mallery for his support. The design development of the CIC – Phase 3 with the recommended changes and the recommended use of funds will be an action item at the March board meeting. After this meeting, the Capital Development Board will need written approval of the design development.
In 2011, the College Master Plan identified two critical needs at IVCC: 1) renovation of the Learning Resource Center (Jacobs Library) and 2) expansion of the Health Education/Wellness Center (Fitness Center). These needs were submitted to seek State construction funds. The Board would like to review these needs to see if there are other needs on campus that could be of higher priority. Prior to the next board meeting, board members will have a chance to tour these areas and other areas of the College to help them decide on how to prioritize the needs of the College.
In August 2011, a capital project was approved by the Board to make the Music Room (D223) more accessible to students with disabilities. This project would include reducing the number of tiers from seven to three and making tiers 1 and 3 accessible. Tier 2 would be for storage of musical instruments and would be accessible by reach from the lowest tier. After this project was submitted as a PHS project, some of the faculty did not think it was a good solution at the time. The administration contacted ICCB and used a portion of this money for another PHS project – the Cultural Centre stage floor. The faculty have now reviewed the Music Room again and would like to move forward with the original project. There was consensus among the committee members to move forward, but this project will be brought to the whole Board.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery, seconded by Ms. Bonucci, to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 p.m.