December 3, 2014 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Laurie A. Bonucci
Melissa M. Olivero
Committee Members Absent
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Jane Goetz, Board Member
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Scott Curley, Interim Director of Facilities
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Steve Halm, Capital Development Board
Paul Basalay, Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects
Matt Lamps, Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.
Soon after the packet for the Facilities Committee meeting was sent to the committee members, it was brought to the College’s attention that the apparent low bidder for the Community Instructional Center Phase 3 electrical contractor, Engel Electric, asked to withdraw their bid. Engel Electric realized they had omitted the cost of 27 audio-visual items and brought it to the attention of the Capital Development Board (CDB). Engel Electric is in good standing and this was an honest mistake. The CDB met with Engel Electric and a decision on the bid will made this week. Mr. Halm believes CDB will not go after the bond. The next lowest bidder, JB Contracting Corp., submitted a bid of $466,751, an additional $92,551 for the base bid and $57,799 for the alternate bid, an additional $11,169. Cheryl addressed the shortfall in funds for the project. If the CDB was to approve the bids with a ten percent contingency, an additional $131,611 would be needed. If the CDB was to approve the bids with a five percent contingency, there would be a shortfall of $43,056. There is approximately $50,000 in interest earnings from the construction trust account. Also available is the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation grant funds of $90,000 awarded as a reimbursement for some of the cost of the geothermal installation and restricted for building purposes. Cheryl is hopeful that the College can address the shortfall without using the contingency funds. The College would need to deposit the $43,055 into the construction trust account now and issue a letter committing the additional $88,556 contingency funds, if needed. Mr. Halm noted the apparent low bids for the alternates are very good and could provide much needed additional classroom and lab space for Health Professions at a very reasonable cost versus renovating the area in the future. The Facilities Committee was in agreement with approving the base and alternate bids and agreeing to lower the contingency from ten to five percent and providing the CDB with a fund commitment letter for the additional five percent.
Instructions and specifications for the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural Services were reviewed. This is not the same RFQ used in the past. Cheryl Roelfsema reached out to her counterparts at other community colleges, took helpful suggestions and weaved them into the document. She asked the committee for suggestions and what they thought would be important to include. Cheryl provided a cover sheet of items outlined by the Illinois Community College Board and the qualifications a college should look for such as proximity to site, appropriate staff experience, ability to meet work schedule, prior identical or similar work, to name a few. Other suggestions for addition to the rubric included: 1) professional help within the firm rather than securing consultants or going to another firm for electrical and mechanical engineers; 2) references; 3) ability or awareness to seek out other sources of funding; 4) appropriate disciplines of staff; ability to staff and implement emerging technologies; and 5) construction manager (an additional service if the firm is able to provide it). It was suggested to define and weigh each category in the rubric. Dr. Corcoran thought it would be prudent for a member of the Facilities Committee to serve on the selection committee. Mr. Mallery asked that the list of members from the last RFQ selection committee be sent to each member of the Facilities Committee.
Dr. Corcoran reported there is a plan for eventually an emergency regional dispatch center placed in Oglesby. Local officials believe the College would be neutral ground and would like to explore with the College the option of being located on college property. They have begun the process of signing off on an intergovernmental agreement between the cities of LaSalle, Peru and Oglesby. Once they present something in writing to the College, the administration will bring it to the Board. The idea of an emergency regional dispatch center would be a complement for a number of the College’s academic programs – forensics, EMS, criminal justice and presents great learning opportunities for IVCC students. Looking at the barn area as a potential site and partnering with the different entities, the College could work collaboratively and possibly make some much needed improvements in that area that have been discussed in the past – water and sewer.
Dr. Corcoran was pleased to announce the sound system in the Cultural Centre is complete and training has taken place. He encouraged members of the Board to stop by and listen to a performance that is taking placing in the Cultural Centre.
Mr. Mallery declared the meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.