September 17, 2013 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on September 17, 2013 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Melissa M. Olivero, Chair (entered the meeting at 6:42 p.m.)
Michael C. Driscoll, Vice Chair
Larry D. Huffman, Secretary
Laurie A. Bonucci
Jane E. Goetz
David O. Mallery
Everett J. Solon
Members Absent
Taylor A. Gunia, Student Trustee
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
Dr. Driscoll called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Solon to approve the agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Glenna, Director of Human Resources, presented an overview of the activities of the Human Resources department. She also presented IVCC’s demographics for fiscal year 2013 along with 2011 and 2012. She compared the percentages for each racial or ethnic group between data from the U.S. Census Bureau FedStats for IVCC’s district and IVCC’s spring 2013 population and employee data. In the White, non-Hispanic category, the district population has seen an increase, the student population has had a decrease and the employee population has remained constant. IVCC’s Hispanic category reflects a higher percentage of students as compared to the district population and is considerably higher than the employee population. The Black, non-Hispanic category also reflects a higher percentage of students as compared to the district population and the employee population. The percentage of the district population for the combined group (Asian, Native Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and 2+ races) has seen a slight decrease in FY13, a modest increase in the student population, and the employee population has remained constant. A review of the data collected regarding gender found that the employee population reflects a greater percentage of females than the student and district populations. Glenna reviewed the hiring process at IVCC and listed the sources for advertising open positions. IVCC’s exposure for potential retirees has been evaluated during the past two years. Based on spring 2013 data for full-time employees who have 10+ years of service and are age 45 or older, 39 faculty, 47 support staff, and 11 administrators will be eligible to retire within the next 10 years. Of the eight employees who retired in FY13, six were full-time. Other services provided by the Human Resources department include professional development, evaluations, and wellness through programs, activities, and resources.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – August 7, 2013 Planning Committee Meeting, August 19, 2013 Facilities Committee Meeting, and August 20, 2013 Board Meeting
Approval of the Bills - $2,206,307.02
Education Fund - $991,412.73; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $169,819.00; Operations & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $254,492.90; Auxiliary Fund - $654,161.43; Restricted Fund - $19,990.38; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $116,430.58
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending August 10, 2013 and August 24, 2013
Dr. Jerry Corcoran reported that Steve Alvin, interim dean for humanities, fine arts and social services, has advised that Mark Walczynski, adjunct faculty member who teaches history, philosophy and criminal justice courses for us and wrote the book “Starved Rock State Park: The First 100 Years”, was recently honored by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources as an Outstanding Volunteer of the Year at a ceremony at the Illinois State Fair. Geology professor Mike Phillips has accepted an invitation to speak at the 125th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA) in Denver, Colorado, in October. Phillips will speak at a special session organized to honor Dr. Dale Ritter, who was one of his geology professors at Southern Illinois University. In his talk, “How an Epilogue Impacted a Career,” Mike will discuss the influence of Dr. Ritter’s teaching on his career which has included investigating the impact of environmental contamination for the past 24 years and teaching at IVCC for the past 16 years. Marianne Dzik, dean of English, Math and Education, has reported that professor Jill Urban-Bollis was appointed to the Curriculum Coordinating Council at LaSalle-Peru High School. She will be representing both the community college connection and parents. Dr. Corcoran was very pleased to announce that the Illinois Valley Building Trades Council has agreed to donate the labor to replace the softball field dugouts. Gary Johnson is the college’s point person on this project which includes working with Coach Cory Tomasson on the design of the dugouts as well as the Building Trades representatives on soliciting donations for materials. Once the work is complete, Fran Brolley will prepare a press release recognizing all of the groups that participated in this partnership. Fran Brolley, Donna Swiskoski, and Sue Monroe should be commended for the excellent job they did of coordinating the 21st Century Scholars program on September 5. Dr. Corcoran thanked the board members, foundation members and employees who are members of the 21st Century Society for their tremendous support. Thursday of this week Fran, Donna, and Sue will be hosting this year’s annual scholarship recognition event, which provides the opportunity for 200 students to visit with the 75 benefactors who generously give of themselves for the benefit of others. It’s one of the most moving events one could attend at IVCC. Dr. Corcoran stated if anyone would like to endow a scholarship or provide funding for an annual scholarship so that they can attend the event in the future, he was sure that Fran would love to visit with them at their convenience. On September 9, several representatives of the college met with Jill Guynn and members of the University of Illinois Extension Task Force to update everyone on a plan that was first discussed approximately three years ago which involves the Extension’s four-county regional office being housed on IVCC’s campus after programs move into the Peter Miller Community Technology Center and time is allowed for renovation. The Extension Task Force members realize that there will be costs associated with the renovation and the goal is to work together on fundraising to meet mutual business objectives. Overall it’s an exciting plan that will allow two public institutions, so steeped in mission and tradition, to work together for the benefit of its constituents. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Cory Tomasson and the team he assembled for coordinating last Wednesday’s Spirit Day activities. Everything went very well—the students and staff had a great time.
Construction update: Landscaping is going well and should be wrapping up any day now with mulch and edging being put in place. The detention pond and geothermal field will be replanted later in October. Only six percent of the plantings grew, leaving 94 percent of the vegetation being volunteer weeds. The furniture delivery and installation should wrap up this week. Technology shipments have arrived and are being staged for installation in early October. The MAG vertical machining center is scheduled for delivery next week with installation the following week. Phase 2 work on the east campus is still on schedule for an October 22 substantial completion date. As part of the capital campaign, a donation of two air compressors by Gardner Denver was made recently and the items will soon be installed in the CTC’s manufacturing area and the auto/welding lab. A press release will soon be going out including the faculty and staff who will benefit by this generous donation. The College is gearing up for the November 1 grand opening.
Ms. Olivero reported that two possible dates were available for a Board Retreat, Wednesday, October 23 or Saturday, October 26. There was consensus among the board members to schedule the Board Retreat on Saturday, October 26 from 9 a.m. – noon.
Dr. Huffman reported the Audit/Finance Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2013 to review the FY2013 Audit.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety project for the Cultural Centre Sound System Replacement as presented for a total cost of $691,700, and authorize submission of the resolution to the Illinois Community College Board. Ms. Olivero noted it is hard to explain to families that that College is spending close to $700,000 on a sound system and these families are having a hard time meeting their tax responsibilities. Mr. Mallery was concerned with the consultants that say there is nothing else we can do. There are other stakeholders that find projects that are more important and that serve different needs of the College. Ms. Bonucci noted the College has tried to be as cost effective as possible with the new building – doing the best it can with the dollars available. It would be an embarrassment if the Board did nothing regarding the sound system. She supported the project. Dr. Huffman stated the College hosts a lot of events in the Cultural Centre. When the College does a project, it tries to do it the right way like installing a sound system for the hearing impaired. This project does not take away from other projects in the operating fund. Ms. Goetz feels this is a project that would help the whole community. Dr. Driscoll was torn because the cost was excessive.
Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Huffman, Mr. Solon, Ms. Bonucci, and Ms. Goetz. “Nays” – Mr. Mallery, Dr. Driscoll, and Ms. Olivero. Motion carried.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve the Building A Chiller/Air Handler Replacement Protection, Health, and Safety project as presented for a total cost of $797,907, and authorize submission of the resolution to the Illinois Community College Board. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Oglesby for Armed Security, as presented. Mr. Mallery noted the Intergovernmental Agreement was brought to the Facilities Committee. The Board had asked the administration to look at other options. The options were evaluated and Mr. Mallery believes this is the best way to serve this need. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Bonucci to approve the purchase of the following equipment and technology for a total amount of $218,749.50: Turbine Generator Control Troubleshooting Learning System - $79,854.00; Mechanical Drives 1 Learning System, - Full Bench, Mechanical Drives 2 Learning System, and Viscosimeter - $20,165.50; Lab Volt Solar/Wind Energy Training System - $45,580.00; and Lab Volt EMS-8010 Renewable Energy Training Program - $73,150.00. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve a temporary full-time business specialist position be created in the Small Business Development Center contingent upon grant funds and to approve Gina Czubachowski be named the interim full-time business specialist, effective immediately. A full search will be made once the position is funded for 2014. This position is granted funded and will have no affect on the College’s operating funds. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Bonucci and seconded by Ms. Goetz to authorize the Board Chair to submit a letter requesting the ICCB assign a status of “recognition continued” to Illinois Valley Community College District #513. Motion passed by voice vote.
The Board of Trustees reviewed Board Policy 3.21 – Medical/Occupational Examinations, 6.3 – Drug-Free Campus, and a new policy for Bicycles and Skateboards on Campus. This is the first reading for the policies and no action was taken. Dr. Huffman submitted some minor changes and will be incorporated into the policies for the second reading.
Mr. Mallery could not attend the ICCTA September meeting and apologized for not notifying Ms. Bonucci to go in his place. Ms. Goetz noted that she has been a member of the 21st Century Scholars Society and encouraged others to join and attend the event to listen to the students’ stories.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Huffman to convene a closed session at 7:20 p.m. to discuss 1) collective negotiating matters; 2) pending litigation; 3) probable litigation; and 4) closed session minutes.
Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Huffman, Mr. Mallery, Mr. Solon, Ms. Bonucci, Dr. Driscoll, Ms. Goetz, and Ms. Olivero. “Nays” – None. Motion carried.
After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 7:25 p.m. On a motion by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz, the regular meeting resumed at 8:45 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the August 20, 2013 meeting. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Goetz to authorize Zukowski Law Offices to file an Industrial Appeal with the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board for Tax Year 2013 concerning Parcel Identification Number 01-10-092-000. Motion passed by voice vote.
There was consensus of the Board to table this item until the next board meeting. No action was taken.
Ms. Olivero declared the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.