May 30, 2013 Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2013 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

David O. Mallery, Chair
Melissa M. Olivero
Laurie A. Bonucci

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Interim Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.


The contractor has run into unforeseen soil conditions below the existing paving at the turn-a-round area. The original scope of work included removing about 2 inches of asphalt from the existing turn-a-round, removing the center section of pavement for a planter, and removing some of the existing perimeter paving to reduce the size of the turn-a-round. The unforeseen soil conditions were discovered when the concrete paving was removed from the center and the perimeter. Water seeped out of the gravel and started to form puddles. Water was present below the gravel base and the clay sub soil was very wet and not compactable. The original concrete cracked and water got underneath and was never able to get out. Paul Basalay had Midwest Testing conduct compaction tests. The soil was wet 16 to 18 inches below the surface. Midwest recommended removing all of the existing paving, the granular base below, and about 16 inches of soft clay and replacing with new material. George Sollitt Construction provided a Proceed Order cost of over $116,269. This was considerably more than anticipated. There are sufficient funds in the contingency to cover this cost but any expenditure of funds from the contingency reduces the money available for work in Phase 3. Paul Basalay looked for other options by Midwest Testing. They indicated that the original scope could still be done but the soil conditions would contribute to future paving deterioration and cracking and possible differential movement. There would be no warranty on this work. The contingency on Phase 1 is $1 million and approximately $200,000 has been used so far. The proposed solution would consist of 18 inches of PGE rock which is a less expensive fill material and 8 inches of geogrid over geotextile fabric with a 6-inch overlay (4.5-inch base and 1.5-inch coating). The Capital

Development Board makes all the decisions on change orders. Because this affects Phase 3 considerably, as a matter of courtesy, they wanted to ask the Facilities Committee’s thoughts. Mr. Mallery stated that this is exactly what a contingency is for and the Committee agreed to proceed with the proposed solution.


The original list of technology equipment presented to the Board of Trustees on April 16, 2013, included seven network POE switches. At that time, it was not known that the College would continue to use the IT room located in the auditorium along with the IT room in the CTC building. This has necessitated a total of twelve network switches, an addition of five switches. Four switches need to be installed to facilitate the installation and commission of the HVAC system in the CTC as soon as possible. This is an emergency situation, but will be presented as an action item to the full board in June. IT purchases will be funded by the IT fund balances.  


It was moved by Ms. Bonucci, seconded by Ms. Olivero, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.