January 9, 2013 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Dennis N. Thompson
Board Members Physically Present
Larry D. Huffman
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Interim Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
George Cary, Architect
Mike Alstadt, Architect
Dan Adrian – Chamlin and Associates
Michelle Carboni – Director of Purchasing
The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m. by Mr. Mallery.
Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt Architects provided a cost estimate and rationale to reallocate previous Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) funds for ADA access to the music room for stage upgrades to the Cultural Centre. Mr. Mallery was concerned that the stakeholders for the music room would feel slighted. The administration reassured him that there was consensus among the stakeholders and staff that were involved in both projects that it would be suitable to use the funds for much needed repairs in the Cultural Centre since a viable solution to the issues in the music room had not been found. Mr. Mallery suggested replacing the floor in the Cultural Centre with the same type that is currently in place, not present it as a PHS project, and save on the engineering costs. Dr. Corcoran noted the application form for the PHS project was completed the way it is done for similar upgrades. The administration would like the Cultural Centre ready to be opened when the new building is opened. There was consensus among the committee members to bring this PHS project to the full Board at the January 15th Board meeting.
A list of potential improvements to enhance the experience in the Cultural Centre was identified. The improvements included: sound system, auditorium lighting system, pre-function space lighting, stage rigging, stage extension at orchestra pit, movable partitions, and wireless access points at an estimated total cost of $1.5 million. Mr. Thompson noted it was beneficial to have an idea of what these improvements would cost. The capital campaign might lend an interest in the Cultural Centre and if the funds are donated, the improvements could be addressed.
IVCC requested Chamlin & Associates to prepare an opinion on the erosion in the ravines north and west of the campus. The erosion was due to storm water runoff which was no longer controlled because of a break in the dam. Four options were presented by Dan Adrian for consideration on reconstructing the dam: 1) reconstruct the dam to restore the original lake; 2) reconstruct the original dam to provide a dry bottom detention area; 3) modify the dam and partially restore the lake; and 4) modify the dam and provide a dry bottom detention area. The cost of the options ranged from $197,000 to $433,000. There was consensus that the options were not feasible and to look to other alternatives. It was also noted there were safety issues around the dam which could be addressed by flattening, removing, or burying the existing culverts. It was suggested that when the College moves into the next farm lease cycle to discuss installing conservation ideas and terracing to address drainage and possibly creating some habitat. The decision of the committee was to do nothing to the actual repair or construction of the dam but to check into safety issues and engage in discussion with the farmer to slow the water flow.
The administration solicited quotes from the two architects involved in the design of the Community Technology Center – Basalay, Cary & Alstadt ($67,800) and Demonica Kemper ($68,300) to assist in selecting furniture and preparing bid documents. The cost of the furniture is included in the project budget, but the cost of the services is not. Dr. Corcoran wants to make sure that the College is in a position to have all the furniture installed when the doors are open to the Community Technology Center. The administration has looked at other models that are in place at other community colleges. Some colleges used their architects for furniture selection and procurement and others used the state purchasing program. The committee members directed the administration to find a less expensive solution than the quotes given by the two architects. They were not questioning the process and didn’t want to burden the College’s staff to have to measure the rooms, talk to the stakeholders, and research the models available. Mr. David Mallery and Dr. Larry Huffman provided the administration with two vendors to contact. This item will be placed on the January Board meeting with an update and recommendation available that night.
A draft of the paver campaign was distributed to committee members. Pavers would be placed on an aggregate base in a sand bed with a deeper granule base of 13 inches of CA1 and CA6 vs. 4 inches of concrete. This will be a change order to the original project which is required by CDB at an estimated cost of $185,000. CDB has expedited the process of the change order to begin the work on April 1. Foundation money will be added to the College’s share to cover the cost. The check would be deposited in the contributory trust that the College has for the project. The drawings will go to Sollitt Construction for review.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Mallery, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. Motion passed by voice vote.