August 19, 2013 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Monday, August 19, 2013 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
David O. Mallery, Chair
Melissa M. Olivero
Laurie A. Bonucci
Other Board Members Physically Present
Larry D. Huffman
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Kurt Rimmele, Architect
The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.
A list of Potential Capital Improvement Projects was recently updated by the Operations Committee. The tax levy for PHS projects will generate approximately $1.6 million. The first project being recommended is Building A Chiller/Air Handler Replacement. The budgeted amount for this project is $797,907 which includes the contingency and the architect/engineering fees. If the facilities committee is comfortable with this project, it will be presented to the full board at the September board meeting and then the Illinois Community College Board must approve it. Mr. Mallery questioned the additional maintenance that went with the last chiller. Cheryl indicated that PHS funds cannot be used for maintenance contracts. It would be a separate agreement that the College would enter into with the contractor and would be an annual payment. It would only be on the Building A chiller. The second project is the Cultural Center Sound System Replacement. The budgeted amount for this project is $691,700. When this project was looked at in 2012, the architects did not realize the Cultural Centre did not have an isolated ground. Ms. Olivero asked if this was a necessity. This is a separate electrical system that would eliminate interference with the Community Technology Center around it. The current sound system is down to one-third of its capacity. It would be a costly proposition to get the old and new equipment melted together. Architect Kurt Rimmele indicated he would do more research of what other options are available. Ms. Olivero was concerned with the College tightening its budget for other things and then spending almost three-quarters of a million dollars on a sound system. The overall plan is to upgrade the Cultural Centre at an approximate cost of $1.5 million. If the Board wants the state-of-the-art Cultural Centre and something to be proud of, then the College must move forward. The stage floor is being recommended to be refurbished and this is an agenda item for the August board meeting. Mr. Rimmele will do more research on the sound system.
Evidence of a minor leak was recently found at the single tank heat exchanger in Building G. Before this rises to the level of an emergency leaving Building G without hot water, it was recommended to replace the single tank heat exchanger with a multiple tank lead/lag system. There are 85 heating fixtures and this is taken into account in determining the size of the tank. If the tank went out, there would be a five-week lead time in obtaining another one. That is why the two tanks are being recommended. The committee wanted to decide on the single tank vs. the multiple tank system after the bids were received. The Request for Proposals will be written with two base bids – one for single tank and one for a multiple tank system.
In 2010 when the College was notified the Community Instructional Center Project would become a reality, another RAMP Report was prepared which included additions and renovations to the library and the fitness center. Architect Dominick Demonica met with the library staff and a drawing of renovations to the library was made. It addressed instructional and student/community resource space shortages. The existing library space is technologically and physically outdated in its efforts to offer appropriate resources to the College’s students and community and technology continues to play a larger role in the library. The current needs of the library are difficult to achieve in the space and Mr. Demonica came up with several renditions and the drawing that was provided to the committee was the best scenario. It still has shortcomings. Planning space is very difficult because technology is changing all the time. It is hard to envision where technology is going. It was noted the RAMP report is just to keep the College’s place on the capital list. This is the latest version, but it is a project that needs to be reviewed by all stakeholders. Feedback is needed from the Board so that the administration can update this report when it is brought back to the Board next year. The other part of this report is the fitness center. The need was identified to enlarge the fitness center to incorporate new programs, more room for free-weights, cross-fit exercise, and space for offices which was removed when the installation of an elevator took place. There is no conference area for privacy issues. The expansion would provide students with more opportunities in the health and fitness areas. The question was asked if the Board approved the Master Plan with the additional space for the fitness center. It was noted the Master Plan is just a plan. If funds become available, it is a vision for the College. Another board member believes the Master Plan gives structure to a wish list. Ms. Olivero had concerns with what the College needs vs. what the College wants. With the cost associated with the RAMP report and the $691,000 cost of the new sound system in the Cultural Centre, the College could build an Early Childhood Education center. The Early Childhood Education center is not a priority and Ms. Olivero has accepted that. As the College prioritizes for the future, this needs to be discussed as a Board. The question was asked if the RAMP report could be split. If the Board was to make significant changes, the project could move forward but would have to be resubmitted. It was suggested to look at the bigger picture and decide what is the best use of the district’s money. Ms. Olivero stated she is looking at the bottom line and trying to justify it during these economical times. Dr. Corcoran suggested a Board Retreat be scheduled to prioritize projects.
The Board had authorized the administration to pursue a proposal from the City of Oglesby and the LaSalle County Sheriff’s department for the cost of providing a police presence on campus for at least 20 hours per week. A draft of the Intergovernmental Agreement was reviewed by the board members present. The administration met with officials from Oglesby and also with LaSalle County Sheriff Tom Templeton. The dollar amount was significantly more with LaSalle County. Sheriff Templeton noted that even if LaSalle County was not selected to provide the service, LaSalle County would work with the College in having more of a presence on campus. A majority of the employees are overwhelmingly in support of a sworn officer on campus. The board members present were all in agreement with the recommendation to have police presence on campus for 20 hours per week and agreed to move forward with the recommendation to the full Board at the September board meeting.
The softball and baseball fields are in need of improvements. The condition of the baseball field is not acceptable. If the Board decides to continue with athletics, there has to be some minimum quality. The Board has talked about water out to the fields, but the price was overwhelming. Cory Tomasson, softball coach, suggested doing some extra fundraising and having volunteers do the work. It is important to have a licensed contractor on site with volunteers. The softball program could be an example of what the College could do in other areas. It was noted in order to keep the field in good condition; water must be extended out to the field. The absence of a bathroom is a concern, also. Tracy Morris brought forward the idea of using the Dickinson field in Oglesby for this year until improvements could be made on the baseball field. The cost of using the Dickinson field would be $3,250 for the season. Oglesby would set up the field and the equipment would be provided by the City of Oglesby. In order for the baseball team to play on the Dickinson field, Dr. Morris needs approval from the Board and then she would need approval from the NJCAA. This process is time sensitive. The concern was that other groups use the field and if there was a conflict in schedules, IVCC would have to use its own field and still pay for the Dickinson field. Dr. Corcoran will contact Oglesby to find out if there is a conflict in schedules. Athletic facilities will be another topic for the Board Retreat.
The Cultural Centre Stage Extension is not a Protection, Health and Safety Project. The sound consultant noted that if the Board wanted this option of extending the stage another 11 ft. over the orchestra pit, there were concerns that it could change the acoustics. Therefore, if the Board wants the extension, it should be in place before the acoustic study. Ms. Olivero still had concerns with not increasing the coaches’ salaries, not filling positions, and struggling with wants and needs. Mr. Steve Alvin stated at a minimum the College needs a sound system in the Cultural Centre. The College is opening a brand new building and the Cultural Centre is a part of it and it is not functional. Ms. Olivero just wanted to see a less expensive solution to the sound system problem. Mr. Rimmele will look at other options to save on the cost.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery, seconded by Ms. Bonucci, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.