October 16, 2012 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Melissa M. Olivero, Vice Chair
Michael C. Driscoll
Larry D. Huffman
David O. Mallery (telephonically until 7:08 p.m. and then physically entered the meeting)
Members Absent
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt, Secretary
James A. Narczewski
Britney Burkart, Student Trustee
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Interim Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
In the absence of Leslie Englehaupt, Dr. Larry Huffman was appointed to serve as Secretary Pro-Tem.
The consent agenda item 6.5 – Purchase Request-Utility Vehicle was revised to correctly reflect the age of the current utility vehicle (five years old vs. three years old as previously presented). It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the amended agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Olivero to approve the consent agenda with the one minor modification, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – September18, 2012 Board Meeting, September 27, 2012 Planning Committee Meeting, and October 3, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting
Approval of the Bills - $1,793,542.25
Education Fund - $992,115.47; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $132,432.77; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $3,498.38; Auxiliary Fund - $481,865.02; Restricted Fund - $38,045.65; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $145,584.96
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending September 8, 2012 and September 22, 2012
Purchase Request – Utility Vehicle
Authorized the purchase of a Polaris Ranger 800 XP utility vehicle through the Illinois Joint Purchasing Program at a cost of $13,000.
Dr. Corcoran reported the following construction update has been prepared by Cheryl Roelfsema: Roofing (except for the Cultural Centre) is 100 percent complete; window framing and installation is in progress; stoops were poured last week; and masonry work is 95 percent rubbed and caulked. First floor mechanical piping is in progress; corridor framing is wrapping up; and polished concrete grinding is in progress. Second floor plumbing rough-in is complete; sprinkler and electrical rough-in is wrapping up; and drywall installation is in progress. The maintenance building concrete slab has been poured and temporary tie-in for fiber and fire alarm is complete. Overall, everything is moving along nicely. Dr. Corcoran thanked Cheryl Roelfsema and Gary Johnson for their oversight and attention to detail. He commended Fran Brolley, Donna Swiskoski and Sue Monroe for a wonderful job of handling the September 20 donor wall rededication event, which preceded the annual scholarship recognition program. Dr. Corcoran encouraged everyone who has not seen the new-and-improved donor wall display to do so. He congratulated Monica Near and Sarah Partington for being recognized for 10 years of Dislocated Worker Center service at the local workforce development awards banquet on October 2. Student Government Association freshmen elections were held on September 20-21 and the voters elected Matthew Mone, April Kutz and Jenna Sobin to represent them. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Matthew, April and Jenna for stepping forward into their new leadership roles. Dr. Scroggs, Fran Brolley and Dr. Corcoran met with Cory Tomasson and the entire SGA last week and were really impressed with the group and their fundraising goals for so many worthy causes. Eighteen of the district’s high schools were represented at the Counselors Connection program held at IVCC on October 5. Just like last year, Renee Prine and Dr. Tracy Morris were commended for leading a team that coordinated this very successful event. On that same day, Glenna Jones and her Professional Development Committee handled all of the details for employee enrichment activities for administrative and support staff, while Sue Isermann, Dr. Lori Scroggs, Sue Caley-Opsal, Adam Oldaker, Laura Hodgson and Dawn Wiggins worked with the LaSalle County ROE officials on this year’s fall-in-service program, which brought high school and IVCC faculty together to talk about college and career readiness. Glenna Jones, Sue Isermann and Dr. Scroggs reported that all of the day’s program objectives were met. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Connie Skerston for leading a group that handled all of the details which made last week’s College Night a big success—approximately 50 colleges and universities were represented by staff who met with 381 students and their families. Dr. Corcoran thanked Mark Grzybowski for leading a team of faculty, staff and administrators that organized today’s Student Appreciation Day program. The last few weeks have been pretty productive for IVCC. Along with the usual fine job that the employees do of serving constituents on a daily basis, IVCC received the good news that it will receive approximately $500,000 from a Department of Labor grant in order to support programs aimed at preparing students to pursue careers in manufacturing. This opportunity came about as a result of being a member of the Illinois Network of Advanced Manufacturing Consortium. Lots of people deserve credit for this project including Jennifer Scheri, Sue Isermann, Jamie Gahm, Sara Escatel, Dr. Elaine Novak, Tim Bias, Paul Leadingham, Jim Gibson, and Dr. Lori Scroggs. IVCC also received confirmation from MAG IAS and Caterpillar that the MAG-CAT-IVCC partnership will result in major equipment donations to the Peter Miller Community Technology Center and training opportunities that can place IVCC students in the enviable position of working in high demand fields for world-class manufactures. The people who made this partnership dream become a reality are alumni Dan Janka, Jim Blass, and Brian Krzyaniak, retired hall of fame instructor Don Haas, current manufacturing technology program coordinator and instructor, Tim Bias, Jennifer Scheri and Fran Brolley. There are always lots of people to thank whenever these kinds of historic announcements are made, however, Dr. Corcoran asked that it be clearly noted in the minutes from tonight’s meeting that the College would not be celebrating these accomplishments were it not for the IVCC Board of Trustees’ willingness to move forward with building a new Community Technology Center and filling it with cutting-edge technology and equipment so that the College has a first-class teaching and learning environment to compliment its award-winning faculty. He stated in his email to the Board dated October 5, because of their dedication to IVCC, the College is now well positioned for the future and tens of thousands of students will benefit.
Dr. Driscoll reported on the Planning Committee Meeting held on Thursday, September 27. The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) was reviewed and concerns were identified with declines in the Academic Challenge and Student-Faculty Interaction categories. It was suggested taking these two categories and generating Key Performance Indicators for them. The National Community College Benchmarking Project Report which allows the 267 participating colleges an opportunity to compare themselves with others on over 140 measures was reviewed. IVCC was in the top 15 percent of students who have completed, transferred, or completed or transferred in both three- and six-year timeframes. This is significant. Dr. Driscoll noted areas of concern – Developmental/Remedial Course Retention and Success Rates. Current retention and success rates are between 60 and 70 percent and he does not believe this is acceptable and programs should be put in place to address this. MyMathLab and MyMathTest are two programs that have been initiated. Dr. Driscoll does not want to be complacent because IVCC is the same as the other community colleges. IVCC’s cost per credit hour is the lowest in the state and Dr. Driscoll is proud of this. The Committee reviewed the Program Review Report in which programs are reviewed and evaluated on a five-year cycle. The Committee would like to see opportunities of improvement for every program so that the best programs continue to get better. Dr. Driscoll noted that the machining program had low enrollments. With all the good work done by the administration and donations from MAG/CAT, there is a need to market this program. The whole community needs to know. A good marketing tool would be to have the students who obtained internships through MAG IAS come back and talk about their experience. The College needs to partner with the CME group that supported the INAM grant. Part of this grant, with the 18 other community colleges, is to ladder a CPT credential where the student obtains a job and then takes courses for more specific training.
The Facilities Committee meeting was held on Wednesday, October 3. Mr. Thompson reported the items on the agenda were the Protection, Health, and Safety projects for Tax Year 2012 and the Community Technology Center recognition plaques which are both addressed in tonight’s meeting.
An Audit/Finance Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, October 9. Randy Ragan and Tara Leja from McGladrey Assurance, Tax, and Consulting firm walked through the pertinent pages of the Audit. Each board member received a copy of the Audit at the board meeting. No material weaknesses were identified, no significant deficiencies were identified, no significant deficiencies in internal controls were identified, no instances of noncompliance, and no significant deficiencies in administering federal awards. The College received a good audit and the Committee was pleased with the results. The Committee was given parameters on the tax levy for 2012. The other five items on the agenda for the Audit/Finance Committee meeting are addressed in the meeting tonight.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the three Protection, Health, and Safety projects as presented for a combined total cost of $1,365,377, and authorize submission of the appropriate resolutions for each to the Illinois Community College Board. The three projects are:
Building C Boiler Room Updates - $656,120
Facility Door Hardware/Keying Upgrades - $547,239
Exterior Egress Concrete Replacement - $162,018
The motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Olivero to authorize Dr. Jerry Corcoran to begin preparing the 2012 tax levy. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the purchase of the Nanalysis NMReady 60P Spectrometer Package from Nanalysis Corporation in the amount of $26,015.89. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller, as presented. This program allows units of local government to collect outstanding debt in coordination with the Illinois Office of the Comptroller (IOC). The College will provide an electronic data list of outstanding debt to the IOC and the amount due to the College will be deducted from the delinquent individual or organization’s income tax refunds or any checks from the IOC. Garnishment is involved. The bad debt money stems from the College refunding the students and then the students drop and the College is responsible for refunding the money to the federal government. The bad debt totals $108,000. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the City of LaSalle, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the design and layout of the two plaques for the Peter Miller Community Technology Center, as described. The first plaque is specified in the Capital Development Board project. The second plaque will be paid for from College funds with an estimated cost of $2,500. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve a 1.5 percent increase to the athletic salary schedule for the academic year of 2012-2013, as presented. The increase is approximately $100 per coach.
Mr. Mallery entered the meeting at 7:08 p.m.
Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Mallery to convene a closed session at 7:10 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes. Motion carried by voice vote.
Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Mr. Mallery, Ms. Olivero, and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – None, motion carried
After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 7:12 p.m. On a motion by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman, the regular meeting resumed at 7:48 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the Resolution to file a request to intervene with the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board with regard to the appeal made by Marquis Energy LLC for the 2009 assessment year, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Thompson to release the closed session minutes for the meetings of November 15, 2000 (Personnel Matters), January 28, 2010 (Employee Performance), November 16, 2010 (Closed Session Minutes Committee), September 20, 2011 (Retroactive Pay for Security), and June 19, 2012 (Truck Driver Training Trainer/Specialist/Site Facilitator to part-time Trainer Specialist and FY13 Compensation for Employees not Affected by a Labor Agreement). Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the September 18, 2012 meeting. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero, seconded by Mr. Thompson, and carried unanimously to
adjourn the meeting at 8 p.m.