February 21, 2012 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Melissa M. Olivero, Vice Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt, Secretary
Michael C. Driscoll
Larry D. Huffman
David O. Mallery (Mr. Mallery entered the meeting at 6:57 p.m.)
Brad Cockrel, Student Trustee

Members Absent

James A. Narczewski

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Walt Zukowski, Attorney


Mr. Dennis Thompson requested Board Items 13 and 16 be moved after Board Item 19.  It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the amended agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.




Dr. Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development and Bob Mattson, Director of Institutional Research were asked by the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois State Board of Education to attend four different regional meetings around the State and talk about what IVCC is doing to develop collaboration with high schools in bridging the gap between high school student preparedness and college expectations.  They identified past initiatives, current initiatives, and initiatives they would like to try.  Initiatives that have been in place include a counselor connection (brings together counselors from district high schools and IVCC counselors to discuss changes and emerging issues), high school and department conversations (workshops among high school and college math departments or English departments), dual credit at 19 of 22 high schools, the running start pilot program, early release scheduling (high school students are released to attend dual enrollment courses at IVCC), and Skype with high school counselors (allows students access to IVCC counselors).  New initiatives are strategy meetings with high school administrators, common core workshops, joint in-service programs, high school to IVCC feedback report (provides high schools with data specific to their students attending IVCC), and high school graduate tracking (provides high schools with data on the educational attainment of their graduates up to six years beyond graduation).  Initiatives that IVCC would like to try include performance by subject and high school attainment, increased alignment between dual credit and campus instructors, diagnostics at high schools, and Illinois Interactive Report Card Collaboration.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Olivero to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – January 11, 2012 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting; January 17, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting; and January 17, 2012 Board Meeting.

Approval of the Bills - $1,804,025.32

Education Fund - $1,346,400.94; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $80,524.81; Operations and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) $156,674.32; Auxiliary Fund - $159,274.22; Restricted Fund - $31,438.53; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $29,712.50.

Treasurer’s Report


Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending January 14, 2012 and January 28, 2012.

Request for Proposals – Audit Services

Granted permission to seek proposals for auditing services for the College.

Request for Proposals – Bank Depository and Services for Operating Funds

Granted permission to seek proposals for bank depository and services for the operating account.

Request – Copier Lease Extension

Approved the extension of the existing lease with Illinois Valley Business Equipment, Inc. for nine (9) copiers for one (1) year.


Dr. Corcoran reported that construction has begun, construction trailers have arrived, temporary fencing is in place, and parking is not as convenient for many as it used to be.  Over the next few weeks, the contractor will be working on a hallway to connect to the new temporary entrance near admissions and records and financial aid – the new entrance is scheduled to open April 5. Several older trees will soon be removed in addition to the younger ones that were relocated last fall. Work on the geothermal field will begin the week of March 5 (removal of topsoil; week of March 12 – drilling begins). This project will take approximately two months. Overall, things are going well and the College asks for patience during this interesting chapter in its history.  Since the last board meeting, Dr. Corcoran has heard Lt. Governor Sheila Simon speak three times: January 19 at the City Club of Chicago, February 8 to a number of college and university presidents at the Governor’s Mansion in Springfield, and on February 9 at the launching of the Illinois Pathways Initiative in Bloomington. Although her comments were specific to each audience, one message was consistently clear and that is she is convinced that community colleges must play an even greater role in preparing students to enter the workforce with the required skills for the increasing number of jobs that will require a college certificate or degree. The report she has prepared as a result of her visiting all 48 community colleges is entitled “Focus on the Finish” which encourages community colleges to shift their focus from access to completion. A one-page summary of the report with recommendations was provided to each board member with the link to Lt. Governor’s website where the full report can be found.  Dr. Corcoran encouraged board members to read it at their convenience because there are clear implications for IVCC.  Cathy Buck, IVCC’s Career Services Specialist, has developed a job shadowing program for IVCC students and a workplace mentor-handbook that describes the program which was provided to each board member. The plan is to first pilot it for a short period internally and then expand the program to involve employers in the IVCC district. What makes this program exciting is that it came to the administration from ongoing discussions with students. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Cathy and her supervisor, Tracy Morris, for a job well done.  Last month, the Popular Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2011 was distributed to board members on behalf of Cheryl Roelfsema and Pat Berry.  Dr. Corcoran encouraged all board members if they have not had time to read it just yet, to do so. The idea behind it is to take quite a bit of what’s included in the College’s comprehensive annual financial report and present it in an easy-to-read format for all college stakeholders. This is the College’s first year of preparing such a report as part of the GFOA certification program. To the best of Dr. Corcoran’s knowledge, IVCC and Oakton Community College are the only Illinois community colleges that produce such a report and he remembers very well from the position he held prior to being named president that Oakton was always viewed as the leader in college financial reporting.  The tip of the hat is in order to Cheryl and Pat in striving for continuous improvement.  Dr. Corcoran reported that Drew McConville and Bob Mattson have updated IVCC Quick Facts as of December 2011.  He thanked them for this very handy reference.  Ron Groleau has advised that Mike Phillips will be presenting a paper later this year in North Carolina at the Geological Society of America annual conference entitled “T83. Issues in Geology and Public Policy: A Clash of Cultures/An Intersection of Interests.”


Ms. Olivero and Dr. Huffman were asked to work with the administration on an affordable solution to relocate the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Center before the current Center on campus was razed for east campus renovations.  Meetings with representatives of interested entities in developing a facility to meet the early childhood education needs in the area resulted in a collaborative endeavor to construct a new facility (LaSalle CARES).  Various alternatives have been explored for funding of such a facility.  In the meantime, LaSalle Elementary offered IVCC the use of space at Jackson School for the ECE Center.  This move was to take place the summer of 2012.  There were doubts expressed about the number of IVCC students who would utilize the Center at Jackson School.  A survey was conducted of existing students and apparently there is not enough interest in using the Jackson School.  Only three of the current 18 students indicated they would attend the ECE Center at Jackson School.  Diane Christianson and Marianne Dzik recommended discontinuing the ECE Center.  There will be adequate clinicals in the community for IVCC students of the Early Childhood Education program. Ms. Olivero expressed her disappointment when originally the Board had indicated the Center would continue.  Dr. Huffman stated IVCC needs to stay involved in the LaSalle CARES project.  It has long-term benefits in the community and could benefit from IVCC’s expertise.  Ms. Christianson stressed the fact that the parents of students need to have an answer as to whether the Center will continue as registration is being conducted at other centers.  There was consensus among the Board to close the Center.  This will be acted upon at the March board meeting.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to adopt the resolution designating the fiscal year be from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.  Motion passed by voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to adopt the resolution designating Dr. Jerry Corcoran as the District’s officer appointed to prepare the tentative budget.   Motion passed by voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the budget calendar, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Cockrel to approve the tentative FY2013 Board of Trustees Budget, as presented.  Dr. Driscoll asked if the Board could cut the printing costs.  Mr. Thompson suggested not printing the budget and RAMP reports for everyone.  It was suggested the Board go paperless, but other board members like the board book to take notes.  It was suggested the documents be placed in searchable format on the Board website.  Dr. Driscoll stated in light of the economy, the Board should do everything it can to challenge themselves.  The Board should lead by example and curtail some of the travel.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Dr. Huffman to accept with regret Greg Oseland’s request for retirement effective June 30, 2012 and wish him a long, happy, and healthy retirement.   Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to add fees for 10 new courses, add fees to 2 existing courses, increase fees for 154 courses, reduce fees for 55 courses, and set tuition for two new truck driver training courses at $900 for TDT2210 – Equipment Refresher Training and $500 for TDT2275 – Truck Driver Permit Testing, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the City of Peru, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the iFiber Services Agreement for Community Anchor Institutions between iFiber, Illinois Fiber Resources Group and Illinois Valley Community College with annual connection fees of $7,200 per year for the main campus, and $7,200 per year for the Ottawa Center.  The College does have an obligation to buy out the remaining three years of the AT&T five-year contract.  Harold Barnes indicated AT&T would only enter into a five-year agreement; but when the agreement is discontinued, he will try to work out an agreement on the remaining years.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to authorize the College to officially notify the employees of the JATC Local Union 176 (Michael J. Clemmons and Brian K. Phillips) of the Reduction in Force.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the IVCC and the IVCC Foundation Fund Transfer Agreement, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Olivero to approve an increase in tuition by $8.25, from $76.13 to $84.38 per credit hour beginning with the summer 2012 semester. Ms. Olivero expressed the need to raise tuition to qualify for equalization funding.  She stated the College is artificially keeping the tuition low.  Opening the new CTC building and keeping the tuition low could result in a shortfall of the budget closing programs or cutting employees.  She does not want the College to compromise the quality of the institution.  The average tuition of all neighboring community colleges is $100 – even Shawnee Community College’s tuition is $10 more than IVCC.  The taxpayers have been asked to step up, the administration has cut costs, and the State is not getting richer.  The students are receiving a great value at a great institution.  Mr. Thompson stated everyone cherishes the value of education at IVCC.  With minimal increases, the College could find itself short.  Fund balances will be decreasing over the next few years.  Auditors talk about fund balances that should be maintained, ranging from 125 percent to 25 percent.  IVCC has been very conservative maintaining the lower end with no program issues or quality issues.  Mr. Thompson suggested the Audit/Finance Committee begin taking a look at future years.  Dr. Huffman suggested having a retreat to discuss finances.  He stated that none of the Board members like to raise tuition, but there is no money coming in.  When enrollments increased money came into the budget, but now that has gone to the wayside.  The Board needs to make sure the College has the resources to maintain quality services.  The administration has a real challenge to look at the staff, where cuts can be made, and what is available for financial resources for growth.  A strategic planning process is needed to determine where the College needs to be.  Dr. Driscoll stated every year there is a risk with the budget.  There is concern about the EAV, State of Illinois, CPPRT which is $400,000 less this year, and revenue streams funding the College.  In the future, cost control is going to be paramount.  The Board does not want to shift any of the burden to the tax payers.  The tax payers are paying more than their share compared to other colleges. Tuition is the only logical way to receive revenue.  Mr. Mallery responded to artificially capping the tuition low.  He sees the tuition as high.  Mr. Mallery believes there are places to cut that will not affect the quality of education.  The national trend is reduced tuition, more accountability, and less administrative costs.  He believes it is an approach worth looking at again.  He stated the College is pricing students out of college by tuition.  There are people not going to college because they can’t afford it.  Mr. Thompson noted that a decline in high school population could be a reason for a decline in students.  He is very happy with the IVCC marketing program, getting the message out.  Mr. Mallery noted that when the credit hours increased, more people were hired; he would like to see if the College could trim back staff.  Dr. Huffman noted that cuts have been happening.  The administration is working on it and he has faith in the administration.  He wants to maintain the quality of the institution.  There have been cuts on the number of courses offered.  Ms. Englehaupt was concerned when she is asked questions in the community about raising tuition and yet the College is constructing a new building, opened an Ottawa Center, and considering a wind turbine. She does not want to burden the students.  Mr. Thompson noted the new building is partly funded by the local taxpayers, but an even larger part by the State.  The Ottawa Center is an opportunity for students that may not have attended college at all and for economic reasons is a good thing.  Ms. Englehaupt stated the tuition increase is not astronomical and the College has exhausted two ways to raise revenues.  In response to Leslie’s concern of how to respond to the community, Dr. Huffman stated as a board member he does not have all the details, but he can contact Dr. Corcoran and he will get back to you.  The Board needs to make a decision on the information given even though it may not appear to be a good decision out in the public.

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Mr. Cockrel.  Roll Call Vote:  “Ayes” – Ms. Englehaupt, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Ms. Olivero and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – Mr. Mallery, motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Huffman to grant permission to seek proposals for a Wind Turbine Project Consultant. The Request For Proposals is not to buy a wind turbine; it is about reducing risk.  It was noted that there has not been a long history in Illinois, but the generators are more efficient.  In some states, the electricity that is produced is sold at a very decent rate back to the utilities.  That is not the case in Illinois.  Mr. Mallery was concerned that maintenance and insurance was not included in the feasibility study and with a payback of ten years and the maintenance and insurance not included, there would be no savings to the College.  He also noted that the wind would have to average 6.19 miles per hour to be effective; and according to the charts, the speed of wind does not exceed 6.19 miles on a regular basis.  If the 6.19 number is flawed, the College could lose money.  It was noted that the consultant would compile all the data and variables and study it.  If there is positive cash flow, less money would be spent on utilities and more money towards education.  The payback period does not take into consideration the success of the capital campaign.  The consultant would also be helping the College with the environmental study.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Dr. Huffman reminded board members to complete the open meetings training, print the certificate, and submit to the President’s office.

Mr. Mallery noted when a student destroys college property; the person should no longer be a student.  Dr. Huffman noted it is a disciplinary matter and must meet certain criteria.  If it doesn’t meet the criteria, then they are not dismissed.

Ms. Englehaupt attended Sophomore Night for women’s and men’s basketball at the College.  She was very impressed with the players’ grade point averages.  It was noted that one athlete was listed as a freshman but participated in the dual credit program in high school and will graduate in May.  This speaks well for dual credit and the quality of the student athletes.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to convene a closed session at 8:32 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes.  Motion passed by voice vote.

The Board entered closed session at 8:40 p.m.  On a motion by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman, the regular meeting resumed at 9:27 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve and retain the minutes of the January 17, 2012 closed session meeting with the amendments suggested.  Motion passed by voice vote.


A new maintenance building is part of the Community Instructional Center Project Phase II.  Originally, the maintenance building was planned to be 6,000 sq. ft.  It was later revised to 5,000 sq. ft.  Due to budget constraints, it was approved and incorporated into the schematic design as a 2,500 sq. ft. building.  The Facilities Department is struggling with how to make this smaller building work for them with their current needs.  The administration believes it would be short-sighted to not at least consider an alternative bid for a 5,000 sq. ft. building.  There was concern with always relying on contingency funds; but if there is any money left at the end of the project and it is not obligated, the money is returned to the State.  Another concern was the fact that the project is already over budget in Phase I and there is fear there will be no money for Phase III.  The Capital Development Board has confirmed there will be no problem with changing the size of the building.  The Facilities Department would like all equipment in one place and all under cover. 

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Mr. Cockrel.  Roll Call Vote:  “Ayes” – Ms. Englehaupt, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Ms. Olivero and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – Mr. Mallery, motion carried.


Dr. Corcoran announced Bill and Dian Taylor have pledged $100,000 for the purchase of technology and equipment to enhance the services of the Student Development Commons.  At the March Board meeting, it will be recommended to approve the pledge agreement.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Cockrel, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.