January 17, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

David O. Mallery, Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Dennis N. Thompson

Other Board Members Physically Present

Larry D. Huffman

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Mr. Mallery, committee chair. 


Three bids were received for the Capital Development Board (CDB) slope stabilization project.  The highest bid was $177,800 and the lowest bid was $101,900 from Len Trovero Construction.  If the base bid, the two alternates, and the ten percent contingency were accepted, the College would exceed the amount available for construction ($114,800) by $4,693.  The funds are available through the Capital Renewal Funds.  Reducing the contingency to five percent allows the College to complete all of the parts of this project.  If the project goes over the five percent contingency, IVCC would make up the difference from its operating funds.  This item was presented to the Board at its December meeting; but because it was not on the agenda, the Board was in consensus to send a letter to CDB to move forward with the project with the low bidder and lower the contingency from ten percent to five percent.  The Board will formally approve it at the January meeting.


Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities, and Dan Adrian of Chamlin & Associates toured the slopes and ravings to the north and west of the campus buildings.  Due to projects connected with the Community Technology Center and the above CDB project, the engineer does not believe erosion in the north ravine should be a future concern.  In regard to the west ravine, two priorities were identified.  The first priority was repairing the dam and the second priority was constructing an access road for construction and future maintenance purposes and placing rock ditch checks at intervals along the bottom of the ravine channel.  Two options were given for repairing the dam for the west ravine.  The first option is for a dry bottom detention and to remove the entire dam, construct a keyway, and replace the earthen dam.  If soil boring information supported not removing and replacing the existing dam, the cost would be much less.  The second option is to restore the lake by removing trees and clearing the former lake area, removing the entire dam, constructing a keyway, and replacing the earthen dam.  If soil boring information supported not removing and replacing the existing dam, the cost again would be much less.  Storage capacity calculations need to be done before a decision is made.  If the College has a lake, Department of Natural Resources would have to make inspections.  Advantages of having a lake include an educational opportunity for students to take water samples and there is a habitat advantage.  It would not necessarily have to be deep or large.  It was the consensus of the committee to move forward with soil borings.


The administration prepared a list of potential capital improvement projects.  The top five Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) projects on the list were approved for the tax year 2011 levy.  The next project was elevators for buildings A, C, and E.  This project will be on hold until after the administration sees how the funding ends up with Community Instructional Center project.  In the end, this project could be funded by PHS funds.  The list is not a list of recommendations; it is a list that needs to be monitored each year.  The project to add the lift station and city lift station to an emergency generator is to alleviate problems when the College loses power.  The project to secure courtyard ramp entrances/exists could be a problem if a student exited a building after hours and the courtyard was locked.  It was suggested to install call buttons at the gates that would be connected to security or tie the call button to the fire alarm system.  The thermographic and energy study project will not be in the modification for the new building.  This is in Phase III of the project.  It is on hold and the administration will pursue grant funding at a later date.  It was suggested the addition of proximity readers and re-keying projects be done at the same time to save costs.  It was also suggested to do the replacement of the underground water fire lines and hydrants with the sprinkler system, using the same contractor and possibly cutting costs. The exit signs are on hold until the signage is complete for the new building.   The non-PHS capital projects are prioritized by the number of students impacted and how large of a security issue.  Enclosing the Learning Commons is securing the equipment and the students and employees in the Learning Commons.  When it is time for the Board to approve the PHS projects, there will be an updated list.


Adding Peter Miller’s name to the Community Technology Center’s east entrance will constitute a change order.  The Capital Development Board will have to consider if the price should be included in the cost of the building.  Mr. Basalay requested the IVCC administration send an email to him requesting the sign be changed and he will put together drawings with the name to be added and any electrical requirements needed.  He will then request a price from the contractor.  A bronze plaque will be hung at the front entrance with both names, Peter Miller, Jr. and Peter Miller III with a picture of each and a few lines about them.  The administration will work with Paul Basalay on the proper recognition.


Reed Wilson reviewed the wind turbine project with the IVCC Audit/Finance Committee on January 11, 2012.  The Committee was in consensus to continue exploring the feasibility of the project by applying for a major grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation for approximately $930,000 and moving ahead with a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select an energy company with which to contract for the wind turbine project should the Board of Trustees eventually decide to proceed with the project.  The RFP would provide additional information that would be needed before an informed decision could be made.  It would provide valuable details about the project’s finances, performance guarantees, ongoing maintenance requirements, electric rate projections and more.  The RFP will ask the responding company to provide the upfront costs to cover the environmental study.  Companies are willing to do this as a cost for doing business should they receive the contract when it comes to that point.  Environmental studies may cost as much as $50,000.  Cheryl Roelfsema has talked to three companies and she feels there could be a number of proposals for the Board of Trustees to consider.  The specifications will be brought to the whole Board for approval at the February Board meeting.  It was suggested to include decommissioning and recommissioning in the RFP for a future value assessment and compare it to the savings of the power.  The payback for the wind turbine project is approximately ten years.  Mr. Wilson would like to get that number a little lower.  The College would also receive reimbursement from power companies for access power.  Thirty percent would have to be sold as opposed to being used on campus.  This rate has been very stable for a time and it would be better if it was used on campus.  The Audit/Finance Committee also reviewed the progress being made towards financing the wind turbine project. The cost of the total project is approximately $5 million. A surplus wind turbine has been located amounting to approximately $1 million in savings.  The College is expecting a $930,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation and additional funding is being sought from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.  The College is seeking $650,000 in private sector contributions through the Community Technology Center capital campaign.  With the above funding, the cost to IVCC for construction of the wind turbine has been reduced to approximately 50 percent.  The Audit/Finance Committee has given approval to move forward and the Facilities Committee was also in consensus to move forward with no commitment at this time.  Any ideas to be included in the RFP should be directed to Cheryl Roelfsema.  If possible, the Board would like to see the RFP before it is placed in the February Board book.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery, seconded by Ms. Englehaupt, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.