April 3, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

David O. Mallery, Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Dennis N. Thompson (entered the meeting at 5:15 p.m.)

Other Board Members Physically Present

Larry D. Huffman

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect

The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Mr. Mallery.


The bid documents for Phase 2 of the Community Instructional Center Project are due to be released on April 12, 2012 with bid openings on May 10, 2012 for assigned contractors and May 17, 2012 for a general contractor.  This phase of the project includes the demolition of the east campus buildings and reconstruction of parts of Buildings 5 and 10 along with a maintenance facility.  Included in the bid documents are four alternate bids.  There were concerns that additional space was needed for the maintenance building and the Capital Development Board is acceptable to adding it to the scope, but the money spent on the addition and the other three alternates will reduce the money available for Phase 3.  The bid documents will list the alternates and the Board will approve what will be awarded.  The administration recommended the following alternates in order of preference:  1) Construction of the Maintenance Building; 2) Addition to Maintenance Building; 3) Replace/pave service drive to Maintenance Building; and 4) Entry towers for additions to Welding/Auto Shop.  There was consensus by the Facilities Committee to include the four alternates in the above order in the bid documents.


The Community College Capital Resource Allocation Management Program (RAMP) is the official request of each college for state funding for capital improvements.  The RAMP request for the Additions and Renovations to Buildings C and G was initially submitted to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) on June 28, 2010 and will be resubmitted for FY2014, pending Board approval.  The FY2013 total cost of the project was $8,208,000, with the cost share of $6,156,000 in State funds and $2,052,000 in local funding.  The inflation rate for FY2014 has not yet been released by the ICCB.  There was consensus to recommend the submission of the RAMP request to the Board for approval.


As part of the Community Technology Center Capital Campaign, a brick walkway was proposed as an option for donor recognition.  There would be approximately 1,000 bricks available for donor names.  There would be a concrete subsurface to help minimize heaving along with proper drainage.  The foundation will collect the money as part of the capital campaign and the money would be used to offset any additional costs of the walkway.  The minimum donation for a brick would be $100.  Mr. Mallery noted that this gives other stakeholders in the community, who are less fortunate to make a large donation for naming rights of offices and wings, an opportunity to participate in the capital campaign.  There was consensus by the committee to move forward with this brick walkway project.


The University of Illinois Extension programs are aimed at making life better, healthier, safer and more profitable for individuals and their communities.  In recent years the Extension Service has been reorganized and a Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall and Putnam County Extension district was formed.  Ms. Jill Guynn, the local Extension director, contacted IVCC seeking to lease space for its operation to reach new audiences and to partner with IVCC in educational projects.  On the IVCC campus, there will be three educators (family life, development, and community and economic development) along with Ms. Guynn and a secretary.  The space will include four offices and a meeting room.  The Extension will maintain their other offices in Henry, Ottawa, and Princeton.  The financial aid area (which will move to the new building) would be the most suitable space for the needs of the Extension.  Initial discussions regarding rent were positive.  The University of Illinois Extension serves approximately 60,000 constituents each year.  There was consensus among the Facilities Committee to move forward with the utilization plan.


The Board has had recent discussions on how to proceed with the dam on the west ravine.  Chamlin and Associates provided a proposal of $22,900 for civil engineering services to investigate and analyze the integrity of the dam.  In order to move forward with the dam project and do it right, the borings and the geotechnical report must be completed.  There was consensus among the Facilities Committee to proceed with Chamlin and Associates’ proposal as presented. 


Mr. Gary Johnson has been working with the Soil Conservation District to help with the waterways and terraces on the College’s farm land.  Part of the work has a 90 percent reimbursement under one program and the remaining work has a 60 percent reimbursement.  The cost to the College would be a little over $5,000.  The waterways have spread out and are too wide and the terraces need to be restructured to drain correctly.  Mr. Mallery asked about planting trees.  The College had enrolled in this program, but was unable to plant because of the flood system.  The ground is ready and Mr. Johnson is investigating to see if the College can obtain trees from the State.   There was consensus among the Facilities Committee to proceed with the waterways and terraces as soon as possible so as not to interfere with the farm tenant.


It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt, seconded by Mr. Thompson, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 5:33 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.