May 20, 2011 Planning Committee Meeting
The Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 in the Board Room-C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
Michael C. Driscoll, Committee Chair
Melissa M. Olivero
James A. Narczewski
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Robert Mattson, Director of Institutional Research
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Dr. Driscoll.
The committee reviewed the policy on suspension. Dr. Driscoll asked that checks and
balances be included in the policy. If an individual has an issue, it should be discussed
with his/her manager first and then the manager should discuss it with human resources.
If they think there is merit to the concern and the president agrees, it will then
go to the board. Dr. Corcoran will incorporate language into the policy addressing
this concern and the policy will be on the agenda for the May board meeting as a first
The Civil Union law will go into effect soon and the administration identified board policies that require modification to comply with the law and/or need clarification. The committee supported the changes.
At the last board meeting, it was noted that the term “direct family member” was not defined in the third paragraph of the policy. A statement was added to refer to Board Policy 3.24 for the definition of direct family member. The committee was in agreement.
The strategic goals and objectives were approved by the Board in June 2009 before
Lori Scroggs was employed as Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.
Dr. Scroggs was concerned that the objectives were not measurable and did not have
measures assigned to each of the goals. A group of staff have been working on key
performance indicators. Dr. Scroggs reworded the measures and added some to make
them broad enough for measurement. These have not been approved by the Board. An
SLPC meeting was held last week after the material was sent out. Objective 1.3 was
changed to: Improve student preparedness for college and the workplace career readiness. The goals have not changed, just the objectives. The key point is continuous quality
improvement. The goal today is to be better tomorrow by measurements of the financials,
tuition costs, and helping students to succeed. These are the main categories in
which to improve. A motion by Ms. Olivero, seconded by Mr. Narczewski to present
the goals and objectives for Board approval was passed unanimously.
The preparation process for the systems portfolio and an excerpt from IVCC Systems Portfolio Category 1 Narrative Section was reviewed by the committee. The systems portfolio is the College’s self study document and requires assessment of quality processes in nine different categories. The last time IVCC submitted a systems portfolio was in May of 2007. Once it is sent in, a team of appraisers review it, analyze it, formulate a report, and send it back with the College’s strengths (S or SS) and opportunities (O or OO) for improvement. If the College receives outstanding opportunities (OO) for improvement, there is a need to address these quickly. The report should arrive in August or September. Dr. Scroggs reported an outstanding group of people have been working on this document. Each person from the accreditation team has taken one or more categories, created the narrative, brought it back to the team for editing, and then it is edited again by faculty members. Dr. Scroggs provided a sample chart of one category that describes the measures and the type of instrument used. Dr. Scroggs anticipates many strengths and possibly many opportunities to improve. Continuous quality improvement is a journey that helps the College determine new strategic objectives. As the College is finishing the systems portfolio, Dr. Scroggs wanted the Planning Committee to know what to expect when the appraisal document arrives. This document will be reviewed by the Planning Committee.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski, seconded by Dr. Driscoll, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 5:58 p.m.