May 27, 2010 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, 2010 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Thomas C. Setchell, Vice Chair
Michael C. Driscoll
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Larry D. Huffman
Melissa M. Olivero
David Zallis, Student Trustee
Members Absent
David O. Mallery, Secretary (entered the Closed Session at 8:30 p.m.)
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Ms. Emily Vescogni, Director of Learning Technologies, and Mr. Harold Barnes, Director of Information and Technology Services, presented an update of the Information Technology Strategic Plan. IVCC will begin the transition from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook Web Access (owa) email in June and the Novell Active Directory will be replaced with the Windows Active Directory. It was reported that the wireless network has expanded throughout the campus and more bandwidth has been added. Enrollments in online courses continue to increase and retention grew steadily to 85.3 percent. The College continues to review options in the Learning Management System area with 43 percent of faculty using Blackboard. The College is experimenting with new technologies, including Skype, Text a Librarian, and Elluminate Live to communicate with students. A disaster recovery plan for the Information Technology Services department is being drafted and upcoming projects for FY2011 are in the planning stages subject to budget limitations.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – April 8, 2010 Facilities Committee Meeting and April 22, 2010 Board Meeting.
Approval of the Bills - $1,690,346.91
Education Fund - $920,556.68; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $146,268.55; Operations and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $297,910.81; Auxiliary Fund - $49,550.10; Restricted Fund - $275,482.88; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $577.89.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending April 24, 2010 and May 8, 2010.
Bid Results – Asphalt Pavement Repair, Sealing, and Markings
Authorized the administration to accept the bid from UC Paving, Inc., Peru, Illinois, in the amount of $24,182 for maintenance work to campus roadways and parking lots.
Bid Results – Security Surveillance System – Ottawa Center
Authorized the administration to accept the bid from Sound Incorporated, Naperville, IL, in the amount of $14,392 for a security surveillance system for the IVCC Ottawa Center.
Bid Results – Parking Lot and Roadway Lighting Control
Authorized the administration to accept the bid of $9,416.75 from Springfield Electric – Peru, IL, for a Square D PowerLink G3 Lighting Control System.
Bid Request – Heating Water Main Replacement Between Buildings C and G
Authorized the administration to seek bids to replace the water line between Buildings C and G at an estimated cost of $58,000.
Purchase Request – Ottawa Center Furniture
Authorized the administration to purchase furniture for the IVCC Ottawa Center from the following vendors through the General Services Administration, Illinois Public High Education Cooperative and The Cooperative Purchasing Network buying consortia:
Henricksen & Company – Peoria, IL $60,963.20
Krueger International – Green Bay, WI $38,958.00
Also authorized the administration to accept the quote for the IVCC Ottawa Center CNA Lab furniture from Pocket Nurse – Ambridge, PA, in the amount of $4,415.64 for the CNA lab.
Proposal Request – Ottawa Center Exterior/Interior Signage
Authorized the Board to seek proposals for exterior and interior signage for the IVCC Ottawa Center.
The end-of-the-spring semester report concluded that credit hours rose by 16 percent over spring 2009, headcount rose by 6 percent, and the population of individuals in the 31-40 age range was the largest increase of 14 percent. The enrollment trend for summer hours, which now begins the new fiscal year, continues upward. Wednesday, May 5th was the ICCTA’s annual Lobby Day event in Springfield and Dr. Corcoran thanked Trustee David Mallery for attending and participating in effective dialog with Senator Gary Dahl and Representatives Frank Mautino, Bob Pritchard, Keith Sommer, Donald Moffitt, and David Leitch. Personalized packets of information about IVCC were delivered to several other IVCC district legislators. The goal was not to ask for an increase in funding but rather to thank the legislators for the funding they’ve provided IVCC so far and show them what is being done with the resources. Dr. Corcoran congratulated the IVCC Lady Eagles Softball Team and coaches Cory Tomasson and assistant Brian Argubright on their stellar 30-win, 7-loss season. With a conference record of 18-2, IVCC won its first Arrowhead Conference championship since 2004, and advanced to the championship round of the Region IV tournament before finishing second. Jheri Emmerling, Erin Harcar, Amy Gumm, Mandy Towne, Mari McConnaughhay, Kristin Corcoran and Michelle Gubbels were named to the All-Arrowhead team. Subsequently, Harcar was named a second team NJCAA All-American and Corcoran a third team All-American. What is even more impressive is the fact that the overall GPA for this team was 3.05. Students in Rick Serafini's class taking part in Making Industry Meaningful in College (MIMIC) competition, utilizing a business simulation program called GLO-BUS, achieved some outstanding results this spring. During this year’s competition, IVCC’s MIMIC teams competed with business students at colleges and universities across the globe including graduate students, and the team of Richard Dodge, Lori Carbone, and Dezare Smith-Molina ended up being ranked 49th world-wide for their overall score and 13th worldwide for their Return on Average Equity score with a remarkable 64.8 percent return. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Professor Serafini and his students on a job well done. Dr. Corcoran and Reed Wilson met with the Princeton Industrial Commission in order to share with the group a recap of what IVCC is providing in terms of programs, services, and partnerships around the district and to encourage people on the west side of the district to explore partnership opportunities with the College in the future. They then met with Andrea Anderson and her staff at the Zearing Child Enrichment Center in Princeton in order to get some ideas of options to be considered as the College moves forward with plans for a community childcare center.
Dr. Corcoran thanked Glenna Jones, George Needs, and Paula Hallock in Human Resources for coordinating the recognition event on April 23rd. He commended Fran Brolley, Sue Monroe, and Donna Swiskoski for putting together an excellent hall of fame induction ceremony on April 24th. He reported the students in Koshu Jagasia’s International Composition classes presented tremendous evidence of what they learned this semester on the subject of “U.S. and India: Food, Water, and Energy” on April 27th and 28th. From May 3 through May 10, Amanda Bigelow’s students presented their final capstone projects on International Studies dealing with subjects like global human rights, global poverty, global disease and the environment. Walt Zukowski did a fine job as the keynote speaker at the LaSalle County Regional Office of Education awards banquet on May 6th. All of the college staff at Sheridan Correctional Center coordinated a meeting of program advisory committee members on May 7th, which had an impressive turnout of employees including Sue Isermann, Marianne Dzik, Tina Hardy, Bruce Hartmann, and Sharon Barthelemy, along with several representatives from local employers. Sue Isermann, Peggy Blair and Dr. Corcoran met with Illinois Department of Corrections officials in Springfield on May 13th to discuss contractual issues for next year relevant to programs and services for the incarcerated at Sheridan Correctional Center. Chris Herman, Cynthia Cardosi, and Donna Butikofer did a great job of planning the annual end-of-the-year dinner for Project Success students on May 14th. Pam Mammano and Dean Michael Gorman were commended for organizing the RN nurse pinning program on May 21st. Tracy Morris and Dr. Pearce were recognized for the terrific job they did in planning the commencement ceremony on May 21. Sara Escatel and her staff in Adult Education were recognized for planning the GED commencement event on May 24.
Childcare and Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee
Dr. Huffman referred to the summary prepared by Dr. Rick Pearce on the six options that were sustained as feasible for the childcare and early childhood education services once the existing center is demolished in 2011. Pros and cons on each option were identified and a memorandum of understanding is being recommended for action by the Board later in the meeting to identify a collaborative approach to services provided to students and parents for early childhood care and education in the Illinois Valley by the following parties: The City of LaSalle, LaSalle Elementary School District #122, Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley, Tri-County Opportunities Council Head Start, and IVCC.
Audit/Finance Committee
Mr. Setchell reported the Committee reviewed options for financing the local match commitment for the Community Instructional Center project. The Committee recommended issuing bonds in the fall of 2010 for $1,150,000 for five years and abating the first year’s tax levy by using the excess balance in the Bond and Interest Fund. The following year the tax levy would drop when the current bond issue is paid. This would keep the tax levy rate level for 2010, then a slight drop in 2011 and then remain level. The committee believes it is best not to spend the reserves in light of the State’s economy. In five years, IVCC could be debt free and have a new building. Budget assumptions were presented to the committee with two minor changes – increase in expenditures for health insurance and increase in revenues from the increase in the Exelon EAV. The committee is recommending to request proposals for a health care consultant to review the College’s current plan, develop new plans, and evaluate other plans. Two new positions were added in the budget due to high enrollments in English and the CNA program. Variable tuition was reviewed and discussed and the committee decided to leave this issue on the table for now and possibly discuss again in the future. The committee heard a report on the progress of the LaSalle County Broadband Initiative and the cost savings for educational institutions.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the Community Instructional Center Project Design Development Phases 1, 2, and 3 and authorize Basalay, Cary & Alstadt to proceed with Construction Documents for Phase 1. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve two Protection, Health, and Safety projects for tax year 2010: 1) Chemistry Lab Renovation Building E ($1,195,000) and 2) Security Office Relocation & Fire Alarm System Upgrade ($422,500) for a combined total cost of $1,617,500, and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution for each to the Illinois Community College Board. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Zallis to accept with regret the resignation of Dr. Manual Gomez, Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences, effective June 4, 2010. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to accept with regret the resignation of Ms. Juletta Patrick, Dean of Student Development, effective June 4, 2010. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Setchell to appoint Mr. Robert C. Mattson as the Director of Institutional Research at an annual salary of $47,000. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the full-time English instructor and CNA instructor positions, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the Paramedic Certificate as presented. There has been a change in the employment of more advanced trained EMT-Paramedic medical responders in the district. With this change, many of the ambulance services and fire departments need to have their personnel re-trained at the EMT-Paramedic level. This change in level of required training led to the decision by IVCC to propose the EMT-Paramedic Certificate curriculum to meet the needs of the community. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Ms. Olivero to approve the Information Technology Strategic Plan for FY2011 and the recommended equipment and software purchases required to carry out the plan. Purchases to be made according to approved purchasing practices, contingent upon the inclusion in and adoption of the FY2011 budget. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Olivero for the Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees to endorse the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation and Collaboration in Providing Early Childhood Education Services to Students and Parents. The Early Childhood Education advisory committee will be involved in the meetings. A plan will be developed and will be brought back to the Board for approval. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Zallis to approve the Agreement between Marquette Academy and Illinois Valley Community College, as presented. IVCC has been trying to partner with other schools to share resources to help with custodial services at the IVCC Ottawa Center. A tentative agreement has been reached where IVCC will establish a Running Start pilot program and Algebra Refresher pilot program for the benefit of Marquette Academy students in exchange whereby Academy employees would handle routine cleaning services at the IVCC Ottawa Center. Dr. Driscoll was impressed with the value of the pilot programs that could save a great deal of educational expense for the people in the district. Dr. Corcoran recognized Dr. Driscoll for bringing Marquette and IVCC together on this agreement and also recognized Dr. Pearce and Ms. Sue Isermann in piloting the two programs. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to enter into a Wind Turbine Construction Feasibility Study Agreement with Ameresco to provide the necessary equipment and professional services to complete the wind feasibility study for the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation. The MET tower will be installed south of the IVCC barn on July 8 and data will be collected for one year. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to convene a closed session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and 2) closed session minutes.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Zallis. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Ms. Olivero, Ms. Englehaupt, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Mr. Setchell, and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
The Board recessed at 7:38 p.m. The Board entered closed session at 7:45 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt, the regular meeting resumed at 9:10 p.m.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Zallis. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Ms. Olivero, Ms. Englehaupt, Mr. Mallery, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Mr. Setchell, and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Mr. Setchell to approve a three-year employment contract for Dr. Jerry Corcoran, President, with a FY2011 salary of $165,110, as well as benefits and other conditions presented in the contract. Mr. Mallery made a statement that the College has some very good employees that do a wonderful job for the students and the community. However, granting 4.5 percent raises when various students are searching for jobs or those who have jobs are not receiving such increases, he believes this to be wrong. Knowing that the College is unwilling to spend its reserves and is about to embark on a $5 million back-door referendum only strengthens his resolve to vote no for raises for the top executives of the institution. Mr. Thompson expressed his perspective. The administrators that the Board is recommending raises have gone beyond what they normally do in a year of work. The College is in a position at this time where a 4.5 percent increase will be given to the faculty for the next fiscal year. Mr. Thompson believes it is fair and appropriate for other members of the staff to receive a similar raise. He understands that people in the community are not receiving this kind of raise, but the Board believes it is important to keep its employees. The College may not be able to do as well in the future. The general consensus of the Board members is that it is fair and appropriate this year. Motion passed by voice vote. One nay vote: Mr. Mallery.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the FY11 employment contract for Richard R. Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development, with a FY2011 salary of $127,595 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined in his contract. Motion passed by voice vote. One nay vote: Mr. Mallery.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the FY11 employment contract for Cheryl E. Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance, with a FY2011 salary of $102,750 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined in her contract. Motion passed by voice vote. One nay vote: Mr. Mallery.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the FY11 employment contract for Lori E. Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, with a FY2011 salary of $90,915 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined in her contract. Motion passed by voice vote. One nay vote: Mr. Mallery.
It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Mr. Zallis to approve a 4.5 percent general increase for all employees, excluding the President and Vice Presidents, not covered by a negotiated labor agreement, contingent upon acceptable performance evaluations as determined by the administration and support from grants and outside contracts for the impacted positions and to approve special adjustments that remain from the FY08 compensation study as well as one special adjustment for FY11, as presented. Dr. Huffman stated that if the faculty are receiving a certain percentage increase, it is the Board’s responsibility to make sure that the administration and support staff who are doing their jobs in a quality manner are treated fairly consistently. The Board may not be able to and probably won’t be able to increase salaries going forward, but for this year he believes it to be appropriate. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Zallis to approve an increase in the Part-Time Faculty Pay Scale by $20 per credit hour effective the fall semester of FY11. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Mr. Setchell to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the April 22, 2010 meeting. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved Ms. Olivero and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve to release closed session minutes of the June 15, 2005, July 11, 2005 (Interim President Interview), July 14, 2005 (Interim President Interview), May 5, 2006, May 10, 2006, May 11, 2006, May 12, 2006, July 26, 2006, January 24, 2007 (Unfair Labor Practice/Sheridan Correctional Center), June 20, 2007, February 27, 2008 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal), March 26, 2008 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal), August 27, 2008 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal), October 22, 2008 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal), September 24, 2009 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal), January 28, 2010 (Crescent Ridge Wind Farm Tax Assessment Appeal).
It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt and seconded by Ms. Olivero to adopt the following resolution:
“Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513, accept for destruction the verbatim audiotapes of Closed Session Meetings June 28, 2006; July 26, 2006; August 30, 2006; November 29, 2006; December 19, 2006; January 24, 2007; February 28, 2007; March 28, 2007; April 25, 2007; May 9, 2007; May 23, 2007; May 30, 2007; June 20, 2007; June 27, 2007; July 25, 2007; August 29, 2007; November 28, 2007; December 19, 2007; January 16, 2008; February 25, 2008; February 27, 2008; March 3,
2008; March 7, 2008; March 10, 2008; March 12, 2008; March 18, 2008; March 26, 2008; April 23, 2008; May 13, 2008; June 10, 2008; June 25, 2008; July 15, 2008; July 23, 2008; August 4, 2008; August 11, 2008; August 27, 2008 (Closed Session Minutes Committee Meeting); August 27, 2008; September 24, 2008; and October 22, 2008.
“Be it further resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513 authorize the destruction of Closed Session audiotapes of June 28, 2006; July 26, 2006; August 30, 2006; November 29, 2006; December 19, 2006; January 24, 2007; February 28, 2007; March 28, 2007; April 25, 2007; May 9, 2007; May 23, 2007; May 30, 2007; June 20, 2007; June 27, 2007; July 25, 2007; August 29, 2007; November 28, 2007; December 19, 2007; January 16, 2008; February 25, 2008; February 27, 2008; March 3, 2008; March 7, 2008; March 10, 2008; March 12, 2008; March 18, 2008; March 26, 2008; April 23, 2008; May 13, 2008; June 10, 2008; June 25, 2008; July 15, 2008; July 23, 2008; August 4, 2008; August 11, 2008; August 27, 2008 (Closed Session Minutes Committee Meeting); August 27, 2008; September 24, 2008; and October 22, 2008, as all the criteria for destruction of these tapes under the Open Meetings Act have been met.”
It was moved by Mr. Setchell, seconded by Ms. Englehaupt, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.