July 22, 2010 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 22, 2010 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Thomas C. Setchell, Vice Chair
David O. Mallery, Secretary
Michael C. Driscoll
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Larry D. Huffman
Melissa M. Olivero
David S. Zallis, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Walt Zukowski, Attorney


Dr. Corcoran led a moment of silence for Cheryl Roelfsema’s father, Kenneth “Bud” Connelly, who passed away over the 4th of July weekend.  He had lived in Stayton, Oregon.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.




Cheryl Roelfsema and Patrick Berry presented an overview of the FY2011 Tentative Budget.  It was particularly challenging to prepare this year due to the fact the Governor’s budget was not received until July 1.  The budget was built around the following objectives:  providing quality education; practicing solid fiscal responsibility; introducing new initiatives; building reserves for future building projects; and balancing the operating budget.  New initiatives include the Ottawa Center, the Marquette Academy “Running Start” program and the National Science Foundation grant “Preparing a New Workforce for a Sustainable Economy.”  Total budgeted revenues for all funds are $36,369,266, an increase of $3,741,000, or 11.5 percent over FY2010 budgeted revenues.  Comparisons are based on FY2010 budgeted revenues because the final figures are not ready. The total budgeted expenditures for all funds are $37,570,334, an increase of $3,552,000, or 10.4 percent, over FY2010 budget expenditures.  Dr. Corcoran acknowledged Cheryl Roelfesema and Patrick Berry for their hard work on the budget.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – June 24, 2010 Board Meeting.


Approval of the Bills - $1,384,336.12

Education Fund - $957,715.12; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $130,099.18; Operations and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $97,361.39; Auxiliary Fund - $63,228.69; Restricted Fund - $129,798.36; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $6,133.38.

Treasurer’s Report


Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending June 19, 2010 and July 3, 2010.

Bid Results – Spring and Summer/Fall 2011 Class Schedules

Accepted the bid from Woodward Printing Services, Platteville, WI in the amount of $4,340 for the Spring 2011 Class Schedule and $4,794 for the Summer/Fall Class Schedule for a total of $9,134.

Consortia Purchases

Authorized the administration to purchase janitorial supplies from Interline Brands, Inc., d/b/a/ AmSan, Peoria, Illinois, at an estimated annual cost of $40,000, through the Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC); print supplies from CDW-Government, Inc., Vernon Hills, Illinois, at an estimated annual cost of $40,000 through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA); and elevator maintenance services from ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation, Peoria, Illinois, through the Illinois Community College System Purchasing Consortium (ICCSPC) at an annual cost of $17,442.96.


Dr. Corcoran reported total credit hours for FY2010 increased by 14 percent over the previous year; total reimbursable credit hours, minus correctional center credits, increased by 13 percent. Although the summer term headcount might be down (six percent), non-correctional credit hours are up about three percent. Fall semester classes will begin August 18th and enrollments look good. Although headcount might end up being down slightly, students are taking more credit hours and the administration expects the total unduplicated headcount for credit students to once again exceed 8,000 students this fiscal year. Dr. Corcoran also reported that the unduplicated headcount at the Ottawa Center was 353 (70% capacity) and 107 of these students have no prior credit hour history at IVCC. Once the fall term begins, the administration will survey the Ottawa Center students to determine if they would have attended IVCC were it not for the more convenient location for people on the east side of the district. The grand opening for the new Ottawa Center is scheduled for August 9th at 8:30 a.m. Invitees include the IVCC board of trustees, members of the Ottawa city council, elected officials, representatives of high schools on the east side of the district and many others that have assisted in making the project a success. Dr. Corcoran invited attendees at the meeting to the Grand Opening on Monday, the 9th, as well as Tuesday, the 10th, when several chambers on the east side of the district will be collaborating on a business after-hours in the new facility. Dr. Corcoran thanked the IVCC Foundation for agreeing to sponsor appetizers and refreshments at the after-hours.  Dr. Corcoran noted the facility is beautiful and the city has really rolled out the red carpet for the College and its students. As noted in a recent email to everyone, the College has recently switched from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook for its email system and Harold Barnes and his IT staff prepared a handout for the Board to review at their leisure with directions and a password for logging in the first time. Harold has also assured us that he has a plan for archiving all emails which will be implemented very soon. Also, the Northwest Region ICCTA meeting will be hosted by Highland Community College on October 7th at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Corcoran asked board members to communicate their interest in attending this meeting with him or Jeanne Hayden, as soon as possible. Dr. Corcoran attended the therapeutic massage graduation ceremony and noted it was a success. He congratulated the program’s nine graduates, and thanked Cherie Monterestelli and Dean Michael Gorman for coordinating the program.  Although nine graduates sounds a bit small, Dr. Corcoran noted that this group of students touched over 1,400 people within and even outside the IVCC district with free massages. The program traveled to hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, agencies, schools, Wal-Marts, YMCAs, fitness centers, chiropractors’ offices, homes and other events. Cherie is very proud of her students and the way in which they represent the College so well in the community. She asked Dr. Corcoran to thank Chairman Thompson, Dr. Huffman and Dr. Driscoll for attending the ceremony last night and representing the Board.  The Continuing Education and Business Services Center, directed by Jamie Gahm, will serve 274 kids ages 7 to 14 in its summer enrichment courses this summer, including the Outdoor Ed'Venture camp, which begins next week.   IVCC has been awarded a $560,000 grant to train technicians for jobs in the alternative energy industry. The first phase begins this fall with the launching of the wind energy maintenance certificate program. The grant also provides funding for solar and bio-fuel programs and to develop the associate in applied science degree in Industrial Technology. Dr. Corcoran congratulated Sue Isermann, Jim Gibson, Rose Marie Lynch, and Jamie Gahm for their excellent work on this project. Dr. Corcoran recently learned that the Adult Education and Family Literacy funding allocation has increased by $26,557 (seven percent) for a total of $407,160. The increase is based on performance in FY07-09 so Dr. Corcoran congratulated Sara Escatel and her staff for a job very well done. A committee is being formed to work with the Capital Development Board on its Art-In-Architecture program whereby one-half of one percent of the Community Instructional Center project’s construction appropriation will be used on the acquisition of artwork for our new building. In IVCC’s case, that will amount to approximately $114,000. A committee of artists, community representatives and state officials will oversee the project and select the artwork.


Dr. Driscoll, chair of the IVCC Board Planning Committee, announced the next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18 at 5 p.m. in the Board Room.


It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Dr. Huffman to adopt the Resolution approving the FY2011 Tentative Budget and authorize publication of the Notice of Public Hearing.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Zallis and seconded by Dr. Huffman to set the third Tuesday of each month as its regular  meeting day, at 6:30 p.m. in the Room C307, the Board Room, on the campus of Illinois Valley Community College, 815 N. Orlando Smith Avenue, Oglesby, Illinois beginning with the September 2010 board meeting with one exception – the December board meeting will be held on the third Monday.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Mr. Setchell noted that he had walked through the Ottawa Center and was very excited.  The rooms are magnificent, the parking lot is grand, and the trees provide a friendly environment.  He believes everyone will be very impressed.  The cost runs for the City of Ottawa were a bit higher than anticipated, but the City stepped up and did its part.  Mr. Thompson noted that many people stepped up to get this project moving, the City of Ottawa, the construction company, and the staff.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to convene a closed session to discuss 1) imminent litigation and 2) closed session minutes. 

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Mr. Zallis.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Setchell, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Ms. Olivero, Ms. Englehaupt, Mr. Mallery, and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – None, motion carried

The Board recessed at 7:05 p.m.  The Board entered closed session at 7:10 p.m.  On a motion by and Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman, the regular meeting resumed at 7:29 p.m.

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Mr. Zallis.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Setchell, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Ms. Olivero, Ms. Englehaupt, Mr. Mallery, and Mr. Thompson. “Nays” – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the Closed Session meeting of June 24, 2010 and the Closed Session Minutes Committee meeting of May 12, 2010.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman, seconded by Mr. Zallis, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.