August 18, 2010 Planning Committee Meeting

The Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 in the Board Room-C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

Michael C. Driscoll, Committee Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Larry D. Huffman

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Melissa M. Olivero, Board Member
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Robert Mattson, Research Analyst

The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. by Dr. Driscoll.


Dr. Lori Scroggs gave an overview of the 2008-2010 Strategic Plan which was the first planning process to align College goals and objectives with the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) cycle for accreditation.  She noted the challenges that occurred during this cycle:  1) changes in senior leadership; 2) changes in identified goal champions; and 3) difficulty in coordinating the process without a centralized office. Due to these challenges, new strategic objectives were not identified or implemented as the primary objectives were met and the associated measures were aligned with many activities that emerged from the plan, rather than being associated with the objectives.  Dr. Scroggs identified ways to improve and strengthen the process: 1) formalize long-term visioning; 2) set priorities by both the Board and the President’s Council to move the College in a clear direction; and 3) assign the appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to each strategic objective.  Dr. Scroggs provided the IVCC Goals and Objectives for the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan that were rewritten in order to further align with the AQIP activities and the College’s KPIs.  The original objectives were approved by the Board in June of 2009.  The revised objectives will need Board approval.  Dr. Driscoll was concerned that the current key strategic projects (Early Childhood Education plan, the Community Technology Center, Running Start Program, other partnerships, etc.) are not listed as FY2011 Strategic Goals, Objectives and Measures.  Dr. Scroggs explained that the projects would be activities that flow out of the objectives.  The activities are the operation of the College.  The Higher Learning Commission wants to see goals and objectives.  Dr. Scroggs noted that the College never had documents of the plan, only documents of the planning process.  She plans to start out with a written plan and add to it each year with an evaluation and note the progress through the plan.  Dr. Driscoll encouraged a list of good things be prepared for everyone to see how they are contributing to the success of the College.  When the Systems Portfolio is submitted to the Higher Learning Commission in June of 2011, the administration will list results and improvements.  Dr. Scroggs will fold a list of the many good things Dr. Driscoll mentioned into the Strategic Plan process. 


The Illinois Community College Board coordinates a statewide system for the review of instructional programs primarily for technical and career programs.  Program coordinators are asked to respond to a series of questions and create a narrative for improvements and rationale for action to be taken.  Programs reviewed in FY2010 included:  Horticulture, Nursing & Practical Nursing, Certified Nursing Assistant, Marketing, and Horticulture (Sheridan Correctional Center).  In addition, the Academic Discipline area of Humanities and Fine Arts, the Cross-Disciplinary Program area of Vocational Skills, the Student and Academic Support Services for Advising and Counseling, a Supplemental Report on Remedial-Developmental – English 0900, Basic Composition, and Best Practices and Innovations for Annual Career and Technical Program Assessment were reviewed. All of the programs listed in the report are recommended for continuation with one program scheduled for further review due to low enrollments.  It was suggested to look into internships to help the Horticulture program.  The College is in the process of revising the internship program and reorganizing all of the internships under the Career Services department.  If this program were housed in an agriculture program, it could survive in continuing education, but it is a stand-alone program and must support a full-time and part-time instructors.  The Horticulture program has a chance to grow with the branding efforts of the City of Ottawa and maintain the degree and certificates. 


The committee reviewed a revised policy for the Use of Campus and Network Computing Resources.  Dr. Corcoran noted the policy is based on reasonable use and not on absolutely no use.  The committee was in agreement with that.  The policy was sent to the unions for feedback.  It was suggested to refer to specific portions of the contract instead of numbers in case contract sections would change.  This policy was written with FOIA in mind and has been reviewed by Walt Zukowski.  The committee reviewed the policies in sections 2 and 3 of the Board Policy Manual and made minor recommendations and requested the policy on nepotism include members of the Board of Trustees. The policies will be presented for a first reading at the September board meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.