April 8 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 8, 2010 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
David O. Mallery
Committee Member Absent
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect
Bill Serre, KJWW Engineer
Greg Mitchell, KJWW Engineer
The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair.
Initial Asbestos Review
Mr. Basalay reported fifty percent of the work has been done on the design development documents for the Community Technology Center (CTC). The completion date to send the documents to the Capital Development Board (CDB) is the end of the month. United Analytical Services has completed the initial asbestos review and found the existing asbestos management reports are old and incomplete. There will need to be additional testing done in the existing buildings for Phases 1 and 3. The recommendation is to do $2,940 of testing for Phase 1 for demolition of parts of Building F; $9,400 of testing for Phase 2 for demolition of the temporary buildings; and $9,590 of testing for Phase 3 areas; with a 15% contingency for additional testing that may be necessary as results from the original test are received. This recommendation was approved by CDB to proceed. The tests need to be completed before the deadline date so that costs will be included in the project budget. If the asbestos is more than $100,000, the amount will be taken from project costs. Tort funds cannot be used for the testing, but PHS funds are eligible. Mr. Basalay recommended to the administration to redo the asbestos manuals to prevent additional testing in the future. IDEAL is conducting the testing now. Once the costs are in, a decision will be made on whether to seek bids. The question was asked if the asbestos management reports for Building C were complete and the answer was the architects will need to get this information from CDB.
Assessment of Existing Berm and Proposed Wet Land Detention Basin
McCleary Engineering evaluated the new proposed wetlands to see if there were any
potential problems. The results were good except for the original berm area where
the factor of safety was slightly below the recommended level. There were no soil
borings done at this location. Chamlin and Associates plan to provide additional
work at this berm area and additional testing during construction to confirm that
it will meet or exceed the required safety factor.
Existing Water Line Locate
In trying to locate the water main to the main campus, it became very difficult because the metal pipe changed over to plastic pipe in front of Building F. After attempts of witching and sound detection, a good location could not be found. The only method left was to dig up the area in front of Building F. After reviewing the cost of digging against the possible additional cost during construction if the water line is not where it is shown, it was decided to not dig now and wait until construction. Mr. Basalay wanted the Facilities Committee to be aware that there might be a possible change order.
Additional Team Members
Basalay, Cary, & Alstadt Architects have hired two additional team members. The first is Sanders Design Group, a landscape consultant, to assist with LEED landscaping in Phase 1. The second is Mackesey and Associates of Illinois, a kitchen consultant, to help with planning the small kitchen in Phase 1. These are specialty items and the cost will be paid by Basalay.
LEED Certification
Mr. Basalay reported the CTC is on target for LEED silver as required (with a chance of gold). The points are not determined until the building is complete. Mr. Basalay will be in charge of the documents for the LEED process.
The architects had a request from a board member to look into a one-pipe geothermal system as compared to a two-pipe system. The one-pipe geothermal system is basically the same system in the field but distributes the warmed/cooled water from the wells throughout the building with one supply pipe instead of a supply and return. This makes the system less expensive. It requires more pumps, but they are smaller. The system works by taking the warmed/cooled water to the first unit and whatever it does not use goes to the second and so on down the line until after the last unit, where it returns to the geo field. The end of the run may suffer and could even need additional heating/cooling. There are applications where this type of system could be used, but KJWW does not recommend it for this application. The rooms require better control than this system can provide and the two-pipe system would have better payback. KJWW recognized that the proposed system does cost more but recommends it to provide overall better performance and satisfaction. Mr. Mallery was under the impression the savings between the one-pipe system and the one recommended could be $500,000. KJWW did not believe the savings would be that much if the VRF system and the same type of controls were used on the one-pipe system. The recommended system could be lowered in cost by reducing the quality of the controls and not doing VRF if this was the College’s goal. It was decided to stay with the better controls and have KJWW have cost information on savings if the one-pipe system was used with the same VRF and controls. Greg Mitchell, KJWW engineer, pointed out that the one-pipe system would be less efficient and therefore not cheaper over the life of the system. Cost information will be available at completion of the design development.
Dominick Demonica presented updated building elevations and reviewed exterior materials. The upper level on the back of the building will be a metal siding. The upper level of the rest of the building will be precast concrete with a rough texture, similar to the current building. The lower level will be elongated stone similar to what is found in the region. Originally large metal panels were to be used on the curved portion over the main door and the east entrance. Due to the restriction of bending the large panels, smaller zinc panels were recommended. After a lengthy discussion, the board decided the “curved” look was the most important aspect and the small zinc panels will be used. “Wood look” paneling will also be used at the bottom of the curved portion and as a trim along the curved portion. In order to prevent the classrooms on the south side of the building to become overheated, Mr. Demonica presented a revised window layout and possible sun shade/light shelves. Light shelves would be installed to control the heat from the sun but keep the light. The shelves would help in the overall efficiency of the building, but it would not go towards LEED Certification. Pictures of the sun shades were presented and the committee was not impressed with the look. In addition, blinds or shades would need to be installed for darkening the room for PowerPoint presentations. The committee asked the architects to compare the cost of sun shades vs. better window coatings to achieve the same effect. The committee also discussed the amount of windows and the location of the windows in the classrooms. Mr. Demonica will get back to the committee on different options.
Mr. Demonica reviewed the landscape concepts for Phase 1 so that the committee was aware of the architect’s direction before the design documents were submitted to CDB. Site boundaries needed to be established before pursuing the open space credit and Mr. Demonica suggested including the forested area going down to the river which has native vegetation. LEED requires 50% of the space minus the building footprint to be planted with native vegetation which would amount to 900,000 square feet. With the existing forested area of 800,000 square feet, an additional 100,000 square feet of native planting would be needed. The geothermal field could be planted with native grasses to satisfy LEED Certification and still do some planting around the new building. The committee preferred the landscaping around the CTC building to have a manicured appearance with a formal look at the entries of the building and incorporate more native grasses as you leave the area. Fill will need to be added to the geothermal field, but the committee also wanted this area to look attractive and not overgrown with native plantings. It was suggested to plant trees in the islands of the new parking lot, but the administration indicated they have had difficulties with trees in the current parking lots and did not want them in the new lot. The landscaping will be part of the bids. Mr. Demonica reported there are four categories for LEED points – probable, medium, low, and unlikely. Currently, IVCC has 44 points in the probable category. To reach the silver level, IVCC needs 50 points. Mr. Demonica discussed some of the items that were included in the probable - bicycle storage, alternative transportation, changing rooms and showers within a certain distance, and parking spaces for low emitting vehicles. These parking spaces need to be identified and be in the most convenient space to the door, second to the ADA spots. The spaces only need to be provided and not policed.
The Operations Committee, which consists of administration, faculty, and staff met to review and discuss the list of potential capital improvement projects. Some projects have been on the list for a number of years. Under Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) projects, asbestos survey was added. The Board had directed the project of upgrading the fire alarms to digital to be taken out of the scope of the CTC building and add it to the list of PHS projects. The relocation of the safety service offices are in preparation for the CTC building. The project of securing the courtyard ramp entrances/exits was discussed. If the ramps are secured, there needs to be a way to exit and the board would like this to be attractive. Mr. Thompson would like more discussion on this project. There were no additions to the non-PHS capital projects and slope erosion was added to the list of maintenance repairs. Mr. Thompson asked that the slope erosion control project be prioritized. This will be an ongoing process and $50,000 will be placed in the 2010 budget. This is one area that might be mediated by the construction process. Another project is the replacement of the water line between Buildings C and G. This line has had a couple of breaks in the last couple of years and needs to be replaced. The 2010 tax levy is estimated to be $1.6 million in revenues. The recommended projects for the 2010 tax levy are the Physical Science Laboratory Remodel for approximately $1,100,000 and the Upgraded Fire Alarm System to Digital/Safety Service Office Relocation at a cost of approximately $500,000. The Facilities Committee was in agreement to direct Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt Architects to prepare the necessary documentation for the recommended projects for the 2010 tax levy for Board approval.
Cheryl Roelfsema presented an update on the meteorological tower. IVCC applied for a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation to construct a meteorological tower to measure the wind on the IVCC campus for a 12-month period and was unsuccessful. IVCC reapplied in January 2010 and has been invited to submit a more detailed application. The results will be known in the next month. The total cost of the meteorological tower is $40,000 of which 75 percent will be funded by the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation Grant, if IVCC is successful. The other $10,000 will be paid by the College. Ameresco, Inc. has assisted IVCC through this process. If successful, IVCC will need to do proposals for a vendor to install the tower and collect the data.
IVCC was asked to host a regional baseball tournament in spring 2011. The decision was made by the administration not to host the tournament because of all the repairs that would be needed.
This brought to light many concerns and the need to look into the baseball field. Improvements to be considered included 1) install water and sewer lines [approximately $375,000], 2) build restrooms [$375,000], repair dugouts [$10,000], install fencing on foul ball lines and repair current fencing [$8,500], install new scoreboard [$4,999-$7,599], and purchase tarps for covering the field [$5,000]. Mr. Thompson was in agreement to fix the dugouts and fencing, but installing restrooms was a different situation and water and sewer lines are two different things. Mr. Basalay reported there is a pumping law - if a permanent building is erected, it must be hooked up to a sewer. Mr. Thompson suggested maintaining what we have and incorporating it into the budget. The larger items are capital improvements and financially at this time would be very limited. Before any of the larger improvements are made, the Board will need to decide if they want to expand the south end of the campus and how much they want to spend. During discussion on this issue the following ideas were suggested: 1) partner with a park district and make it nice, 2) add soccer fields, 3) donate the property and let partners develop it, 4) install lights to play during the summer, etc.
IVCC has contracted with Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt through the schematic design phase and now through the design development phase. Mr. Mallery asked, “What will IVCC’s obligation be if CDB does not come up with the money?” The architect’s contract with CDB has specific amounts for each phase. IVCC has deposited money into an account to be used for the project. If CDB does not come up with the money, the architects will get paid for the work they have completed. Mr. Mallery requested the total amount spent as of this date. It is a large investment but an investment that will always be there. If there is a delay in securing the money from the state, IVCC will have completed the pre-planning work and will be that much farther ahead when the money is available. It is anticipated that the state will sell bonds soon. During the bidding stage, the Board has authorization to decide on the alternates. Once this decision is made CDB will make the decision on the contingency money to keep the project moving.
The meeting adjourned at 6:38 p.m.