November 19, 2009 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present:
Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
David O. Mallery, Secretary
Michael C. Driscoll
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Larry D. Huffman
Melissa M. Olivero
Cheyanne Smith, Student Trustee
Members Absent:
Thomas C. Setchell, Vice Chair
Others Physically Present:
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Mr. Joel Torbeck presented an update on the Dislocated Workers Center. The program is federally-funded under the Workforce Investment Act and provides job search assistance and retraining assistance to those who have been laid off or received notice of a permanent layoff, are eligible for or have exhausted their unemployment compensation and are not likely to return to their previous occupation, were self-employed and are now unemployed as a result of general economic conditions, and are displaced homemakers. The IVCC Dislocated Workers Center serves LaSalle, Bureau, Putnam, and Lee Counties. The Center operates four offices – IVCC, Ottawa One-Stop, Sauk Valley Community College, and BEST, Inc. in Peru. In addition to job search assistance and retraining, the Center provides on-the-job training, rapid response workshops and support services such as mileage and childcare reimbursement. The Center must meet three goals measured by performance. In Program Year 2008, the IVCC Center met or exceeded these goals. The Center’s clients have increased from a little over 200 in March of 2008 to approximately 500 in November of 2009.
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – October 13, 2009 Facilities Committee Meeting and October 22, 2009 Board Meeting
Approval of the Bills - $1,913,179.60
Education Fund - $1,013,927.24; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $120,062.48; Operation and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $250,416.03; Auxiliary Fund - $57,715.19; Restricted Fund - $419,414.41; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $51,644.25.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending October 10, 2009 and October 24, 2009.
Proposal Results
Accepted the proposal from Sierra Leasing, Ottawa, Illinois, as the lowest, most responsible proposal to lease a 2010 Chevy Express at an annual lease payment of $6,216.00
Purchase Request
Approved to expend an estimated $60,000 for fuel for the Truck Driving Training Program from Sapp Bros., Peru, Illinois and Flying J, LaSalle, Illinois.
Each Board member received a 14-page report from the Higher Learning Commission summarizing why IVCC meets the Criteria for Accreditation and the obligations of the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP). IVCC’s accreditation has been reaffirmed for another seven years. Dr. Corcoran reported IVCC has four valedictorians, two salutatorians, and one student in the top two percent of their graduating class in this year’s freshman class. From a marketing standpoint this sends a powerful message to the community about the quality of IVCC and why it is becoming a first choice for the academically-gifted students in the district. Dr. Corcoran and Dr. Rick Pearce met with their counterparts at Sauk Valley Community College and Kishwaukee College regarding the possibility of establishing a partnership on the wind energy maintenance certificate program, as well as other programs that focus on green energy and sustainability. With limited State resources available to all community colleges, it is appropriate to explore new ways to work together and pool resources on these kinds of programs, rather than competing with each other for a limited number of students. Dr. Corcoran recognized Robert Mattson, Research Analyst in IVCC's Institutional Research Office. Bob has completed all requirements for, and will soon be awarded, the Certificate in Institutional Research from Florida State University on December 12th, 2009. The Certificate in Institutional Research is an online program, consisting of 18 credits of graduate-level coursework in Institutional Research Theory and Practice, Institutional Administration, and Educational Research. Bob holds a Masters in Mathematics from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a Masters in Mathematics Education from the University of Wisconsin-Osh Kosh. Dr. Corcoran thanked Dr. Jason Beyer, Dr. Manuel Gomez, and Koshu Jagasia for a program that was offered earlier this week on diversity entitled “An Open Conversation: Exposing Diversity, Inspiring Understanding." Students that played significant roles in the program’s success were Aseret Gonzalez, Noi Bandavong, Tylon McAllister, Cindy You, Katie Rafferty, Kyle Wineinger, Tyler Swanlund, Clarie Lemrise, Kati Tunget, Haley Beard, Kyla Peterson, Brie Urbanec, Ben Carlson, Ashley Maltas, and Cheryl Foutch. IVCC’s program coordinators have put together a newsletter called “Spotlight on Career & Technical Programs” that was distributed to all Board members. Dr. Corcoran congratulated everyone that contributed to this effort.
The women’s volleyball team coached by Julie Sherbeyn won their regional game and eventually their season ended when they were beaten by a very tough team from the College of Lake County in the semifinals. Dr. Corcoran summarized the Ottawa-IVCC Satellite Center Partnership and also distributed a short summary of his notes for the Board’s reference as well as a memo from Trustee Tom Setchell, chair of the Board’s Audit/Finance Committee, with his comments on the planned Partnership. The Ottawa City Council has extended an option agreement with Centrue Bank to purchase the property located at 321 West Main Street for a satellite center until December 18th - one day after the IVCC Board will meet and consider acting upon the agreement between the City and College. Following are 5 key terms within the draft agreement:
- The length of the agreement will be from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015. In 2013, the College will evaluate lease options and provide reasonable notice as to future needs.
- Rent will be $12 per square foot for the first two years, $13 for the third year, and $14 for the final two years. For the first six months of the first year, the College will not pay rent but rather use funds saved for an aggressive and comprehensive marketing plan involving direct mail, quarterly newsletters, high school visits, consistent advertising, and presentations.
- The City will provide maintenance and janitorial service, natural gas, sewer and water, food service by way of a separate contract with a vendor, landscaping and parking lot development and maintenance, and future "green" energy conservation measures based on the success of receiving grants and private donations.
- The College will provide electrical service to the premises, furnishings, equipment, computers, video cameras, and security-related technology.
- The Center will require staffing from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Proposed staff for the Center would include: a Center Administrator, Center Coordinator, two part-time support staff, a student worker, and safety service personnel. The Center Administrator will provide oversight for the Center’s operation, and the Center Coordinator will handle the day-to-day operations. The administration would like to fill these two key full-time positions from within. The part-time support staff and student worker would maintain the reception area. A safety services presence may be needed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Dr. Corcoran reported the renovation costs came in much higher than anticipated and that’s why it’s important to recognize the fact that the proposal is a true partnership where one party is not interested in taking advantage of the other, but rather figuring out together how they can achieve common goals. Centrue Bank should be commended for lowering the cost to the City of Ottawa by $50,000. Marty Serena, of Serena Sturm Architects, deserves credit for the work his firm has done in developing the plan for a first-class facility for our students and staff. And Vissering Construction, the successful contractor, has been very patient seeking ways to reduce costs, yet ensuring the work will be completed on time for classes to begin in the fall 2010 semester. Dr. Corcoran thanked the Ottawa City Council, Mayor Bob Eschbach and the Mayor’s leadership team for their willingness to work with the College on a plan that offers tremendous academic opportunities for students from Ottawa, Streator, Grand Ridge, Marseilles, Seneca, Serena, Sheridan and Earlville.
Dr. Corcoran stated three strategic goals that are aligned with the Ottawa Center project: (1) Help our students achieve their academic and career goals; (2) Promote the value of higher education; and (3) Grow and nurture our resources.
Mr. Thompson reported on the Facilities Committee meeting of November 10, 2009. At the previous Facilities Committee meeting in October, the committee had specific questions on the maintenance building, childcare center, the Dislocated Workers Center, etc. The architects had explored these areas and reported back to the committee. The architects met with all the staff affected by the post-construction project and presented revised cost estimates. With the revised estimates, the total was under budget by approximately $500,000. The committee was then charged to prioritize the five items on the alternate list of projects. It was decided to include the third floor connection and the fire alarm system in the construction budget and include the three remaining alternates in the scope of the project. The committee prioritized the alternates in the following order: (1) provide accessible elevator at Building A and modify entrance location to library and associated work; (2) provide accessible elevator at Building E; and (3) relocate childcare center to Building G. A decision still needs to be made if the childcare center should be an alternate for the contingency funds. Originally the committee had received an estimate of $450,000 to remodel a portion of Building G for the childcare center. The architects reviewed this area and provided a revised estimate which was lower. The committee did discuss the childcare center, but no decision was made. It was suggested to place this on the December Board Meeting agenda for a vote by the whole board.
Dennis Thompson, Melissa Olivero, and David Mallery attended the ICCTA meeting in Chicago on November 12 and 13. Ms. Olivero reported Illinois has revised the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which will be quite a project to be implemented. She attended a session on the Open Meetings Act and also a session on the State of Illinois’ financial crisis and its impact on community colleges. The equalization grant will be fully funded, but the community colleges may not receive any more state funding before the end of the fiscal year. She attended a session on variable tuition presented by Lincoln Land Community College. Due to decreasing revenue, Lincoln Land looked at a way to evaluate the cost of all their programs. They raised tuition in programs that cost more. This actually increased enrollment and funding at the same time. ICCTA revised the awards – eliminating two (Lifelong Learning and Pacesetter) and adding two new awards (Part-time Faculty Member and Equity). The technology committee reported ICCTA created a Facebook page for trustees only.
Mr. Mallery reported that the minimum dollar amount for seeking bids increased from $10,000 to $25,000, but the College has chosen to stay with $10,000. To avoid change the board policy every time a new law is passed, it was suggested to include in the board policy a clause that states “comply with the law.” Maintenance remodeling increased from $15,000 to $50,000. Electronic bids are now allowed but not required. The lowest bidder is now allowed to change their bid. Minor variances in the bids can be waived. The new Freedom of Information Act eliminates exemption for personnel files to be exempt by FOI requests with unique identifiers. If a FOI request is denied, the requestor and public access counselors must be notified in writing. Initial response time is now five days instead of seven for FOI requests. FOIA officers must be identified on the website. Freedom of Information requests are not required to use a form. The Freedom of Information Officer must be trained in six months, 30 days if the officer is replaced. Mr. Mallery attended the diversity committee meeting. There is a plan to change the name to be more inclusive. The 85 percent rule for the equalization grant is currently being reviewed and possibly changed to 75 percent. Mr. Mallery noted the variable tuition rates were bundled – combining the lab fees and tuition. The students were very supportive because the total price qualified for Pell and MAP grants.
Mr. Thompson suggested the administration review the new bidding rules, Open Meetings Act, and Freedom of Information Act. Mr. Thompson attended the leadership council and shared an interesting story. He gave an example of two well-known universities offering a masters degree in business. One school charged $130,000 and the other $30,000. The school charging $130,000 had a waiting list, the other school charging $30,000 had problems filling the program. The school charging $30,000 is now charging $130,000 and has a waiting list. Community colleges offer the highest value for courses and yet the private institutions are charging 50 percent more. The higher dollars do not yield the highest value. A lot of so-called “teachers” at the universities are researchers, teachers’ assistants, and undergraduate students, and they are doing the teaching. The high tuition rate qualifies for higher Pell grant funds, thus more Pell grant dollars go to universities. Community college students are not only receiving quality instruction, but receiving it dollar wise.
Mr. Thompson appointed Melissa Olivero to serve as the chair of the Closed Session Minutes Committee.
Ms. Smith and members of the Student Government Association attended a Leadership Conference in St. Charles. The speaker was wonderful and she made a lot of contacts. Two new student organizations have been formed on campus – Math Club and Dead Poets’ Society. There are 32 organizations on campus – more than most schools larger than IVCC. A Poetry and Art Reception was held at Lock 16 by IVCC students. Ms. Smith will learn more about the MAP grant at the next IBHE/SAC meeting in Chicago.
It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to adopt the Resolution Approving
a Tentative Tax Levy and Tentative Certificate of Tax Levy, as presented. Motion
passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Smith to approve establishing a Trust Agreement with Citizens First National Bank for an amount not to exceed $7,614,900 as the maximum local commitment for the CDB Project No. 810-046-016. Only $1.5 million will be deposited at this time to fund the design phase. The remaining match will be deposited when the bids are released early in 2011. Dr. Driscoll asked that a projected cash flow be given to the Audit/Finance Committee. Motion passed by voice vote. Mr. Mallery abstained.
It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve the termination of Donald Pollex, Robert Latty, and Leonard Trujillo, as well as the internship of Samantha Pollex, effective November 30, 2009 due the discontinuance of the agreement between LaSalle County and IVCC to provide technology support services. LaSalle County has notified IVCC to end the contract and plans to hire the IVCC employees. Motion passed by voice vote.
Diane Christianson, Director of the Early Childhood Education Program, who has taught at the College for 20 years, expressed her thoughts on the discussion of the childcare center in recent months. There has been great concern among the community and students who use the childcare center of what will happen. She asked that the Board be more respectful publicly because a final decision has not been made. She offered her assistance in providing answers to questions and comments. She asked for deep consideration and thought into what is happening. She stated a lot of people at IVCC would be willing to help out with whatever can be done to help with the renovations.
Dr. Huffman asked the administration to look into the benefits of organizational memberships such as AACC. What value is added to the education and how does it benefit the students?
It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to convene a closed session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and 2) closed session minutes. Motion passed by voice vote.
The Board recessed at 7:58 p.m. The Board entered closed session at 8:06 p.m.
On a motion by Dr. Huffman, seconded by Ms. Smith, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 8:50 p.m.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Ms. Englehaupt to approve and retain the closed session minutes of September 24, 2009. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Ms. Englehaupt, seconded by Ms. Smith, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.