September 15, 2009 Minutes of Special Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a special session at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present:

Dennis N. Thompson, Board Chair
Michael C. Driscoll
Larry D. Huffman
Melissa M. Olivero

Members Telephonically Present:

David O. Mallery, Secretary

Members Absent:

Thomas C. Setchell, Vice Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Cheyanne Smith, Student Trustee

Others Physically Present:

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development  
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect


Mr. Thompson reviewed the discussions that have taken place regarding the programs and services that will be moved to the Community Technology Center and the general recommendation of the Board to keep the square footage of the Community Technology Center around 76,000 square feet and stay within the finances agreed upon.  Dominick Demonica stated the proposed building is just under 76,000 square feet including the grossing factor.  With construction costs of $228.30 per square foot, plus architectural fees, contingency, Capital Development Board (CDB) administrative fee, art-in-architecture, site improvements, and furnishings and equipment, the cost of the building is approximately $22,700,000.  Mr. Demonica presented a bubble diagram of the proposed building with two lobby areas, three entrances, the one-stop student services area, continuing education, and the balance for the career and technical programs.  The rooms south of the theatre in Building F would be eliminated to provide a two-story corridor for easy flow from the main campus to the new building.  With the transfer of programs and services from the current building to the new building, 30,000 square feet will be available for the relocation of current programs and expansion of new programs.  The college has approximately $7 million to complete the post-CTC construction which involves relocating programs and services, demolishing east campus buildings, and possibly including geothermal heating and air conditioning.  Paul Basalay stressed the fact that the program document presented to the Board must be approved first and then the architects would proceed with the schematic design of the building.  The architects indicated that the schematic design could be completed in two months (approximately the end of December).  The schematic design would include preliminary floor plans, preliminary elevations, a prospective, preliminary estimates, and results of the soil borings and surveys.  The schematic design will be presented to the Board and once everything is completed and approved, the CDB will get involved.  The next step is the design development which has more detail with better estimates.  The design development will be tied to LEED certification and CDB requires a silver level.  There is a minimal cost to get to the silver level.  There are also credits if asbestos is present in the buildings that are being demolished and there are credits for any of the demolition that goes to a landfill.  Grant money is also available through the Clean Air Energy Community Foundation - $75,000 for silver level and $150,000 for gold level.  There could be alternate bids for gold and silver levels – reach for the gold and if it falls short, the building will still be at the minimum silver level.  The level will not be determined until the construction is complete.  Basalay, Cary & Alstadt architects have the only LEED-certified building in LaSalle County at this time. There was still concern among the board members if future expansion is being considered.  There is no vacant space in the new building and there is really no space to expand to the north or east.  Mr. Demonica suggested adjusting the master plan by configuring what programs or services will be in the vacated spaces in the current building.

It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the Program Document for the IVCC Community Technology Center as presented and authorize Basalay, Cary & Alstadt to proceed with the Schematic Design.  Motion passed by voice vote.


The college needs to be prepared for the post-CTC construction phase with a plan as to what programs and services will be moved to the 30,000 square feet that will be vacated with the construction of the CTC.  A list of items to be considered has been prepared by the administration.  One item includes green initiatives and the evaluation of geothermal heating and cooling. Demolition of east campus buildings needs to be considered.  Building 6 (the former truck driver training center and space being leased by VAC) has been evaluated by P. Basalay.  He has recommended either demolishing it or if someone felt the building was suitable for their use, allowing them to have the building, under the condition that they move it off site.  Building 11 houses the Small Business Development Center and Massage Therapy and Building 12 houses the maintenance shop. The master plan identified the facilities department moving to the east campus but the administration now feels this would not be practical and needs to be re-evaluated. The wings of buildings 5 and 10, which house childcare and classrooms and offices for auto tech and welding, are also being considered for demolition.  Other items to be considered are asbestos abatement and demolition of walks, drives, and tennis courts.  Construction of horticulture classroom space and offices and additions to the Welding, Auto Shop and Warehousing/Logistics buildings for classroom space, offices and restrooms are items on the list.  Possible relocation of childcare to the main campus and massage therapy to the main campus or Ottawa Center need to be considered.  Other considerations include the relocation of the softball field, refurbish/landscape area of building demolition, conversion of LRCE

(Counseling Center in Building E back to student space), additional accessible elevators, and additional space for the bookstore.  The list is quite long and the money could run out quickly.  It was suggested when meeting with CDB to lobby toward the post-CTC construction project without LEED certification if this can be done.  The Board asked P. Basalay to provide figures on all of these items so that the Board can prioritize what can be accomplished with the funds available.  Mr. Basalay suggested the administrative staff work through the list and provide pros and cons on each item to give the architects direction.  It was suggested to schedule a meeting with the Facilities Committee as soon as possible and then report on this at the October board meeting.  The post-CTC construction cannot take place until the new building is complete, but CDB may want to know ahead of time what the plan is for the post-construction project.    


Board members received information from McClure Engineering Associates, Inc. regarding the IVCC’s slope stabilization survey.  Dr. Clem Jasiek, former member of the IVCC Board of Trustees, contacted Jerry Corcoran and Dennis Thompson regarding the slope stabilization and the location of the new building.  Shortly after the buildings were built in 1972, Dr. Jasiek was concerned with the amount of water on the site and spoke to historical information from the land owners and to the issue of the steps of the topography.  As a result of this earlier discussion, control points were located on the IVCC Campus as referenced in the McClure letter.  Measurement of these control points were collected periodically until 2001, when there was a gap until 2009.  A summary of past reports and a map of the points have been requested from McClure.  It is possible if the map was provided, IVCC’s staff could conduct the observations and this could possibly be a project for the geology classes.  Dr. Jasiek still has concerns regarding the water issues and the board wants to address these and investigate it for the new construction site.  Dennis Thompson, Gary Johnson - Director of Facilities, Scott Curley – Supervisor of Facilities, and Mike Phillips – geology instructor, toured the whole area around the current buildings and Mr. Thompson gave a brief report of what they discovered.  There was water coming off the hill side and wet areas, but not as much as during construction in the ‘70s.  Several structures were located that handle storm water runoff, such as drain ways, metal drain tubes, plastic drain tubes, etc. There are signs of erosion, cracking, and heaving around the concrete drain ways.  Mr. Thompson thought it was a very worthwhile walk around and was enlightened by what the buildings sit on.  The purpose of all of this is to be aware of the concerns expressed by Dr. Jasiek, be knowledgeable and prepared, and be respectful of what the site has to offer for new construction.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman, seconded by Ms. Olivero, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 p.m.