October 13, 2009 Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present:
Dennis Thompson, Chair
David Mallery
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Others Physically Present:
Larry D. Huffman
Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President of Career and Technical Education
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect
Michelle Story, Faculty Representative
Reed Wilson, Economic Development/City of Ottawa
Emily Vescogni, Director of Learning Technologies
Kevin Caufield, News-Tribune
Steve Stout, The Times
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair.
The Building Steering Committee met on September 28, 2009 to discuss what happens after the Community Technology Center is built. Committee members received a summary of the discussion that took place. All temporary buildings would be demolished along with tennis courts, walks, and drives as appropriate. The committee discussed the relocation of programs and spaces currently housed in the temporary buildings and the relocation of programs and spaces in the main building into vacated spaces from programs that moved into the Community Technology Center.
Mr. Demonica presented a proposed relocation of programs and the development of certain areas for each level of the main campus. A post-construction budget was presented which was $1,687,250 over the $7 million available. The cost estimates represent the construction costs. Additional equipment is not included in the figures. The architects included all possible construction and relocation projects on the list in case the bids for the project come in less than anticipated. It is important for items over the $7 million budget to be listed on a priority list and presented in the next couple of months to the Capital Development Board. If the items are not presented to the Capital Development Board at the beginning of the project and the bids come in low, the projects could not be presented at a later date and thus IVCC would not be able to take advantage of all the State money that is earmarked for this project. It was noted that the estimated costs were just general. Until the architects have a chance to meet with the individual departments, the exact cost is unknown. The board was asked to identify areas they thought the cost could be reduced. Two figures were given for the additions to the Welding Shop and Auto Shop. One figure was for masonry construction and the other for metal buildings. The committee was in consensus to construct metal buildings. This would result in a savings of approximately $700,000. Also included in the list of projects was the relocation of the bookstore. Relocation had been discussed, but it was decided to leave the bookstore in its current location. The estimated cost of moving the bookstore was $316,200 so this amount will be deducted from the total. The current maintenance building is a temporary building which will be demolished. The estimated cost of constructing a metal building for the maintenance shop is $500,000. An option to be considered for the maintenance shop is the cold storage building located near the barn on campus. The size of the building and the cost of running water to the building need to be explored. An item that was added to the upper level was a connecting corridor from the CTC Building to Building C/Building E. Mr. Basalay stated the link could be a very valuable connection and one that could be not added at a later date without an enormous cost. The link would be part of the base bid. Relocation of the childcare center to the upper gym in Building G at an estimated cost of $430,000 was on the list of post-construction projects. The upper gym has the right amount of square footage for the childcare with the possibility of expanding the number of students served. There is a separate outside entrance and the playground could be located on the west side of the building. Rick Pearce has compiled a list of currently enrolled students who have indicated they have children. A survey will be sent to these students to see if there is a need for childcare service. The location is great but there was concern with the amount of money needed to relocate with the number of students served; it was also noted that the childcare center is also used as a lab for the early childhood education program. The committee was in consensus to wait on a decision on the childcare center until the survey results are complete and more discussion can take place. Mr. Basalay noted that signage throughout the main campus has been a major problem. He suggested prior to numbering the rooms in the CTC, the administration may want to consider renumbering the whole campus at this time. Other areas of cost concern were relocating the Dislocated Workers Center, converting the counseling center into student life space, and relocating graphic design to the CAD lab. The architects will study these areas for possible reduction in costs. Mr. Basalay noted that geothermal, the fire alarm system, signage, energy audit, and two additional elevators are outside of the overall scope of the RAMP document. He suggested removing the fire alarm system, signage, and energy audit from the scope. The additional elevators could be an alternate bid. If, after conducting tests, geothermal was found to be cost-effective, grants could help reduce the estimated cost of $1 million. It was the consensus of the committee to schedule a meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 5 p.m. to further discuss the post-construction projects.
The architectural fees, approved by the Board at a special meeting on March 10, 2009, were based on a 52,000 sq. ft. building. Since then the square footage has increased. The administration would like to recommend an addendum to the agreement between IVCC and Basalay, Cary & Alstadt at the October Board meeting for an additional cost of $250,344. The committee was in consensus to proceed with the recommendation.
Mr. Reed Wilson updated the Facilities Committee on bringing broadband access to the area. Northern Illinois University, members of the IVCC staff, and representatives of LaSalle and Oglesby have been meeting over the last few months and discussing the need for enhanced broadband access. The Facilities Committee received a proposal for professional services from the Northern Illinois University Regional Development Institute for a fiber optic infrastructure feasibility study for the City of Ottawa. The City of Ottawa has offered to cover the cost of the feasibility study. Working with NIU might cause major carriers to offer a better deal for this area. The question was asked if a motion was needed by IVCC to participate in the study, but the answer was not at this time. Depending on what the feasibility study reveals, the Board will need to consider some serious resources for the next steps. Dr. Corcoran expressed his appreciation to Mr. Wilson for his leadership on this project.
The City of Ottawa has been working with Rick Pearce, Sue Isermann, Cheryl Roelfsema, and Jerry Corcoran on the design of the Ottawa Center. Renovation costs of the Centrue Bank will be significantly higher than originally thought. The low bid of Vissering Construction was $767,000. The City is looking at ways to fund the renovations or reduce the renovation costs. Changes proposed will be discussed with IVCC. The first phase is to meet the educational needs of the College and the second phase is to install a number of “green” projects. The project is at a critical stage. The development of a contract between IVCC and Ottawa needs to be approved by the end of the year so marketing efforts can begin for the grand opening in fall of 2010.
Mr. Thompson addressed Dr. Jasiek’s concern regarding the location of the building and the slope stabilization. Soil borings will be done in the next two weeks by Midwest Testing. Approximately 11 or 12 borings will be done by Midwest Testing in the areas of the new CTC building, the welding shop addition, the auto shop addition, and the new construction of the maintenance shop. All letters from Dr. Jasiek have been forwarded to Midwest Testing.
Mr. Basalay also distributed a preliminary construction schedule timeline.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.