February 17, 2009 Minutes of Facilities Committee Meeting
The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present:
Dennis Thompson
David Mallery
Committee Members Telephonically Present:
Deborah L. Sweeden
Others Physically Present:
David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair.
The bid specifications for the fire alarm system for the Truck Driver Training facility indicated the system would be compatible and able to communicate with the fire alarm system in the main campus buildings. In checking with the manufacturer, the College received mixed signals. The new fire alarm system is digital and the current system in the main campus is analog. The two systems will not be able to communicate with each other. This was discovered when repairs were needed on the fire alarm system in Building 6. Discussion centered around installing an analog system to communicate with the main campus or stay with the base bid and operate the Truck Driver Training building as a stand-alone building and still be in compliance with the fire code. Also, a recent system check indicated that two software updates were required. The committee members were in consensus to install the fire alarm system as specified in the base bid and install the necessary upgrades to the current system for protection as the Board looks into the possibility of updating all the fire alarm panels from analog to digital within the next three to five years.
Replace Medium Voltage Transformers/Buildings D & E
This project has been on the PHS project list and will be partially paid with funds
from previously approved PHS projects. The estimate on this project has not declined
because the project involves more equipment cost than copper wire and labor.
Fire Alarm System Software Upgrade
The committee is recommending the fire alarm system for the truck driver training
facility be a stand-alone alarm as specified in the base bid. Therefore, this will
not be approved as a PHS project.
Each year the College updates its RAMP (Replacement Allocation Management Program) reports which include the Community Instructional Center (CIC) (#12 on the list - $22 million), Renovations to Buildings C, D, & E (#21 on the list - $11 million), and Renovations to Buildings C & G (#56 on the list - $16 million). The College submitted a proposal for a Technology and Workforce Development (TWD) Center in 2001 or 2002 to replace its temporary buildings. The proposals were on an unpublished list and IVCC was led to believe that it was high on the list before the capital budget was cut. It is believed ICCB’s top priority is to replace the temporary buildings. The administration has met with Representative Frank Mautino, Senator Gary Dahl, and Congresswomen Debbie Halvorson and discussed the TWD Center with them. The district’s portion is usually 25 percent, but the previous Board proposed a 38 percent match. The building will be approximately 52,000 square feet and cost approximately $13 million with $8 million from state funding and IVCC providing $5 million in local funds. This building would have the greatest affect on the students, assist local industry in training, and an incentive to prospective employers. To help move this project toward “shovel ready,” the Board would need to authorize Paul Basalay to move forward on a design and development of drawings. The committee expressed their option to be flexible to provide space for future programs. It was noted that if the proposal changes dramatically, it could change the College’s number on the list. The design development will cost between $200,000 and $400,000.
Dave Wilcoxson left the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
There was discussion of possible alternate energy sources including wind, solar, and geo-thermal. The committee was in consensus to proceed with conducting a wind study for one year to determine the feasibility of a wind turbine to supplement the electrical needs of the college. There is no cost for the wind study and grant funds are available for the construction of meteorological towers. Solar energy for the digital sign was discussed. Installing a solar panel would eliminate the meter charge for the sign. Paul Basalay will check out the cost of a solar panel and the savings it would produce. To proceed with geothermal energy, a preliminary study would involve soil borings and analysis of the soil. KJWW will give the College an estimate of the initial study to determine if the soil is adequate for geothermal energy. Geothermal is probably the best payback in terms of investment in receiving heat and energy. Paul Basalay hopes to have some estimates by the March meeting. Work on this project would not begin until summer.
The thought was since the heavy equipment is on site because of the road work project, the tennis courts could be removed at a reasonable cost. The tennis courts are 29,000 square feet. At a $1.50 per square foot, the removal of the tennis courts would cost $42,000. Paul Basalay’s suggestion was not to rush into this at this time. If the TWD Center becomes a reality, the tennis court area could be used as a staging area for storing materials. Another possibility is to use the area as a concealed space for storing maintenance materials and vehicles. At this time the committee decided not to do anything with the tennis courts.
Deborah Sweeden left the meeting at 5 p.m.
The architect requested some direction as to what to do with this area. There has been much discussion on moving the security equipment, purchasing a new information desk, relocating the photo booth, and removing the demountable walls. With the new parking lot, more students will be entering the building through the Cultural Centre which may necessitate opening up the two entrance ways between the Cultural Center and the link to allow greater movement and installing an air lock on the east side of the building to reduce the cold air from entering the building. Mr. Basalay believes some of these projects need to be done before the parking lot is finished. He will bring back some preliminary drawings for the Board to review.
The recommendation to purchase electricity during the summer months at a fixed price was agreed upon by the committee. The College can enter into a contract with Sempra for three to four months where other ARES want a contract for one year for the whole campus and not just the main meter. The College will go back to real-time pricing after the summer months. This recommendation will be an action item at the February Board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:23 p.m.