October 22, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
Dennis N. Thompson, Vice Chair
Lori E. Scroggs, Secretary
David O. Mallery
Deborah L. Sweeden
Cassie Fuller, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Paula J. Endress
Thomas C. Setchell
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Bob Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Cheryl Roelfsema, Interim Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Sue Isermann, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve the amended agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
Marianne Dzik, Dean of English, Mathematics, and Education, provided information on the Early Childhood Center and the Early Childhood Education Program. A majority of the preschoolers attending the Center are children of IVCC students. Staffing at the Center is determined by regulations set forth by the Department of Children and Family Services. The Center continues to need financial support from the College. College funds are only used for salaries and food for the children. Supplies are purchased through fundraisers. The enrollment of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program has increased over the last two fall semesters. In addition to an increase on campus, three area high schools have begun offering a course for dual credit. Research has determined that about 51 percent of the dual credit ECE students have continued their postsecondary education at IVCC. The Associate of Arts in Teaching degree was approved by the Illinois Community College Board. This degree allows students interested in becoming a preschool teacher to take ECE courses and to observe classrooms and work with children at an earlier point in their education than if they went the traditional education major route. Currently, IVCC has articulation agreements with five universities. Careers from the Early Childhood Education program are difficult to determine because of the low return rate on graduate surveys. The largest local employer of ECE personnel, Tri-County Opportunities Council Head Start, reports that 50 percent of their current employees are either IVCC ECE graduates or ECE students and the outlook for careers in ECE is expected to grow according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Growth is also expected in the IVCC district.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – September 24, 2008 regular Board meeting.
Approval of the Bills - $1,544,487.44
Education Fund - $720,503.97; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $162,432.67; Operation and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $124,190.00; Auxiliary Fund - $331,151.96; Restricted Fund - $186,943.82; Audit Fund - $16,000.00; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $3,265.02.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending September 20, 2008 and October 4, 2008.
Bid Results
Accepted the bid in the amount of $8,999.94 from MSC Industrial Supply, Woodale, IL to be paid with the Earmark Grant.
Intergovernmental Agreement for Use of the IVCC Track
Extended the agreement with LaSalle-Peru High School for the use of the track for an additional two years.
Dr. Corcoran reported the Truck Driver Training building and parking lot are moving along nicely. Cheryl Roelfsema and Gary Johnson have been working closely with the Capital Development Board, the engineers, architects, and contractors to make sure everyone’s expectations are met. The weather has been cooperating and the construction is on schedule. Within the last three days, Dr. Corcoran has heard presentations from Dr. Peters, President at NIU; Glenn Poshard, SIU President; and Charlie Evans, Coordinator of the University of Illinois Global Campus. Because of the excellent attendance of the trustees at Dr. Peters’ presentation, Dr. Corcoran deferred comments on this presentation to the trustees. Glenn Poshard addressed the Illinois Presidents Council and focused on the need for partnerships between Illinois community colleges and public universities, especially SIU. Charlie Evans spoke on the need for a greater percentage of the population to earn a bachelor’s degree and the role of the community colleges to ensure this to happen seamlessly. Working closely with our public universities helps support IVCC’s top two strategic goals: 1) Enable all students to identify and achieve their educational and career goals; and 2) Promote the value of higher education. Dr. Corcoran believes the key to turning the downswing of the economy around is to make sure that a high quality college education is accessible to everyone at an affordable price. IVCC is doing that today and Dr. Corcoran guarantees that IVCC will do more of that in the future. Everyone has a right to a post-secondary education. On November 13-16, Blouke Carus is hosting an international seminar on occupational education. He has invited Dr. Jerry Weber, President of Kankakee Community College, and Dr. Corcoran to address a group of 40 participants on the need for skilled workers in science and technology as well as the critical skills shortage in Illinois. The timing and location are perfect and Dr. Corcoran is looking forward to being involved in the discussion. Dr. Corcoran had the pleasure of addressing the National Electrical Contractors Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers at their annual graduation ceremony for apprentices and trainees on October 3rd. The partnership, which leads to students earning an Associate in Applied Science degree in Electrical Construction Technology, has been in place for about ten years. This partnership is a perfect example of what we need to do to help our students acquire a unique skill set which helps secure their employment for years to come. Dr. Corcoran is proud of the partnership and commended Sue Isermann and Harriet Custer for their role in establishing this partnership in 1988.
Cassie Fuller reported Lauren Sandberg attended the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting and discussed the attempt to increase book buyback at IVCC by teaming up with the Nebraska Book Company. The company will provide the College with advertisement on book buyback and will kick back one percent to the IVCC auxiliary funds. Cassie and SGA members will be attending the ICCS/AA Conference in Springfield on October 24 and 25 and an IBHE/ SAC meeting on December 6 and 7. Cassie will be attending the ICCB/SAC meeting in Chicago in November in which they will be discussing their community college charitable project “Advocate for Autism”. This project will end February 27 and the goal is to raise $500 from each school from any type of fundraiser the school chooses. The candidates’ forum had a great turnout and SGA plans to do another one in the future. Over 300 students were registered to vote this semester. One of SGA’s projects is “Bras for a Cause” where for every bra that is collected, new or used; Senator Dahl and the Miller Group will donate $5 towards breast cancer research. The bras are cleaned and sent to local centers. Drop boxes are located throughout the campus for this project. A United Way bags tournament is being organized. Another project underway is sponsoring a child through World Vision. Cassie thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend the ACCT Leadership Conference next week in New York. Other projects taking place are: PTK picking up cigarette butts in the campus courtyard, PTK will be holding induction ceremonies for new members, the Psychology Club is becoming active on campus, the Honors Program is working on their capstone project and also working on a film, and College Ambassadors were on hand to help with College Night.
Jerry Corcoran, Paula Endress, Tom Setchell, Dennis Thompson, and Dave Wilcoxson attended the ICCTA Northwest Region Meeting at Sauk Valley. Dr. Peters, President of NIU, primarily focused on the need to have association with community colleges. He shared his experience with the shooting on campus and the response. Even though they responded to the crisis, they couldn’t take away the emotional component. He encouraged all campuses to be prepared for natural disasters and student situations that arise. Kathy Johnson spoke on the on-line nursing program. Four community colleges have worked together to expand the nursing program. IVCC will have the opportunity to join at a later date. The hospitals are strong financial supporters of the program.
Dave Wilcoxson commented on the spring schedule of classes with Cassie Fuller’s picture on the cover.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Mallery to authorize Dr. Jerry Corcoran to begin preparing the 2008 tax levy. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Ms. Fuller to approve the tenure status of Ryen Nagle, English composition instructor. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the tenure status of Paul Leadingham, welding instructor. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the tenure status of Charles Kwiatkowski, computer science/networking instructor. Motion passed by voice vote.
Each respective dean commended each instructor on their teaching performance, contributions to the college and community, and professional involvement.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to transfer $20,000 within Fund 06 (Restricted Purposes Fund) from the ICCB Workforce Development Grant to the Small Business Development Center and transfer $5,000 within Fund 06 (Restricted Purposes Fund) from the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center to the Small Business Development Center. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Ms. Fuller to approve the annual $10,000 institutional match for Project Success for 2008-2009. This amount has been included in the FY2009 Education Fund budget. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the removal of the constitution requirement for graduation. Motion passed by voice vote.
ACADEMIC CALENDARS FOR 2009-2010 AND 2010-2011
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the academic calendars for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the City of Streator, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Ms. Fuller to reinstate the following full-time instructional and academic support staff at the Sheridan Correctional Center: Harry Bell, Jr., Jerry Christensen, Bruce Markwalter, Mary Neps, Janice Sharp, Keith Stevenson, Steve Swett, and Mark Woodward. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the Board of Trustees Community College District Number 513 and the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 Sheridan for academic year 2008-2009, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the full-time Assessment Center coordinator position for the Assessment Center office as presented. Motion passed by voice vote. This position will not add to the headcount and has been included in the budget. With a full-time coordinator, the Assessment Center hours will be expanded and additional testing will be provided for new initiatives: SOUP, nursing inventory, and the addition of reading placement tests.
Mr. Tim Horger commented that Mr. Wilcoxson’s reference to the Student Trustee’s picture on the spring schedule might be considered a sexist remark.
Mr. Wilcoxson’s response was he had said it was a good picture of the Student Trustee. He did not mention male or female and stated that we are proud of all our students.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to convene a closed session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) imminent litigation; and 3) closed session minutes.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Ms. Fuller. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Dr. Scroggs, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Wilcoxson. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
The Board recessed at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Endress entered the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The Board entered closed session at 8:32 p.m. On a motion by Dr. Scroggs, seconded by Mrs. Endress and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 9:25 p.m.
It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Dr. Scroggs to approve the athletic program restructuring plan, as presented.
The Board reviewed the athletic program restructuring plan which included six recommendations – drop the custodial salaries and utilities from the expense charges to various athletic programs; discontinue men’s tennis, women’s tennis, and golf as soon as practicable and possibly adding soccer; direct the cost for leasing three “athletic” vans to Fund 01 and make the vehicles available to everyone at the College; allow out-of-state travel only when the NJCAA requires it as part of a tournament appearance and if more travel opportunities appear to be in order, all athletic fundraising efforts would be coordinated by the Foundation Director; create a full-time position – half-time athletic director and half-time retention specialist/academic advisor and approve a new three-year coaching stipend schedule; and decrease the number of athletic tuition waivers from 86 to 58 with the difference of 28 waivers being used to attract more of the district’s top high school students for academic excellence.
Mrs. Sweeden expressed disapproval of the athletic restructuring plan, as presented. She did not want to discontinue tennis and golf. She wanted to give these two life-long sports and the new golf coach a chance to improve. Cassie Fuller had a chance to talk to students who play tennis and it is very important to them and would like to see the sport continued. She also suggested adding track as a sport. She would not support discontinuing the sports. The IVCC tennis courts are unplayable. The cost of building new courts would cost between $50,000 and $150,000 per court and would need a minimum of four courts for tournaments. IVCC’s master plan does call for tennis courts at the south end of the campus. IVCC students cannot practice enough to be competitive because area tennis court facilities are not available while other community colleges are practicing on a daily basis. Twenty four colleges were surveyed with eight having women’s soccer and thirteen having men’s soccer. Six colleges have men’s and women’s tennis and thirteen have co-ed golf. If the decision is made to continue tennis, it was suggested that money be found to build new tennis courts. The number of athletes in each sport is low. Because the Board has been discussing the future of the athletic program for so long, this may have contributed to the low numbers. A suggestion was made to create a master plan for the athletic program, look at the club option and other possibilities, and then make a decision. It was the consensus of the Board to vote.
Student Advisory Vote: “Nay” – Ms. Fuller. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Wilcoxson. “Nays” – Mrs. Endress, Mr. Mallery, Dr. Scroggs, Mrs. Sweeden, and Mr. Thompson. Motion was rejected.
The Board asked the administration to come back with another recommendation.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to adopt the resolution as discussed in closed session to dismiss employee #138051. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to adopt a resolution authorizing Zukowski Law Offices to act as the district’s representative and file a request to intervene in the matter of the Crescent Ridge, LLC appeal to the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board for Tax Year 2006. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the September 24, 2008 Board meeting.
It was recommended by the Board to post all positions in the local newspapers and not limit it to posting internally.
It was also recommended that some of the items in the athletic restructuring plan be brought back to the Board as separate items since there seemed to be consensus on the transportation, out-of state travel, waivers, and the athletic director position.
It was noted that Dr. Corcoran received two letters from the community in support of tennis and golf.
It was moved by Dr. Scroggs, seconded by Ms. Fuller, and carried unanimously to adjourn
the meeting at 10:32 p.m. Motion passed by voice vote.