September 2007 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
David O. Mallery
Thomas C. Setchell
Deborah L. Sweeden
Elizabeth Kunkel, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Dennis N. Thompson, Vice Chair
Lori E. Scroggs, Secretary
Paula J. Endress
Others Physically Present
Dave Louis, Interim President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Bob Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Sue Isermann, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Ms. Kunkel and seconded by Mr. Setchell to amend the agenda by adding: Appointment of a Voting Delegate and an Alternate to the ACCT Annual Community College Leadership Congress (September 26-29, 2007) and removing item 15. - Closed Session. Motion passed by voice vote.
In the absence of Mrs. Scroggs, it was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to appoint Mr. David Mallery as Secretary Pro-tem. Motion passed by voice vote.
Agenda Item 5.7 – Cash Farm #8842 Lease Renewal was requested by Mr. Mallery to be removed from the consent agenda.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Ms. Kunkel to approve the consent agenda as presented with the removal of Item 5.7. Motion passed by voice vote.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes –Board minutes of the August 29 meeting
Approval of the Bills - $1,862,660.64
Education Fund - $909,738.87; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $148,859.14; Operation and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $55,667.35; Auxiliary Fund - $633,779.36; Restricted Fund - $84,857.35; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $29,758.57.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved the stipends for the pay period ending August 25, 2007 as presented.
Bid Approval – Emergency Generator Replacement
Approved the architect’s recommendation to accept the bid of $280,942 from JB Contracting of LaSalle, IL as the lowest, most responsible bid for the emergency generator replacement.
Bid Approval – Retaining Wall and Handrail Installation
Approved the architect’s recommendation to accept the bid of $75,734 from George’s Landscaping of Joliet, IL pending approval from ICCB to amend the retaining wall and handrail installation project budget.
Bid Request – Utility Vehicle
Authorized the Business Office to seek bids for a utility vehicle at an estimated cost of $14,000.
5.7 Cash Farm #8842 Lease Renewal – Year 2008
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve to renew the lease with Keith Gehm at $155.25 per acre (149.4 acres) for year 2008. Since this is the fourth year of a four-year lease, Mr. Mallery asked if the per acre bid was set at the beginning of the four-year lease. After receiving an affirmative answer, Mr. Mallery suggested it might be better to receive a bid every year with the volatility of the price of corn. The administration will consider this when going out to bid next year. The motion passed by voice vote.
Dr. Louis reported that Liz Kunkel made the front page of the Times newspaper as she spoke at the New Student Convocation as the student trustee. Dr. Louis had emailed a copy of the Economic Impact Study for the College and the District to the Board members. He encouraged the Board members to review it and use the numbers as they see fit. Dr. Louis announced that Arianna Medema, a student at IVCC, has been chosen to receive a $1,000 scholarship from the Illinois Community College Faculty Association. She was one of six students selected throughout Illinois. Dr. Louis received a letter from the Inspector General’s office regarding the ruling on whether community colleges are units of government or State agencies. The court ruled that certain plaintiff community college districts were not State agencies. IVCC is not included in that settlement and will be required to comply with the Ethics Act by fulfilling the annual ethics training requirements. Dr. Louis reported a tentative agreement has been reached on the Marseilles TIF and this will be discussed at the October Board meeting. A State budget hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26 in the cultural centre on the IVCC campus. He encouraged Board members to attend. Approximately 60 people will be testifying on the Governor’s veto items and the impact to the district. Dr. Louis reported fall enrollment continues to be up slightly – 1% on campus and 26% at Sheridan. Dr. Louis referred to an article in the Trustee Quarterly, “Secure Financial Future”. It features eight ways to keep your College on track.
Ms. Kunkel distributed minutes from the September 11th Student Government Association meeting. Upcoming activities included Special Olympics, IBHE SAC meeting and the ICCB SAC meeting. Ms. Kunkel is a member of the ICCB/SAC legislative committee and local issues committee. Goals were discussed for the upcoming year and other topics such as campus security, transferring to four-year universities, transferring from high school to college, and capital development were discussed. As a member of the IVCC Beautification Committee, Ms. Kunkel reported the architect had recommended colors for the cultural centre walls. Ms. Kunkel distributed the results of the SGA freshman election. Ms. Kunkel reported the referendum to be placed on the student ballot was postponed. It was decided that more input from different areas needed to be collected before rushing into a long-term decision.
Mrs. Sweeden reported on the Facilities Committee meeting held on August 30. The committee discussed the recommended PHS projects for Tax Year 2007, prioritized and grouped projects together for efficiency, and discussed improvements to the Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC). No decisions were made on the ECEC. Attached to the notes of the committee meeting was a memo from the committee asking for thoughts from all board members on the needs and ramifications of the ECEC building and program. Mr. Thompson will summarize all of the Board’s questions/comments and bring that information to the Board as an extension of the facilities committee report in October.
Mr. Mallery reported on the ICCTA meeting he attended. Topics included leadership and environmental design, mission statements – keeping them simple and easy to remember, and diversity in hiring minorities and increasing diversity in student population. Mr. Mallery is to report back to the next State diversity meeting on what processes IVCC is doing to actively increase diversity in staff and faculty.
Mr. Wilcoxson reported on the Planning Committee meeting held on September 17. The IVCC Strategic Leadership and Planning Council (SLPC) along with input from all areas of the College developed College goals and identified objectives, champions, activities, responsibilities and budget costs for each goal. A strategic plan flowchart was also developed by SLPC. The Board had previously reviewed the goals and vision/mission statements but the SLPC met in March and made a few revisions in the goals. The Planning Committee reviewed all the material and was in agreement to recommend approval to the whole Board. Dr. Louis emphasized the fact that the flowchart, goals, objectives, and vision and mission statements will be recommended for approval as a strategic plan and not the specific individual activities, timelines, and evaluation methods. The SLPC has been working on this for three years. The environmental scan was conducted three years ago and according to the strategic plan flowchart, this process should begin again this year.
Mr. Mallery asked if there could be a better way for notifying all trustees about committee meetings as he did not receive an agenda for the Planning Committee meeting. Mr. Wilcoxson stated it will be the responsibility of the committee chairs to send out emails to all Board members.
Mr. Wilcoxson reported on ICCTA’s new public relations initiative for a state-wide campaign to promote community colleges. This campaign ties in with IVCC’s goal to promote the value of higher education. A donation of $100,000 for free billboard advertising was received by ICCTA for this initiative.
It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the rescinding of the earlier Board decision to discontinue the contract with the Illinois Department of Corrections for educational and training services at the Sheridan Correctional Center and to continue those services for FY08. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the Articulation Agreement between Ashford University and Illinois Valley Community College, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the creation of a full-time Administrative Assistant I, Information Technology Services position for the Information Technology department as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Ms. Kunkel to approve the following resolution:
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees appoints Sandy Beard, Stephen Charry, Elizabeth Kunkel, Pam Mammano, Robert Marshall, Sue Mertel, Jane Sack, Lori Scroggs, Everett Solon, O. J. Stoutner, and Dennis Thompson to serve as members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee:
And, further be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees charges the Presidential Search Advisory Committee with the responsibilities and duties as stipulated in the Charge to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, said Appointments and Charge to be effective this 18th day of September, 2007.
Mr. Mallery nominated Mr. Wilcoxson as the Voting Delegate to the ACCT Leadership Congress and Mr. Setchell nominated Mr. Mallery as the Alternate. The nominations were approved by voice vote.
No comments.
Mr. Mallery has been discussing a tax abatement issue with the Putnam County Assessor. He asked if the administration had any discussions with the assessor. Mr. Corcoran will be contacting the Putnam County Assessor and taking care of this issue.
It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden, seconded by Mr. Setchell, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.