December 19, 2007 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
Dennis N. Thompson, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress
David O. Mallery

Elizabeth Kunkel, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Lori E. Scroggs, Secretary
Thomas C. Setchell
Deborah L. Sweeden

Others Physically Present

Dave Louis, Interim President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Bob Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney


In the absence of Mrs. Scroggs, it was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Ms. Kunkel to appoint Mrs. Paula Endress as Secretary Pro-tem.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the agenda. Motion passed by voice vote.


Dr. Louis requested Item 5.6 – Bid Request – Bridgeport Series I Vertical Milling Machine be removed from the consent agenda for the administration to modify the specifications for the milling machine.  It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the consent agenda as presented with the removal of Item 5.6.  Motion passed by voice vote.


The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes –Board minutes of the November 28, 2007 Meeting


Approval of the Bills - $1,380,614.86

Education Fund - $771,212.51; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $127,404.41; Operation and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $38,905.57; Auxiliary Fund - $74,760.29; Restricted Fund - $353,353.33; Audit Fund - $4,500.00; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $10,478.75.


Treasurer’s Report



Authorized the College to reinstate the following full-time instructional and academic support staff at the Sheridan Correctional Center – Harry Bell, Jr., Ken Carothers, Jerry Christensen, Bruce Markwalter, Mary Neps, Janice Sharp, Keith Stevenson, Steve Swett, and Mark Woodward.


Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending November 17, 2007 and December 1, 2007 as presented.


Bid Results – Inspecting and Testing of the Emergency Alarm System

Accepted the bid from D. M. Mattson – McLean, Illinois in the amount of $8,900 for the inspection, maintenance, and testing of the emergency alarm system.


Renewal – Insurance Consulting Services

Authorized the Business office to renew the insurance consulting agreement with Bushue Human Resources for a three-year term at $5,000 for calendar year 2008, $4,675 for calendar year 2009, and $4,850 for calendar year 2010.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to delete this item from the agenda.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Dr. Louis noted the second annual retirees and former employees reception hosted by the IVCC Foundation was held on December 13.  Mr. Wilcoxson and Mr. Thompson were present to represent the Board.  In the past Cathy Bangert, Director of Institutional Research, has presented the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data system (IPEDS) report to the Board.  In Cathy’s absence, Dr. Louis presented the IPEDS report and stated accountability is a very big issue.  It is easy to say you want to be accountable but it is harder to measure it.  The IPEDS report is just one of IVCC’s ongoing efforts to improve its ability to measure the effectiveness of the institution.  The College’s Strategic Plan has objectives and activities that will lead to accountability.  The Strategic Leadership and Planning Council (SLPC) has developed 14 Key Performance Indicators and this year IVCC participated in the National Community College Benchmarking Project (NCCBP) which provides community colleges with opportunities to report outcome and effectiveness data in critical performance areas, receive reports of benchmarks, and compare results with those of other colleges.  Cathy Bangert is working on a cross-matrix of effectiveness measures using the NCCBP measures, IPEDS measures, ICCB Performance Report measures and those measures that the SLPC has discussed as measures of Key Performance Indicators.  Once this matrix is complete, the administration would like to discuss it with the Board Planning Committee and receive input as to the measures that are important to the Board. 

Dr. Louis reported the Board had approved $450,000 in the FY08 budget to develop a parking lot more convenient for students and visitors and more convenient when buildings are built in the future.  When Dr. Corcoran emailed the Capital Development Board (CDB) for information on capital renewal funds that have not been released, he was informed that $550,000 is available now.  Approximately $1,800,000 is needed to complete the renovation of the Truck Driver Training Skills Path, the construction of a 600 sq. ft. building for Truck Driver Training and the renovation of the East campus parking lot with 300 additional parking spaces.  Dr. Corcoran reviewed with the Board three site plan options of where to place the additional 300 space parking lot.  The CDB will move forward with releasing the $550,000 as long as the IVCC Board approves placing the local commitment of $1,250,000 in a trust account to assure CDB that IVCC is serious and has the funds.   The Board was in consensus to make the commitment. The administration will bring this to the January Board meeting for approval.  The facilities committee will also need to meet and discuss the location of the parking lot which may impact the location of future buildings in the master plan.


Ms. Kunkel reported two Beautification Committee projects are underway – the painting of the cultural centre and the display of planters throughout the College, compliments of the horticulture department.  Ms. Kunkel is the new chair of the Non-Academic Affairs Sub-Committee for the IBHE-SAC.  She will be attending the IBHE/SAC meeting on February 2 and 3, 2008 and the ICCB/SAC meeting on January 18 and 19, 2008.  The campus safety report is underway and she will be sharing the results with the Board when the report is completed.  Ms. Kunkel was pleased to report that Kyle Fogle, IVCC student who is recovering from an accident, is doing well and will be back in classes for the spring semester. 

Mr. Wilcoxson complimented Fran Brolley for the reception hosted by the IVCC Foundation for retirees and former employees on December 13.  He also complimented him on the IVCC Foundation report of activities.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Mallery to adopt the Tax Levy Resolution, Certificate of Tax Levy, Resolution of Intent, and Notice of Intent to Increase Tax Levy, and Certificate of Compliance with the Truth and Taxation Act, as presented. 

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Ms. Kunkel.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Endress and Mr. Wilcoxson.  “Nays” – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the release of closed session minutes of the October 20, 2005 and November 29, 2006 and portions of the January 24, 2007(Faculty Contract Negotiations, Marseilles TIF Settlement); February 28, 2007(Faculty Contract Negotiations); April 25, 2007 (Sheridan Correctional Center Closing); and May 23, 2007 (Faculty Negotiations, Staff Compensation Review, VP Contracts, and Interim Vice President Position) meetings.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Mallery to adopt the following Resolutions regarding Closed Session audiotapes that meet the four criteria for destruction.  Motion passed by voice vote.

“Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513, accept for destruction the verbatim audiotapes of Closed Session Meetings from July 11, 2005; July 14, 2005; July 20, 2005; August 24, 2005; September 13 - 21, 2005; September 28, 2005; October 20, 2005; October 26, 2005; December 21, 2005; January 25, 2006; February 22, 2006; March 13, 2006; March 22, 2006; April 18, 2006; April 26, 2006; April 27, 2006; May 3, 2006; May 5, 2006; May 10, 2006; May 11, 2006; May 12, 2006; May 17, 2006; and May 24, 2006.

“Be it further resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 513 authorize the destruction of Closed Session audiotapes from July 11, 2005; July 14, 2005; July 20, 2005; August 24, 2005; September 13 -21, 2005; September 28, 2005; October 20, 2005; October 26, 2005; December 21, 2005; January 25, 2006; February 22, 2006; March 13, 2006; March 22, 2006; April 18, 2006; April 26, 2006; April 27, 2006; May 3, 2006; May 5, 2006; May 10, 2006; May 11, 2006; May 12, 2006; May 17, 2006; and May 24, 2006, as all the criteria for destruction of these tapes under the Open Meetings Act have been met.”


As a result of discussion from last month’s Board meeting, included in the Items for Information were athletic recommendations from Bob Marshall regarding eligibility and attendance requirements for student athletes, along with restoring paid assistant coaches, investigating the feasibility of offering men’s and women’s soccer and conducting an analysis of the tennis program. The Board had concerns as to whether the proposed athletic recommendations needed Board approval.  Dr. Louis did not see a need for the Board to approve eligibility requirements.  If the Board creates a policy, it is hard to enforce and there are always exceptions.  Discussion on the athletic program began when fund transfers were made to support the program. Bob Marshall noted that approximately $70,000 was reduced in the athletic budget by fewer contests, less travel and a reduction in the number of tuition waivers.  Because fund transfers have a negative connotation, Dr. Louis suggested budgeting for athletics at the beginning of the year which would eliminate the need for transfers.  The end result is the same, but it is addressed in a positive manner.  Mr. Thompson stated the Board has an obligation to determine the value of the activities and the funding issues. He would like information on facility issues – restrooms, soccer fields, tennis courts, extending water to the baseball field, and construction of a road to the field.  Mr. Wilcoxson believes the athletic discussion has improved the quality of the program and at the same time reduced the costs.  Mr. Wilcoxson would like the administration to look at the tuition waivers as a way to level the playing field between athletics and academics.  Mrs. Endress believes the Board needs to decide at what level to support athletics.  It was decided the finance committee should meet to define the costs and determine the level of support for the athletic program.


Steve Alvin reported that two students this year have won the Benjamin Gilman Award to study abroad.  Only about 14% of community college students receive this Federal Government Award.  Esther Graham with a g.p.a. of 3.8 is currently studying in Salzburg and Joseph Oliver with a g.p.a. of 3.97 will also be studying in Salzburg this coming spring.


No comments.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Ms. Kunkel to convene a closed session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) litigation; 3) closed session minutes.

The board recessed at 9:28 p.m.  The board entered closed session at 9:41 p.m.  

On a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Kunkel and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 10:22 p.m.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve a new contract as presented for the Interim President, Dave Louis.  Motion passed by voice vote.  The term of the current contract commenced on July 2, 2007, on a month-to-month basis, continuing to December 31, 2007, unless otherwise agreed to by and between the parties.  The new contract commences on January 1, 2008, on a month-to-month basis, continuing to June 30, 2008, unless otherwise agreed to by and between the parties.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Mallery to approve and release the minutes of the November 28, 2007 Closed Session Minutes Committee meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.

It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve and retain the minutes of the November 28, 2007 IVCC Board Closed Session meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Ms. Kunkel, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:29 p.m.