October 3, 2006 Special Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a special session at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Present

David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
Dennis N. Thompson, Vice Chair
David O. Mallery
Deborah L. Sweeden
Megan Guilfoyle, Student Trustee 

Members Absent

Paula J. Endress, Secretary
Lori E. Scroggs
Thomas C. Setchell

Others Present

Larry D. Huffman, President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Harold Barnes, Director of Information Technology Services


In the absence of Mrs. Endress, Mr. Mallery was appointed Secretary Pro-Tem.


The 2006 PHS Levy is anticipated to generate approximately $1.2 million and there is approximately $275,000 in excess PHS funds. The architect and the administration have been working on developing a list for this year’s projects and have included engineers in obtaining cost estimates. Excess funds accumulate when the College levies for projects and the bids come in lower than the cost estimates. After the projects are approved by the Board, they are sent to ICCB for approval. The projects must meet ICCB guidelines in order to qualify as PHS projects. This process takes a minimum of 30 days to review and take action. Before the projects are presented to the Board for approval, the administration will discuss the projects with ICCB to receive tentative approval if there is a question regarding eligibility. Gary Johnson distributed an old master list of capital projects and noted that the projects were in no particular order. G. Johnson proceeded to identify which projects were in progress, which projects have not been completed, and which projects are being considered for 2006. When selecting the projects for PHS funds, the administration takes into consideration those projects which involve the health and safety of the occupants, energy conservation, and ADA requirements.


Replace Display Cases

This project qualifies as a PHS project because there have been problems with the glass breaking and panels falling out of the frame. The cost is high because there are 14 display cases, each case must be reconstructed so the panels are vertical and not at an angle, and the cost for the glass is approximately $45 per square foot. The Board was in agreement that some of the display cases should be reworked and some be removed and used as open display cases. G. Johnson will look into how many need to be locked. It was agreed that this project cost could be cut in half.


Replace Emergency Generator

The generator is no longer large enough to handle the needs of the College and is located in the boiler room where problems related to water, gas or electric could compromise the ability of the College to respond to an emergency situation. The new generator would be located outside of the boiler room. A major concern was if the generator would fit into the aesthetics of the College. The architect has plans to include a partial retaining wall to block the view of the generator from the front entrance of the building. The architect did not want to increase the unattractiveness of that area and this project would fit well into the future master plan. The Board was in agreement to proceed with this project.


Replace Gymnasium Bleachers

The current bleachers do not meet accessibility requirements or aisle and rail requirements of the newer codes. The Board was in agreement not to do this project because of the limited use of the gym and preferred that the funds for this project be used to relocate the server room. It was suggested to pull the bleachers back to allow more space between the first row of the bleachers and the court. Gary Johnson will check to see if this can be done.


Computer Server Room Improvements

The computer server room needs to be modified so that the equipment is protected from water. The equipment is sensitive to temperature and water and is located under major water lines. The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system backing up the computers is undersized. There are no alarms to notify maintenance if the HVAC systems fail. The project would involve reducing the size of the phone system and the computer system and moving everything into one area of the server room where it would be protected. This equipment is very important and doing this project helps to eliminate potential risk. This server room would be sufficient for a few years, but when the technology building or the community instruction center are built, another room would need to be equipped. The administration and architect had looked at moving the computer server room across the hall into two conference rooms but the cost nearly doubled. The Board was in agreement to move the computer server room across the hall now and resolve issues that would arise in the future.


Thermographic and Energy Study Phase I

A thermographic study of the electrical system to determine if connections on aluminum wires are loose or defective and generating heat is being recommended. The study would assess if corrective action or replacement is necessary to prevent a potential fire and save energy. This study is prudent before the College replaces the aluminum wire with copper. The Board was in agreement to approve this study as a PHS project.


Add Handrails and Retaining Walls

The administration would like to improve the safety of the area between Buildings C and A which is used as an exit route from Building C and from the courtyard. The walk and drive are steep and there are no handrails. There is also erosion of the concrete landings. The Board was in agreement to correct these problems.

No action was taken on the PHS projects. A report will be prepared for the board members that were not in attendance and a special meeting will be called if necessary to approve the PHS projects.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery, seconded by Ms. Guilfoyle and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.