July 2006 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Present

David L. Wilcoxson, Board Chair
Dennis N. Thompson, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
David O. Mallery
Lori E. Scroggs
Thomas C. Setchell
Deborah L. Sweeden
Megan Guilfoyle, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Others Present

Larry D. Huffman, President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney


Mr. Wilcoxson presented Mrs. Sweeden a plaque for her years of dedication as Board Chair of the IVCC Board of Trustees. Mrs. Sweeden served as Board Chair from 2003-2006.


Mr. Corcoran and Ms. Roelfsema presented an overview of the tentative FY07 Budget. Mr. Corcoran stated that by law community colleges must adopt a budget in the first quarter of a fiscal year. Mr. Corcoran and Ms. Roelfsema identified budget assumptions and compared FY06 Actuals to the tentative FY07 Budget. They also identified budgeted operating revenues by source and budgeted operating expenditures by program. It was noted that some of the actuals in the presentation might change once the final numbers are complete for FY06. The Education Fund transfers will be less this year than last and the building match of $100,000 is eliminated.


It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Mr. Thompson to amend the agenda by removing Agenda Item No. 8 (Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree in Early Childhood Education) and adding Sheridan Faculty Negotiations as an agenda item after the Closed Session. The motion was carried by voice vote.


The following agenda items were requested by Board members to be removed from the consent agenda:

  1. Moving Expenses
  2. Revised President’s Contract
  3. FY07 Tentative Budget

5.10 Bid Approval – Food Service


Agenda Item 5.1 – Approval of Minutes

It was recommended that the word "suggested" after Mr. Mallery’s and Mr. Wilcoxson’s names be replaced with the word "considered" to clarify their statements under the discussion item on tuition waivers.

It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Ms. Guilfoyle to approve the consent agenda with the suggested revisions to the minutes as presented. The motion passed by voice vote.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – June 28, 2006 as amended.


Approval of the Bills 

Education Fund - $902,648.42; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $136,765.33; Operation and Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $41,447.33; Bond & Interest Fund - $18,607.50; Auxiliary Fund - $56,504.78; Restricted Fund - $71,815.22; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $34,024.48.


Treasurer’s Report



Approved the appointment of Timothy J. Bias as the Manufacturing Instructor assigned to the Division of Occupational Technologies for the 2006-2007 academic year, with placement on the salary schedule at step D-8 - $47,509.



Approved the stipends for the payrolls ending June 17, 2006 and July 1, 2006 as presented.


Bid Request

Authorized the Business Office to seek proposals for two (2) tractors and two (2) trailers for the Truck Driver Training Program with Waubonsee Community College and also authorize the administration to accept the lowest, most responsible proposal for a 3-year lease with an option to renew up to a maximum of five (5) years.


Technology Purchases

Authorized the administration to purchase VMWare PS Workshops services VI w/P2V JumpStart and the Professional Services Travel to implement the system from Novanis in the amount of $16,522.85 and authorize the administration to purchase 23 computers at $821.55 each from Dell, Inc. in the amount of $18,895.65.


Natural Gas Purchasing

Approved the attached agreement with Midwest Energy Alliance, LLC for the purchase of gas.


Athletic Insurance

Approved the athletic accident insurance coverage through First Agency, Inc. for FY2007 at a premium cost of $18,128 for the basic accident policy and $4,078 for the catastrophic plan.


Conferring of Degrees and Certificates (July Graduates)

Authorized the conferring of degrees and certificates on the July graduates as presented.


5.5 – Moving Expense

Mrs. Sweeden had asked that this item be removed from the consent agenda and stated that it was not an issue with her. She just wanted everyone to have a full understanding of the moving expense. The President’s moving expenses had not been discussed by the Board previously. She also wondered why the company with the higher estimate was selected. Dr. Huffman explained that if he had known that moving expenses had not been discussed when reviewing his contract, he would have pursued clarification before proceeding. He had spoken to Dr. Novak and was assured that the cost of moving is a normal part of the process of hiring a new president. Dr. Huffman had received two estimates based on the weight of the contents. The estimate from Quesse Moving and Storage of Peru was slightly higher. Mr. Quesse indicated that he had estimated it higher than he actually thought it would be, just to be sure he had everything covered and there would be no surprises later. The other estimate from a moving company in Kankakee seemed less experienced and was based on about 1200 pounds less weight. Dr. Huffman believes the actual bill from Quesse Moving and Storage will be lower than the estimate. Mrs. Endress stated that the President’s moving expense is a usual and customary expense and preferred the College do business locally. In the future she asked that these items be discussed in open session and not placed in the consent agenda.

It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mr. Setchell to approve payment not to exceed $7,450 to Quesse Moving & Storage for Dr. Huffman’ moving expenses. The motion passed by voice vote.


5.6 – Revised President’s Contract

After Dr. Huffman had accepted the position of President and was working with a representative of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS), it was discovered that since Dr. Huffman was a retiree, contributions could not be made to SURS. The revision in the President’s contract deals with the option of the President to contribute to Social Security and Medicare with no contribution of the Board to SURS. This is the option that Dr. Huffman would like to take.

It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the amendment to Dr. Larry D. Huffman’s employment contract as presented. The motion passed by voice vote.


5.7 – Tentative FY07 Budget

Mr. Mallery had asked that this agenda item be extracted because he has a problem with accepting the tentative budget without knowing more about it. He stated he was not prepared to vote on the budget because of the discrepancies in credit hours and the difference in salary increases between funds. It was noted that some salaries that were to be budgeted to Fund 1 were budgeted to another Fund and that skewed the numbers. Mr. Thompson explained that the budget is just an estimating tool. There are too many variables to receive definite answers on all questions. He stated you have a better chance of estimating your taxes than to know how many students will be attending classes. Mr. Thompson considers the budget a decent estimate. Mr. Mallery stated he understands if general material and supplies were overestimated, but the percentages of increases are not all clarified with the changing of accounting practices. His concern is if the College is serving the same students, why is the College spending more money?

One reason is the increase in salaries, and the other is due to accounting practice changes which make areas look like they are spending more.

It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to adopt the Resolution approving the Tentative FY2007 Budget and to authorize publication of the Notice of Public Hearing. The motion carried by voice vote with Mr. Mallery voting "naye".


5.10 – Food Service

Ms. Guilfoyle asked if the food service would be employing student workers. Mr. Corcoran could not answer that question, but stated the food service provider is very sincere about his business and wants to work with the College. The hours will be similar to the hours for the past year. The food service provider will pay $700 a month rent to the College plus 1% of the company’s monthly sales.

It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to accept the proposal from LiL Bella’s Pizza, Inc., Utica, Illinois for providing food service to Illinois Valley Community College.


Dr. Huffman distributed a list of his activities for July. It is not his intent to report each month but will report in future months about activities of special importance. He thanked Mr. Corcoran, Ms. Roelfsema and others who assisted in putting together the FY07 tentative budget. Many things can happen on the revenue and expenditure side that are not anticipated and he commended them for a job well done. Mr. Corcoran gave an update on the TIF meetings and future TIFs throughout the IVCC district (LaSalle, Peru, Utica, Spring Valley, Ottawa). He reported that although it is the goal of the College to be made whole, one size does not fit all. The College is in support of the economic development plans as long as all taxing bodies can agree on the terms of the mutually acceptable intergovernmental agreements. The College will look at each agreement individually, weigh the advantages and disadvantages and seek to protect the College’s tax base.


Ms. Guilfoyle distributed minutes from the last Student Government Association meeting. She reported the ICCSA conference will be held on November 3 and 4 at Grand Bear Lodge in Utica. Mr. Mallery and Mr. Wilcoxson attended the Massage Therapy graduation. Ms. Scroggs and Mr. Mallery attended the LPN graduation. Mr. Wilcoxson attended the Governance Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C. and shared the information he learned. Items covered at the conference included focus on mission, encourage the development of goals for the college, design a development plan, create study sessions, first item on the agenda should be a report on what the board members did last month, move the meetings along, roll call vote only if required by statute or by-laws, and being a good trustee requires a significant commitment of time. Mr. Wilcoxson hopes to further discuss these items during a board retreat.

Trustee Appointment for ICCTA Executive Committee and Northwest Region Chair

The Northwest Region of Trustees is composed of Illinois Valley, Kishwaukee, Sauk Valley and Highland and meets throughout the year. Mr. Setchell nominated Mr. Wilcoxson to serve on the Executive Committee and as the Northwest Region Chair. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed by voice vote.


Trustee Attendance at August ICCTA Executive Committee Meeting in Chicago

Mr. Thompson made the motion to authorize Mr. Wilcoxson to attend the August ICCTA Executive Committee Meeting in Chicago, seconded by Mrs. Scroggs. The motion passed by voice vote.


Trustee Attendance at September ICCTA Meeting in Springfield, IL

Mr. Thompson made the motion for Mr. Setchell and Mr. Wilcoxson to attend the ICCTA September Meeting in Springfield. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Endress and passed by voice vote.


Trustee Attendance at ACCT October Meeting in Orlando, FL

Mr. Wilcoxson asked Board members if they were interested in attending the ACCT 2006 Community College Leadership Congress in Orlando, Florida in October. Mrs. Endress and Mrs. Scroggs indicated they would like to attend. Mrs. Sweeden made the motion to approve the attendance of Mrs. Endress and Mrs. Scroggs to the ACCT Leadership Congress. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thompson and passed by voice vote.


Report of ICCTA Resolution on the State Ethics Act

Mr. Setchell reported that the IVCC Board of Trustees was opposed to the ICCTA Resolution on the Ethics Act. He did not feel that the community colleges should pay for representation for litigation. Mr. Thompson was hoping it could be settled by legislative action, but he would like to be supportive of the community colleges in general. It was noted that IVCC made the decision last month to go with ICCTA’s second option which was to introduce legislation to change the Higher Education Cooperation Act. Mr. Mallery made the motion that IVCC has chosen the legislative approach as the best and fairest course of action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Setchell and passed by voice vote.


Board Retreat

It was the consensus of the Board to hold a Board Retreat on Saturday, September 16. A committee was formed to prepare an agenda for the Board Retreat. Volunteers included Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs and Ms. Guilfoyle.


This item was removed from the agenda.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Ms. Guilfoyle to approve the new full-time Textbook Buyer position in the Bookstore as presented. Mr. Setchell questioned who is currently buying textbooks before this position was proposed. Ms. Sandberg, IVCC Bookstore Manager, currently purchases the books but stated the system is very complicated and it would be beneficial for another person to know the system. Mr. Setchell did not want to set precedent in hiring people as fall backs. Ms. Sandberg stated she needed to focus on other parts of the bookstore. She could work more with employee training, financial aid, faculty and focus groups. The buyer could bring in more used textbooks and work with the faculty and do a lot more things that Ms. Sandberg does not have time to do. The bookstore could be run more efficiently if there was a textbook buyer. Mrs. Scroggs asked if the addition of the Textbook Buyer would increase revenues. Ms. Sandberg anticipates additional revenues by bringing in more used textbooks. Mr. Mallery indicated that the bookstore has done a fine job in serving the students. He would like the bookstore to address the high cost of textbooks and he did not see a need to hire an additional person when enrollment has not increased. The motion passed by voice vote with Mr. Setchell and Mr. Mallery voting "naye".


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to approve the new full-time Administrative Assistant I position for the Truck Driver Training Program as presented.

Mr. Mallery wanted the position to be contingent upon the continuation of the Sauk Valley and Waubonsee contracts. Mr. Huffman indicated that employees are notified up front when a position is contingent upon grant funds and this position would be similar. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to approve the new position of World Languages Laboratory Coordinator as presented. This recommendation is a change in classification of a current position. The World Languages Laboratory Instructor position became vacant and the job description was reviewed and determined that there is no longer a need for someone at the faculty level to manage the World Languages Lab. A support staff member with a background in technology and some knowledge of a World Language will be able to continue to provide the services required. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr. Setchell to postpone indefinitely action on this policy until the Board has a chance to evaluate all of the Board policies. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr. Setchell to postpone indefinitely action on this policy until the Board has a chance to evaluate all of the Board policies. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Mr. Thompson to appoint Mr. George Needs, Human Resources Specialist, as the College Ethics Officer effective immediately. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Setchell and seconded by Ms. Guilfoyle to convene a Closed Session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives; and 3) the minutes of closed session meetings. The motion passed by voice vote.

On a motion by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Mr. Thompson, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 9:42 p.m.


It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to authorize the administration to begin negotiations with the American Federation of Teachers, Local 1810 for the faculty at the Sheridan Correctional Center for the contract year 2006-2007. The motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve and release the minutes of the June 28, 2006 Closed Session meeting. The motion passed by voice vote.


Mr. George Needs, Human Resources Specialist, reported that changes were made to the job description manuals as recommended by the Board. Each employee received their job description at the time of their performance evaluation. They were encouraged to review their job description and make suggested revisions. The additional positions approved at tonight’s meeting will be added to the manual. The manuals will be shared with everyone. They will be emailed to each Board member identifying the changes and linked to the Human Resources page on the Intranet. Mr. Needs distributed a Wage and Salary Classification Report. The College hired a compensation consultant in the late 90s and used ICCB data, Bureau of Labor statistics and a variety of other sources to develop salary ranges for each position. ICCB data was used to determine salary ranges for 28 administrators. This report is used as a guide and the ranges change every year. The salaries for employees employed at the ACE Hardware Learning Ladder are determined by ACE. The administration recommended a 3.5% increase for those employees not covered under a collective bargaining unit. Pay increases would be effective July 1. The pay increases are included in the FY07 tentative budget.

Mr. Needs stated Human Resources has considered hiring a compensation consultant to review the wage and salary classification report. A task force would be formed from across the College to work with the consultant and review pay procedures at the different levels. It was suggested that the Human Resources Director and the Human Resources Specialist should develop this report. Mr. Corcoran stated it is common practice in the community college system to hire someone from the outside. The objectivity that comes with a consultant is money well spent and employees feel their issues are heard and met.

Information on insurance and actual premiums will be ready for the Board at the next meeting.


It was moved by Mr. Setchell, seconded by Ms. Guilfoyle and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 p.m.