February 2006 Board Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2006
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Present
Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
David L. Wilcoxson, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
David O. Mallery
Lori E. Scroggs
Thomas C. Setchell
Dennis N. Thompson
Matt Simko, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Others Present
Chuck Novak, Interim President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the tenure status of Jane Battles, Nursing Instructor in the Health Professions Division; Linda Hanley, Nursing Instructor in the Health Professions Division; Matt Johll, Chemistry Instructor in the Natural Sciences and Business Division; Yelena Kajevic, English Instructor in the Mathematics, English and Education Division; Dominic Sarsah, Physics Instructor in the Natural Sciences and Business Division; and Julie Sherbeyn, Health and Wellness Instructor in the Natural Sciences and Business Division.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was the consensus of the Board to recess at 6:12 p.m. to a dinner to honor the faculty who were granted tenure.
On a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs. Endress, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting reconvened at 7 p.m.
B.J. Hilton, Midwest Energy Alliance LLC, gave a presentation on aggregation for purchasing electricity. Aggregation means to form a group and receive a group discount when purchasing electricity. Potential savings can be 10 to 35 percent. IVCC’s current contract for purchasing electricity ends in March of 2006. An aggregator will obtain annual use information, develop a load profile, prepare a request for proposal to send to appropriate alternate retail energy suppliers, evaluate the offers, negotiate on the College’s behalf, select the best suppliers for the College’s need, and give expert advice on the choices. The power to choose remains with IVCC. B. J. Hilton suggested forming a community college consortium for aggregate services or going to the local chambers and forming a group from the businesses who are members of the local chambers. Forming a group provides better contract terms and savings than that of individual customers.
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice-President for Career Education, presented an overview of occupational/career programs which are designed to lead to employment after one or two years of study and are not primarily designed to transfer, although many courses within the programs do transfer to four year institutions. IVCC offers 23 Associate in Applied Science Degrees (A.A.S.). These programs consist of 60-72 credit hours of study of which 25% are in general education. Forty certificate programs are offered which consist of a grouping of courses totaling less than 60 credit hours with no general education requirements. Certificates and A.A.S. degrees must be approved by the IVCC Curriculum Committee, the IVCC Teaching and Learning Committee, the IVCC Board of Trustees and the ICCB. Funding for these programs come from four general sources – the General Operating Fund, Carl Perkins Grant, Tech Prep Grant and other grants such as the National Science Foundation, Title III, etc. In FY05, 142 A.A.S. degrees and 429 Certificates were awarded.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – January 18, 2006 and January 25, 2006
Approval of the Bills
Education Fund - $678,156.63; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $152,234.00; Operation and Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $7,020.00; Auxiliary Fund - $172,834.02; Restricted Fund - $58,200.98; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $12,781.20.
Treasurer’s Report
Approve a salary adjustment for Mr. George Needs of $200 per pay period (two weeks) from his previous salary of $1293.75 per pay period to 1493.75 per pay period, said adjustment beginning February 27 and continuing until such time as a new Human Resources Director reports to duty at which time Mr. Needs’ salary would revert back to $1293.75 per pay period.
Approve the appointment of Paul Leadingham as the Welding Instructor and Manufacturing Program Coordinator, assigned to the Division of Occupational Technologies with placement on the salary schedule at step A-8 – $41,166 (prorated).
Approve the appointment of Nevada A. Nevin as the Horticulture/Landscaping/Grounds
Maintenance Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center at an annual salary of $34,500.
Authorize the College to officially notify the Sheridan Correctional Center instructional and academic support staff (Colleen Aeppli, Harry Bell, Jr., Ken Carothers, Jerry Christensen, Bruce Markwalter, Nevada Nevin, Keith Stevenson, Steve Swett, and Mark Woodward) of the Reduction in Force.
Bid Approval
Authorize the Business Office to lease nine (9) general use copiers from Illinois Valley Business Equipment, Peru, Illinois as the lowest, most responsible bid in the amount of $115,109.25.
Authorize the Business Office to purchase the Print and Copy Management Software System from Today’s Business Solutions, Inc., Lemont, Illinois in the amount $16,524.00.
Technology Plan FY06 Purchases
Approve the purchase of the Event Management Software (CollegeNET Series 25 products, Schedule 25 and Resource 25 – including WebViewer) in the amount of $8,475 and $23,000 respectively for a total of $31,475.
Authorize the staff to use $31,475 of the fund balance in the Auxiliary Fund (05) in the instructional technology account for the purchase of the Event Management Software.
Faculty Overload Payroll
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Spring 2005-06 faculty overload payroll in the amount of $254,936.90.
Dr. Novak reported that it is time for the semi-annual review of closed session minutes. Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, and Mr. Wilcoxson are members of the Closed Session Minutes Committee and will meet to review the minutes and make a recommendation to the Board at the March Board meeting. Dorene Perez’s class has worked on the reconfiguration of the Board Room. They will present four designs at the March Board meeting. Dr. Novak asked the Board to decide on a date to meet to discuss strategic planning and the draft of the mission, vision and goals that was sent to them. It was decided that a special meeting will be scheduled for the end of April to discuss strategic planning. Discussion of the next President’s contract will take place at the March Board meeting.
Mr. Setchell had sent an email to all Board members on his notes from the ICCTA meeting held in conjunction with the Community College National Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C. on February 6. The next ICCTA meeting is scheduled for March 17th -18th in Rosemont and the ICCTA Lobby Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29th in Springfield. The Student Advisory Committee will also be meeting in Rosemont.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to designate the FY2007 budget to be July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007; adopt the budget calendar for FY07 as attached and presented; and adopt the attached resolution which authorizes Dr. Charles R. Novak, to begin the process of preparing the tentative budget for Illinois Valley Community College.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the addendum agreement between Illinois Valley Community College and Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt Architects, Ltd. in an amount not to exceed $20,000. This addendum is presented to handle the bidding and architectural fees associated with repaving the College’s roadways.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr. Setchell to approve a $2 per credit tuition increase for the coming year.
Mr. Simko reported that members of the Student Government Association (SGA) met with Dr. Jerry Corcoran and Ms. Cheryl Roelfsema to discuss the tuition increase. Mr. Simko stated the students were pleased that the administration had taken the time to discuss the matter with them. Mr. Simko was asked if the letter from the SGA represented the whole student body’s position on tuition. Mr. Simko replied that it is very difficult at a community college to get students to participate in meetings and the SGA members are elected to represent the student body. He was also asked how many students present at the meeting do not pay tuition. He replied that three out of the eight or nine in attendance do not pay tuition; but the students present at the meeting take the other students into consideration when they vote.
Mr. Wilcoxson was in support of an increase in tuition for next year. He also stated that he was disappointed in the sister organizations when they feel the answer to most of the problems is to raise tuition or have the state raise their portion. He was in favor of a $2 increase but before he would consider a $3 increase, he would like to see prices reduced in the bookstore to offset the increase. And before he would put additional burden on the students, he would like to look at the programs being offered. Also if the College sinks below the 85% level, the College has an opportunity to catch up before any penalty is issued.
Mr. Mallery was also in support of an increase. He stated the bookstore and lab fees also have a great impact on the students and would like to continue to work towards lowering these costs to the students. He would like the College to consider a student forum the next time instead of just eight or nine students representing the student body.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to adopt the Records Retention Policy 5006 as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was the consensus of the Board to delegate the preparation of the Board’s budget to the Chair and Vice Chair. Legal services have been charged to the Board’s budget in the past and a question was raised if only Board issues could be charged to the Board’s budget. Options will be explored in this area. A reasonable amount will be placed in the budget for educational purposes and Board members are encouraged to attend meetings and conferences.
Dr. Novak reported that the administration is working on another report and the report will be ready for the March Board meeting.
Mr. Wilcoxson proposed that the Board participate in the hiring process of all positions that report to the President and observe the hiring process of all positions at the next level. This would give the Board a chance to learn something about the person being interviewed and the people who are doing the interview. Mr. Wilcoxson would like to get to know the vice presidents, but he does not want the Board to select the person. He would like to have a comfort level with not only the president but also the vice presidents. Mrs. Sweeden questioned the need to build relationships during the interview process versus after the process. Mr. Wilcoxson believes there were some serious shortcomings on the way some of the interviews were handled in the past. If the Board sits in on these interviews, the Board will know how the people are selected.
Dr. Novak stated the Board’s responsibility is to hire and fire the president. If the Board is not happy with whom the president hires, then the Board fires the president. The president is the one responsible for working with the vice presidents and the president is the one who has to create a great institution. Meddling in the hiring process will not create a great institution; it will create a disaster. Mr. Wilcoxson stated his intention was not to meddle but to observe. But Dr. Novak insisted that observing would be meddling. Dr. Novak stated there are ways to use the Board’s expertise to select good people. But for the Board to get involved in the process will only undermine the integrity of the institution and the faith the institution has in itself to choose good people. The institution cannot choose good people every day; it makes mistakes. But no one can say that this institution does not have good faculty and staff. And the reason for this is because the hiring process has integrity. The College can change the hiring process by adjusting the process, by changing it or establishing new goals. This is the level in the which the Board should be involved. Dr. Novak suggested that the Board have faith in the institution and put their energy into making the College a great institution by establishing high standards, high expectations and policies that drive this institution.
Mrs. Scroggs was concerned how a candidate for vice president would feel sitting in an interview and the Board observing the administration. She felt that the candidate could perceive it as the Board watching the administration and could make the candidate wonder if they really want to work here.
Mr. Thompson indicated that relationships can be developed by the individual updates that are being presented. Rigorous questions have been asked of the vice presidents and administration and Mr. Thompson believes he has reached a comfort level with them and has gotten to know them through these updates.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to convene a Closed Session to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint; and 2) minutes of closed session meetings.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Endress, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
On a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs. Scroggs, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 9:25 p.m.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to approve the administration’s recommendation to not renew the contract of employee #131403 and adopt the resolution to dismiss a non-tenured faculty member, and if duties and responsibilities of the position are not fulfilled, to authorize the President to suspend without pay for a period of time not to extend beyond the next scheduled Board meeting and to bring a recommendation for termination to the Board.
Feedback from the RFPs for the Audit bid has been received from the Audit Committee. It was the consensus of the Board to send out the RFPs and place this item on the April Board meeting agenda. Mr. Setchell, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Wilcoxson are members of the Audit Committee.
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs, seconded by Mr. Simko and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.