January 2005 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 2005 in Room C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Present

Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
James A. Narczewski
Kristine A. Paul
David L. Wilcoxson
Andy Simko, Student Trustee

Members Absent

H. Todd Phalen, Vice Chair
Jimmie D. Lansford

Others Present

Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Walter J. Zukowski, Board Attorney



This item will be placed on the agenda for the February Board meeting.


Harold Barnes and Emily Vescogni reported on four of the ten strategic goals for technology. Goal 1: Infrastructure - to provide an information technology infrastructure to support the teaching and learning environment, as well as the administration of the College. New lab and expansion of labs have taken place along with upgrades. Goal 2: Web Services - to further develop the web site to enable users to access comprehensive college services. A new Web site has been developed and this is the 13th anniversary of www.ivcc.edu. Web-based services include virtual librarian, online writing center and grade reports. Goal 5: Distance Education - to use information technology to extend teaching and learning opportunities beyond the classroom. On-line courses are assisting parents in obtaining and finishing their education. The number of students enrolled in on-line courses for the first day of Spring 2005 is 283. Goal 7: Administrative Systems - to fully utilize the administrative systems in order to enhance services for students, faculty and staff. The colleague student information system has been enhanced to provide web-based roster printing for the faculty and simplified manual check printing. Dr. Goodnow expressed her appreciation to the team who gave the IVCC Web site a new look. It is designed for smooth navigation and she encouraged everyone to take a look at www.ivcc.edu.


It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the consent agenda including the following items:

Minutes of the December 15, 2004 Board Meeting.

Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $672,499.83; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $152,535.92; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $158,336.07; Bond & Interest Fund - $650,988.75; Auxiliary Fund - $275,972.74; Restricted Fund - $83,793.02; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $5,153.68.

Treasurer’s Report – Jerry Corcoran reported in order to simplify the budget to actual comparisons, the SURS contribution for $950,000 was deducted from the FY05 budget numbers. Also two columns (Actual/Budget for FY04 and Budget for 2003-2004) were added to the FY05 Budget to Actual report to assess how the College is doing compared to last year.


Faculty Appointments
Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Keith H. Stevenson, Warehouse/Shipping and Receiving Instructor assigned to the Sheridan Correctional Center at an annual salary of $34,500.

Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Michael T. Pratt as the Welding Technology Instructor assigned to the Sheridan Correctional Center at an annual salary of $33,000.

Faculty Retirement
Recommendation: Accept Judith Krafcky’s request for retirement effective May 26, 2006, and wish her a long, happy, and healthy retirement.

Bid Request

Multi-Media and Audio Visual Equipment
Recommendation: Authorize the Business Office to seek bids for multimedia and audio visual equipment at an estimated cost of $50,000.

Bid Approvals

College Catalog
Recommendation: Authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of $14,267.14 from Action Printing, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin as the lowest, responsible bid for the printing of 18,000 copies of the two-year catalog.

Fire Alarm Inspection and Testing
Recommendation: Authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of $9,800 from Thompson Electronics, Peoria, IL as the lowest, responsible bid for the annual inspection and testing of the College fire alarm system.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


Dr. Goodnow pointed out that all Board members received the letter from Clifton Gunderson on the Unrelated Business Income Tax. She attended the Illinois Presidents Council meeting on January 14 and the Presidents will be taking a proactive approach toward funding for community colleges. They will focus on the Special Populations grant, the P-16 Initiative and Workforce Development. There is no movement on the capital budget requests. Mrs. Endress and Dr. Goodnow will be attending the Community College National Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C. on February 14-16. Lincoln Land Community College will host a meeting with Congressman Ray LaHood at the summit. Areas of concern on the federal level are financial aid – Pell Grant and Workforce Development. Ms. Calvetti and Dr. Goodnow met with Ray LaHood in Peoria to request his support on the High Growth Job Training Grant. They also received his commitment to rally Congressman Hastert and Congressman Weller as well as Senator Durbin and Senator Obama in support of the grant. Dr. Goodnow reported that the IVCC basketball team played Southwestern Iowa at the Chicago United Center on Saturday, January 8. She encouraged everyone to check out the new Foundation Alumni Web site at www.ivcc.edu/foundation.


Mr. Wilcoxson reported on the ICCTA meeting on January 14. The educational committee’s topic this month was a look at three different generations – Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. In March the topic will be home schooling and its impact on community colleges and Lobby Day will take place in May. The educational committee asked for future program ideas and the top three were: Board-President Relations, Strategies in Negotiations, and Physical Plant Issues. The trustees identified 10 legislative goals and the top three were: Restore Funding, Capital Development, and Adult Education funding.

Andy Simko attended meetings for the Student Advisory Committee. Students broke out into teams and worked on projects that are important to the students around the State. The Student Advisory Committee is working on a fundraiser for the "Make a Wish Foundation" for Illinois.


It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Paul to change the date of the February Board meeting from Wednesday, February 16, 2005 to Thursday, February 17, 2005. Mr. Wilcoxson and Mr. Narczewski were unable to attend the meeting on the 17th. After some discussion, Mr. Wilcoxson amended the motion to change the date of the February Board meeting from Wednesday, February 16, 2005 to Tuesday, February 22, 2005 and Mr. Narczewski seconded the motion.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Paul to change the date of the August Board meeting from Wednesday, August 17, 2005 to Wednesday, August 24, 2005 to allow 30 days for public inspection of the tentative budget presented at the July 20, 2005 Board meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the proposal from the architectural firms of Basalay, Cary & Alstadt and Legat to update the College’s Master Plan as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the conferring of degrees and/or certificates on the December, 2004 graduates as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to approve the recommended changes to Board Policy 1023 – Appearance before the Board as presented.

Mr. Wilcoxson asked that a committee be formed of members of the Board to review the policies and if there are concerns the committee will present them to the Board. Mr. Narczewski suggested members of the administration be included on the committee. Mr. Wilcoxson disagreed and said it was the responsibility of the Board and the Board would confer with administration if needed. Mrs. Sweeden will appoint a committee.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mrs. Endress to convene a closed session to 1) review the minutes of the December 15, 2004 closed session meeting and 2) review of closed session minutes.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.

On a motion by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mrs. Paul, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed.


It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to approve and retain the minutes of the December 15, 2004 closed session meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.

It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr. Simko to release the closed session minutes of April 19, 1989; December 19, 1990; February 20, 1991; June 19, 1991; June 16, 1993(Annexation-Oglesby); July 21, 1993; December 15, 1993; June 15, 1994; December 20, 1995 (TIF Zones, Concrete, Asbestos Abatement); February 19, 1997 (Oglesby Economic Development); March 19, 1997; April 16, 1997 (Oglesby Economic Development); May 21, 1997 (Executive Summary and Closed Session Minutes); June 18, 1997; July 16, 1997; October 15, 1997 (Lease of Real Property); July 15, 1998 (Public Relations Firm); September 16, 1998 (LaSalle TIF); October 21, 1998 (Mendota TIF); July 21, 1999 (Ottawa Downtown TIF and EAV Appeal – Farm and Fleet); September 22, 1999 (Putnam County Historical Society and Ottawa TIF); April 19, 2000 (Ottawa TIF); May 17, 2000 (Change Order – Roof Project); October 15, 2003 (Seneca TIFs).

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski and Mrs. Sweeden "Nays"– none, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Narczewski, seconded by Mr. Simko, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.