August 2005 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, 2005 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Present
Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
David L. Wilcoxson, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
David O. Mallery
Lori E. Scroggs
Thomas C. Setchell
Dennis N. Thompson
Matt Simko, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Others Present
Chuck Novak, Interim President
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Walter J. Zukowski, Board Attorney
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to recess the meeting to proceed on a College tour to view major projects that have been completed over the past year.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs and seconded by Mr. Simko to reconvene the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
This being the time and place published for a Public Hearing regarding the FY2006 Budget, Board Chair, Deborah L. Sweeden called for questions and/or comments from the audience. Since there were no questions and/or comments, it was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Endress that the regular meeting resume.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to approve the Resolution to Adopt the FY2006 Budget as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to approve the consent agenda with the minutes amended as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – July 11, 2005; July 14, 2005; July 20, 2005; and July 28, 2005
Approval of the Bills
Education Fund - $787,005.60; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $153,027.95; Operation
and Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $553,755.63; Auxiliary Fund - $107,268.38;
Restricted Fund - $103,558.22; Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $30,600.94
Treasurer’s Report
Faculty Appointment
Approve the appointment of Mark P. Woodward as the Welding Technology Instructor at
Sheridan Correctional Center at an annual salary of $33,000.
Staff Appointment
Approve the appointment of Gary K. Johnson as the Director of Facilities at an annual
salary of $50,000.
Faculty Resignations
Accept with regret the resignation of Cathy Christensen, nursing instructor, effective
August 15, 2005.
Accept with regret the resignation of M. Sameer Haider, computer science/networking instructor, effective August 15, 2005.
Dr. Charles Novak thanked Dorene Perez and Rosie Lynch for helping to write the National Science Foundation grant in which the College will receive $230,000 over two years. This grant will allow the College to take some of the College’s technical programs and rewrite the curriculum so that the programs become project based as opposed to theory based while the students are actually learning. Dr. Lynch was present to explain that they will be using the MIMIC (Making Industry Meaningful in College) project as the base. High school students will be brought into this project and recruiting will take place. The students will work on these projects over the whole course of the four-year curriculum. Mr. Mallery believes this grant was the direct result of their trip to China and thanked them for their hard work in securing the grant. Dr. Novak stated that not too many community colleges receive NSF grants so this is something that IVCC can be very proud of. Dr. Novak is putting together a program for Board orientation. Board members will meet with different offices of the College to observe the operation of the office and how reports are generated. This can be done on an individual basis and will take the better half of a day. The Faculty Association and the IVCC Foundation are sponsoring a “Fall Picnic” on Friday, August 26th at 4:30 p.m. in Centennial Park in Peru. Dr. Novak encouraged the Board to attend. Dr. Novak has made contact with Representative Frank Mautino to see if it is possible for IVCC to receive the Capital Renewal Project funds approved in 2003 for the Entrance Road Project. IVCC has banked approximately $800,000 for this project. IVCC architects have slightly modified the original project to match the Master Plan and it is the hope that the Truck Driver Training skills path could be taken care of at the same time. Dr. Novak invited Board members to contact their representatives. Dr. Novak asked the Board Members to arrive at 6 p.m. for the September Board meeting so that photos could be taken of the new Board Members so the wall of pictures could be completed.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety Project of Replacing Stairwell Doors and Hardware in the amount of $335,565 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety Project of Ceiling, Lighting, Replacement and Phase II Wiring Modifications at the Main Level of Buildings D & E in the amount of $420,749 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Mr. Wilcoxson noted that the Phase II Wiring Modifications of this project was created by improper installation in the past and emphasized how important it is when construction is being done that it is properly supervised. Dr. Novak also noted that some understandings are being worked out on how this project is to be paid so that College does not have to pay for it twice.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety Project of Upgrading Fire Doors at Lower Level Corridors in the amount of $89,572 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety Project of Courtyard and Exterior Wall Mount Light Replacement in the amount of $68,100 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the Protection, Health, and Safety Project of Replacing Stage Curtain and Stage Lighting in the amount of $236,950 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to transfer $220,500 from Fund 1 (Education Fund-Contingency Account) to Fund 2(Operations and Maintenance-Capital Outlay Account).
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Mallery to transfer $179,500 in Fund 2 (Operations and Maintenance-Contingency Account) for Capital Outlay expenditures in Fund 2.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to transfer $294,193 from Fund 1 (Education Fund) to Fund 5 (Auxiliary Enterprises Fund) for Athletic ($232,327), Child Care ($38,363), and Cultural Events ($23,503).
Mr. Mallery asked for historical figures on transferring funds in the athletic area. He noted he has a problem when the College transfers money from the education fund and the instructors are asked to do with less travel and conferences. But yet the College continues to subsidize athletics. He asked that the Board revisit this issue. Dr. Novak noted that the administration would provide a financial and needs analysis for the athletics program at the October Board meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – Mr. Mallery and Mr. Setchell, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mrs. Scroggs to authorize the conferring of degrees and certificates on the August graduates as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
The Board members received a report of the trends and implications from the Environmental Scanning project. Mr. Thompson thanked everyone who had contributed to the report and shared some of his thoughts. The College has agreements with Franklin University and other educational institutions to provide programs to students in our district through satellite and on-line courses. He wondered how the College will handle this in the future. The College is talking about classrooms and construction of buildings, but yet institutions are offering Internet classes with no classroom space. He was curious to hear from faculty, staff and students who have experienced those types of classes to see which way we are headed in the future. He was thinking ahead of what the College will be trying to provide in the future. He was thinking of collegial efforts across different areas - looking for the connection for IVCC to offer classes through other universities. He wondered where the College’s E room is – the on-line room. He wondered who the E counselor is and who is recruiting the students for the E classes.
Mr. Wilcoxson also shared his thoughts. He does not like the word “compete” in education. In education the colleges cooperate. IVCC is here to serve the community.
Dr. Novak noted that this report will be discussed at the September Board meeting. The staff has put in a lot of work on the research of the trends and now is the time to figure out the implications and how the College will respond to the people it serves. Dr. Novak drafted a message for the Web site today and he summarized it for the Board. This Web site is designed specifically to serve you, the students, and it was designed by faculty and staff that care for the students. You can do anything you want on this Web site whether you are at the College computer labs or at home. You need to set up a WebAdvisor account and you don’t need to come out to the College for many of the activities and services. And when the snow starts to fly, you can stay home and research your ENG 1002 paper. Dr. Novak stated that this is the capability that this College has and these are the issues this College needs to face.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to convene a closed session to discuss (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; (2) Self evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member; (3) discussion of minutes of closed session meetings.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Setchell, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
On a motion by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mrs. Scroggs, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 9:43 p.m.
It was moved by Mrs. Scroggs and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve and retain the minutes of the July 11, 2005 closed session meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Thompson to approve and retain the minutes of the July 14, 2005 closed session meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve and retain the minutes of the July 20, 2005 closed session meeting. Mr. Wilcoxson made a motion to amend the minutes and approve and retain the minutes as amended. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion.
Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” –Mrs. Endress, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mallery, Mrs. Scroggs, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. “Nays” – None, motion carried.
Mrs. Sweeden appointed a Closed Session Minutes Committee to review all past closed session minutes. The committee members will be Mr. Wilcoxson, Mr. Mallery and Mrs. Scroggs. Meetings will be announced and any Board member may choose to participate.
Mrs. Sweeden appointed an Audit Committee to review the Audit and Management Letter before the next Board meeting to better understand the audit and perhaps put it in layman’s terms for other Board members. The committee members will be Mr. Wilcoxson, Mr. Setchell, and Mr. Thompson. Meetings will be announced and any Board member may choose to participate.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mrs. Scroggs, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:54 p.m.