May 2004 Board Meeting Minutes

Members Present

Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
H. Todd Phalen, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
James A. Narczewski
Kristine A. Paul
Jimmie D. Lansford
David L. Wilcoxson
Andy Simko, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Others Present

Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Walter J. Zukowski, Board Attorney


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress that the Board of Trustees approve the Minutes of the April 21, 2004 Board Meeting and the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $741,208.50; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $169,055.44; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $46,315.50; Auxiliary Fund - $96,120.09; Restricted Fund - $100,026.30; and Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $227,150.01.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


Dr. Goodnow reported that she attended the American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota from April 22 – 27 and also attended the ICCTA Lobby Day in Springfield on April 28. IVCC held its annual employee recognition event on April 30th. Jerry Corcoran, Cheryl Roelfsema and their staff were awarded the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Ottawa Chamber of Commerce awarded IVCC a 30-year membership award at its 88th Annual meeting on May 5 at Starved Rock. Three students will represent IVCC in the National Golf Tournament on May 24 in Phoenix, Arizona. This was the 5th year that the Golf Team has won the championship in the Arrowhead Conference. This is the first year the Women’s Softball Team has won the championship and Baseball place 3rd in the Arrowhead Conference this year. Coffee with the President was held on May 6th at Serena High School. The Quality Based Selection process is in progress. Eighteen proposals were submitted with four firms selected to give presentations. A recommendation will be made at the June Board meeting. Harriet Custer is working with the Department of Corrections in program development and new contract negotiations. IVLead Graduation was held on May 7th at Starved Rock with 11 graduates.

Mr. Phalen entered the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

The IVCC Small Business Development Center hosted an Assistance Workshop on May 12 to assist businesses and homes affected by the April 20th tornado. IVCC held a debriefing the day after the tornado to review procedures and to make suggestions for improvement. Overall, Dr. Goodnow was very proud of the response of the IVCC employees in working together as a team. The area high school art show has been on display at IVCC. The IVCC graduation will take place on Friday, May 21, the nurses pinning ceremony on Saturday, May 22 and the GED graduation on Monday, May 24. Dr. Goodnow reported the City Colleges of Chicago want to make a change in the equalization formula and are asking for an additional $26 million to support their colleges. The other community colleges in the State remain together to support the Chicago Colleges for additional funding as long as money is not taken from the other community colleges. Dr. Goodnow reported that she received a communication from Jeremiah Joe’s that they will no longer be able to do business at IVCC. Jerry Corcoran reported there would be an increase of 10% in the health insurance premiums. The College had projected a 25% increase. The difference between a 10% increase and a 25% increase is approximately $200,000. The College had been encouraged to hold 2%-5% of its state funding in reserve but now those monies have been released. IVCC will be receiving $154,000 less from the State than anticipated due to a change in the reporting of reimbursable credit hours. Mr. Corcoran also reported that the College was hoping for a 5% increase in EAV for LaSalle County. However, the 2003 EAV for LaSalle County is only 2.19% - a difference of $230,000 ($166,000 in the general fund).

Mr. Narczewski entered the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


Mr. Wilcoxson, Mr. Phalen and Dr. Goodnow attended the Northwest Regional Trustees Meeting on May 6, 2004 at Sauk Valley Community College. Mr. Wilcoxson reported that dual enrollment was a topic presented at the meeting. Sauk Valley visits all of the grade schools in their community college district and has personal contact with all of the eighth grade students. A booklet is distributed on these visits that help prepare the students for high school and college. Mr. Wilcoxson reported that these meetings are a great way to share information among colleges. Mr. Wilcoxson also attended Lobby Day in Springfield on April 28. He reported that in order for the budget passed on or after June 1 to take effect immediately, an extraordinary three-fifths majority in both chambers must approve it before it can be sent to the Governor for action. He also stated that IVCC has been treated very well when you consider the financial situation of the State. He encouraged the Board members to keep the legislators informed and up to date.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve, in accord with the contractual agreement between the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 and the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513, a sabbatical leave of absence for the 2005 calendar year for Mr. Jeffrey Carver, chemistry instructor.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mrs. Paul to confirm the quote of $38,391.86 from JB Contracting Corporation, LaSalle, IL as the lower, responsible quote for the emergency replacement of the water line to the gym.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Phalen to accept the bid of $25,998 from Fox River Lumber & Construction, Inc. as the lower, responsible bid. Also approve a contingency for $2,000 and the A/E professional fees for $2,000. The total amount for this project is $29,998.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the Business Office to seek bids for a Library Customer Service Center at an estimated cost of $20,000.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Lansford to approve a $5 per credit hour increase in tuition for Early Entry College (E2C) courses, effective the Fall Semester 2004.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the administration to make future annual adjustments in tuition for E2C courses, taking into consideration other factors affecting revenues and expenditures.

Discussion followed with the Board stating that is the responsibility of the Board to set the tuition. If the Board authorizes the administration to make future annual adjustments in tuition for E2C, this responsibility would be given to the administration. It was suggested that the administration bring a recommendation to the Board in January or February each year if they are anticipating an adjustment.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul and Mr. Narczewski. "Nays"– Mrs. Endress, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. Motion denied.


It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the Ethics Policy as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.

It was discussed that this policy hinders any involvement in pursuing a referendum. The Illinois Presidents Council will have a representative from the State Board of Elections and the Attorney General’s Office present at their next meeting to discuss this issue. There is nothing to prohibit the Board of Trustees from amending this policy in the future. This policy will be distributed to all staff.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the recommended changes to Board Policies 3001, 3011, 3015, 3016, 3021, and 3023 as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


Larry Rousey and Jerry Corcoran updated the Board on FY2006 RAMP submittals that will be on the June Board Agenda. The first RAMP submittal is the Community Instructional Center (CIC) with a Net Assignable Square Footage (NASF) of 64,201. This building will provide enrollment services, lab school for the early childhood education program and child care center, technology-enhanced classrooms and a break-out function capability to support conferencing, distance learning capability, dining area and food preparation program, storage and workspace for theatrical productions, student life space and meeting rooms. This RAMP project is #11 on the State list. The second RAMP submittal is the Building C-Classroom/Library Remodeling & Addition with a NASF of 13,600. This project will include remodeling the space that will be vacated after the new CIC is constructed, an addition to the library, and enlarging the life sciences lab. The Temporary Building Replacement Project (Technology and Workforce Development Center) with a NASF of 40,225 is not a traditional RAMP project. This project will require a 38% match instead of the 25% match required on the other two projects. The Technology and Workforce Development Center will house the Automotive Technology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Computer Numerical Control, Industrial Maintenance Hydraulics/Pipefitting, Pneumatics, Industrial Electricity, Manufacturing, HVAC, Welding, Hi-tech Computer Lab, Dislocated Workers Center, Small Business Development Center, Continuing Education and External Learning, Computer Labs – DWC & BTC and classrooms and meeting rooms. The ICCB and CDB cost estimate for the CIC is $27,772,274; Building C-Classroom/Library Remodeling and Addition is $8,371,755; and the Technology and Workforce Development Center is $17,214,377. The College has been preparing for its commitment on these projects by setting aside additional funds. The Technology and Workforce Development Center could be funded first as the Governor has expressed concern to replace temporary buildings before the other projects.


It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mrs. Paul to convene a closed session to discuss 1) the compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees and 2) discussion of minutes of the April 21, 2004 closed session meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.

It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to return to open session at 10:37 p.m.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to approve the FY2005 President’s Contract authorizing the Chair to execute a 4% salary increase ($140,926.00), an 8% + $500 increase in the annuity ($14,163.00), a decrease of $500 for an annual medical exam ($500), and 100% paid health insurance option currently selected by the President (employee + dependent).

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve and retain the minutes of the April 21, 2004 closed session meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Simko, and carried unanimously that the meeting recess at 10:42 p.m. to be reconvened at 6:45 p.m. on Friday, May 21, 2004 in order to approve the 2004 graduation list and authorize the conferring of degrees and/or certificates.