June 2004 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 in Room C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Present
Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
H. Todd Phalen, Vice Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
James A. Narczewski
Kristine A. Paul
Jimmie D. Lansford
David L. Wilcoxson
Andy Simko, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Others Present
Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Walter J. Zukowski, Board Attorney
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Lansford to amend the agenda and
move the closed session meeting to the beginning.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Simko to convene a closed session to discuss 1) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees and 2) discussion of minutes of the May 19, 2004 closed session meeting.
(Mrs. Paul and Mr. Phalen entered the closed session meeting at 7:23 p.m.)
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to return to open session at 7:40 p.m.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve and retain the closed
session minutes of the May 19, 2004 meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
Mr. Wilcoxson requested a correction in the minutes under the President’s Contract to approve the FY2005 President’s Contract authorizing the Chair to execute a 4% salary increase ($140,926.00), an 8% + $500 increase in the annuity ($14,163.00), a decrease of $500 for an annual medical exam ($500), and 100% paid health insurance option currently selected by the President (employee + dependent).
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress that the Board of Trustees
approve the Minutes of the May 19, 2004 Board Meeting with the above corrections and
the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $613,721.59; Operation and Maintenance
Fund - $36,793.01; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $891.00; Auxiliary
Fund - $226,289.87; Restricted Fund - $46,479.84; and Liability, Protection & Settlement
Fund - $30,122.13.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
Dr. Goodnow recognized Kristin Abrahams, a McCormack Scholar, who graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 grade point average from IVCC. She was one of 801 IVCC graduates in the Class of 2004. The Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team brought home its first national trophy and a cash prize of $1,000 for the finish, which tied them for ninth place in the nation. The Datatel Scholars Foundation recently announced 287 scholarship recipients. IVCC’s student, Rebecca Gatlin of LaSalle, was one of those recipients. She will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Education advisors from Croatia, Malaysia, Thailand and India visited IVCC. Study Illinois is a new organization that involves a number of Illinois colleges and universities and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The organization’s purpose is to promote Illinois colleges and universities to students overseas who are interested in becoming international students. Summer Camp for Kids has begun and the Summer Institute on International Education featuring Sub-Saharan Africa will begin June 21 and run through June 25. Twenty-five IVCC faculty and three other institutions are registered for the institute. Dr. Goodnow asked the Board members to remind our legislators to speak up in caucus and keep the community colleges level funding in FY05. Bob Marshall and Fran Brolley conducted an IVCC presentation for the noon Rotary in Ottawa. Fran Brolley will also be heading up an Employee Foundation Campaign in August. A Leadership and Core Values Retreat was held last week to integrate our five Core Values (Responsibility, Caring, Honesty, Fairness and Respect) into the culture at IVCC.
It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the appointment of
James A. Swisher as the Commercial Custodial Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center
with a salary of $31,500. This position is contingent upon the 2004-2005 contract
with the Department of Corrections.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the new full-time
partially grant funded position of Laboratory Instructor in Foreign Languages assigned
to the Division of Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the Business
Office to accept the bid of $21,933.00 from Paxton’s, Inc., Bloomington, IL as the
lowest, responsible bid for the purchase of 156 computer lab chairs which includes
freight costs and chair assembly.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to authorize the Business
Office to accept the bids of $6,687.70 from Valiant of S. Hackensack, NJ; $900.00
from Audio Plus of Ottawa, IL; $8,098.00 from Electronic Supply of LaSalle, IL; and
$470.00 from Klaus Company of Peoria, IL for a total of $16,155.70 for the purchase
of Audio Visual Equipment.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the Business
Office to accept the bid of $360,700.00 from Vissering Construction Co. of Streator,
IL as the lowest, responsible bid for the Renovation of Lower Level D, E214 and E216
contingent upon the Illinois Community College Board’s approval of the use of $91,067.45
additional funds from the Operation & Maintenance Fund to complete this project.
The total amount of this project will be $416,067.45 (Vissering Construction, $360,700.00;
A/E Fees, 37,332.45; Contingency, $18,035.00)
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the Business
Office to accept the bid of $1,043,700 from Vissering Construction Co., Streator,
IL as the lowest, responsible bid for the Third Floor Building Connections for Buildings
A, B, D, and E. Accept A/E Fees of $107,967 and Reimbursables of $18,000 for a project
total of $1,169,667.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– Mr. Wilcoxson.
Motion carried.
Larry Rousey and Jerry Corcoran presented a brief synopsis of the guidelines used in selecting the College’s Architect and Engineer firm. The selection committee consisted of Dr. Goodnow, Dr. Custer, Dr. Marshall, Mr. Corcoran, Ms. Isermann, Mr. Barnes, and Mr. Rousey. Public notice was given inviting proposals. Eighteen proposals were received, fourteen files evaluated, and four firms were invited for on-campus presentations. The criteria used to evaluate the firms were Capital Development Board pre-qualification status, master planning experience, community college and higher education experience, ability to meet expectations for deadlines and budget, the use of consultants, proximity to work site, appropriate disciplines of staff, experience with similar projects, written and presentation skills and references. The final four firms were ranked in this order (1)Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects, Ltd., Ottawa; (2)Ross Barney & Jankowski, Inc., Chicago; (3)LZT Associates, Inc., Rockford; (4)Burnidge Cassell Associates, Elgin.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson to authorize the administration
to enter into an agreement with Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt Architects, Ltd., as soon
as the terms of a mutually acceptable agreement can be reached, as the College’s A
& E firm of choice for capital projects.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mr. Phalen to authorize the staff to proceed
with submission of the updated RAMP proposal request for the Community Instructional
Center to the Illinois Community College Board in the amount of $17,108,300 including
the College’s match portion of $4,277,100.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the staff to proceed
with submission of the updated RAMP proposal request for the Building C – Classroom/Library
Remodeling & Addition to the Illinois Community College Board in the amount of $8,731,700
including the College’s match portion of $2,182,900.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to adopt the attached resolution
establishing a policy to require prevailing wages for any public works project at
the College. A copy of the resolution will be provided to all contractors doing work
at IVCC.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the proposed Basic
Substance Abuse Treatment Certificate to be submitted to the Illinois Community College
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Lansford to approve the proposed Advanced
Substance Abuse Treatment Certificate to be submitted to the Illinois Community College
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to approve the proposed
A.A.S. Degree in Corrections – Officer/Youth Program to be submitted to the Illinois
Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the proposed A.A.S.
Degree in Corrections – Parole Officer Program to be submitted to the Illinois Community
College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Endress, Mr.
Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Paul, and Mrs. Sweeden.
"Nays"– None, motion carried.
Information on tuition and fees for community colleges and for three of the popular four-year universities that IVCC students transfer to was given to the Board members prior to the meeting.
Jim Narczewski stated a reasonable increase in tuition is a better approach than a property tax increase that would be difficult to pass. Andy Simko believes IVCC’s tuition is where it should be or higher. He would prefer that the College not sacrifice quality for a lower price. Dave Wilcoxson wants to keep an eye on the College’s operating costs. He has noticed an increase in the past few years. He has reviewed the Fiscal Year 2004 Salary Report and IVCC’s salaries do not appear to be higher than other community colleges. He would like to study this further to find the reason for the increased operational costs. Todd Phalen complimented the administration for keeping the College in a good financial position and maintaining quality education. Jim Lansford cautioned the College in raising the tuition resulting in losing students in the fringe areas of the district to another district.
Larry Rousey presented a facilities update. He reviewed the completed projects: boiler replacement in Building C and the removal of the boiler in Building E; renovations of E116 for Forensics; and construction of an office and classroom in Building 6 for Truck Driver Training. He reviewed projects that are in progress: Energy management (Buildings D & E air handler upgrades, air conditioning replacement in Building F); Middle E and Lower D renovation; third floor interconnects; welding school construction; and new roofs for Buildings 6 & 12. Projects in planning are: elevator in gym to replace existing chair lift and ADA compliant projects at the northwest cafeteria entrance to Building C and the east entrance to Building F.
Jim Narczewski attended three graduation ceremonies at IVCC and was very impressed with the nurses’ graduation. The nursing program at IVCC is excellent and the state and national pass rates are very good. He would like to see the nursing program expanded due to the waiting list of 40 students for the RN program and 40 students for the LPN program. He believes it would be good for the local hospitals and good for the College. Paula Endress also attended the nurses’ graduation and would like to see a study done on expanding the nursing program at IVCC. She sits on the local workforce investment board and this issue has been discussed. Ms. Endress said it is very difficult to recruit qualified instructors because of what the College can pay them. But she would like to see this pursued and look at every possibility. Kris Paul also serves on the local workforce investment board and realizes the shortage of nurses in the area but there is difficulty in acquiring instructors. The local hospitals joined together and provided funds for an additional instructor to serve more nursing students in the program. The workforce investment board contacted all nurses with master’s degrees and only three indicated an interest in teaching. The board also offered to pay for the nurses to continue their education to receive a master’s degree but the interest was not there. The board is trying to put programs together and share with other community colleges because of the high cost of medical programs. Classroom space is another issue. Evening and weekend programs were suggested to alleviate the space problem. Deborah Sweeden thanked Jim Narczewski and Paula Endress in recognizing a need in the community and asked Dr. Goodnow and her staff to research this issue and come back to the Board with their findings.
It was moved by Mr. Simko, seconded by Mr. Narczewski, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m.