August 2004 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 in Room C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Present
Deborah L. Sweeden, Board Chair
Paula J. Endress, Secretary
Jimmie D. Lansford
James A. Narczewski
Kristine A. Paul
David L. Wilcoxson
Andy Simko, Student Trustee
Members Absent
H. Todd Phalen, Vice Chair
Others Present
Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Walter J. Zukowski, Board Attorney
This being the time and place published for a Public Hearing regarding the FY2005 Budget, Board Chair, Deborah L. Sweeden called for questions and/or comments from the audience. Mr. David Mallery thanked the Board for keeping the tax rate low for the taxpayers in the district even though the LaSalle County EAV was anticipated to increase by 5% and ended up increasing by only 2.9 percent.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the Resolution to
Adopt the FY2005 Budget as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to amend the agenda to include
a Closed Session meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson and seconded by Mr. Simko to convene a closed session
to discuss 1) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Simko to return to open session.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Lansford that the Board of Trustees
approve the minutes of the July 20, 2004 Special Board Meeting, minutes of the July
21, 2004 Board Meeting and the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $794,632.67;
Operation and Maintenance Fund - $104,784.11; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted)
- $409,465.45; Auxiliary Fund - $149,609.09; Restricted Fund - $167,591.68; Liability,
Protection & Settlement Fund - $5,743.74 and the Treasurer’s Report.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
Dr. Goodnow reported on the fall preview "How to Be a College Survivor". The College’s mascot, the Eagle, was present for the incoming students. The students have named the mascot "Spirit". Dr. Goodnow gave a presentation at the Part-time Faculty In-Service on August 16 and to the All Staff and Faculty In-Service on August 18. Classes began on August 19th. Dr. Goodnow reported the legislators had a record setting spring session of fifty-four days and IVCC received a special appropriation of $160,000 to assist the College in providing a welding lab for the district, which was requested by area employers. Dr. Goodnow highlighted two Board members who were in the news. Black Brothers of Mendota is a major sponsor of the Mendota Sweet Corn Festival and Todd Phalen, an employee, will be volunteering his time for this event. Paula Endress was featured in the Marquette Footprints newsletter. Paula recently received her Certified Fund Raising Executive certification from CFRE International. Dr. Goodnow reported an IVCC team attended the CQIN Summer Institute, which focused on developing a student-centered learning system. IVCC hosted the Alzheimer’s memory walk on August 22nd. Dr. Goodnow, on behalf of IVAC, attended the Wenona City Council meeting to promote the activities of the chamber. She also conducted "Coffee with the President" in Wenona to discuss citizens’ concerns. Dr. Goodnow reported that the Foundation Golf outing raised over $9,000 for developmental education programs and IVCC Admission’s director, Tracy Morris, sunk a hole-in-one.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 and the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 for the period of 2004-2007.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to amend the motion to read
for the period of 2004-2008.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the collective bargaining
agreement between the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District
No. 513 and the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 for the period of 2004-2008.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mrs.
Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– Mr. Wilcoxson, motion
Dr. Goodnow was very pleased with the negotiating teams who have worked on this contract. She stated they have done an outstanding job. This is the third contract in which the College has used the interest-based bargaining process. A great deal of time and energy has gone into this contract for the faculty, administration, and for the future of IVCC. Dr. Harriet Custer, Jerry Corcoran and Dr. Stephen Charry, members of the negotiating teams, expressed their support of the contract and believe it will serve in the best interest of the faculty and administration, but most importantly, the students.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to accept with regret
the resignation of Marty Wygmans, Director of Project Success, effective August 13,
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the appointment
of Ms. Anna Marie Pietrolonardo as the Foreign Languages Lab Instructor assigned to
the Division of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences for the 2004-2005 academic
year, with placement on the salary schedule at step F-7 - $46,050 based on the 2003-2204
salary scale, terms of the 2004-2005 salary to be approved.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Lansford to transfer $306,244 from Fund
1 (Education Fund) to Fund 5 (Auxiliary Enterprises Fund) and transfer $12,073 from
Fund 1 (Education Fund) to Fund 6 (Restricted Purposes Fund).
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Lansford to authorize the Business
Office to seek bids for computer printing supplies at an estimated cost of $30,000.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mrs. Endress to authorize the Business Office
to seek bids for fifty-nine computer desks at an estimated cost of $20,700.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the Business Office
to seek bids for the purchase and installation of a scoreboard and shot clock system
at an estimated cost of $17,000.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
The question was asked by a Board member if athletics would be affected by the projected five-year financial plan. Jerry Corcoran stated it is an area that is being looked at; but Bob Marshall stated that the College has gone as long as it can with the present shot clock and it is necessary to change this year to keep in line with the NJCAA regulations.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the administration
to accept the lowest, responsible offer at an estimated cost of $60,000 on the welding
lab additions once the bids are opened and evaluated. The Business Office will present
the bid results to the Board at the September 15, 2004 meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to authorize the Business
Office to accept the bid of $7,144.01 from Richwoods Enterprises, Inc., Spring Valley,
Illinois as the lowest, responsible bid for the construction and installation of the
Library Customer Service Center.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to authorize the Business
Office to accept the base bid of $68,000 and the alternate bid of $4,850 from JB Contracting,
LaSalle, IL as the lowest, responsible bid for a total of $72,850 for the electrical
work on the welding lab.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Narczewski to authorize the Business
Office to reject the bid of $198,272 from Carrier Commercial Service, Peoria, IL for
the Security and Surveillance – Phase II project and also authorize the Business Office
to rebid this project.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the athletic salary
schedule for the academic years of 2004-2006 as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve the Life Safety
Project of Flat Roof Replacement on Buildings A, B, C, D, E, and G in the amount of
$401,174 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community
College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the Life Safety
Project of Elevator Installations at Buildings A and E in the amount of $180,000 and
authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the Life Safety
Project of Air/Moisture Infiltration Phase VI in the amount of $255,991 and authorize
submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Endress and seconded by Mr. Lansford to approve the Life Safety
Project of Ceiling and Lighting Replacement at Buildings D and E in the amount of
$129,648 and authorize submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community
College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the Life Safety
Project of Street Light and Pole Replacement in the amount of $180,000 and authorize
submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski and seconded by Mr. Lansford to approve the Life Safety
Project of Acoustic Door Replacement in the amount of $132,000 and authorize submission
of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Lansford to authorize the conferring
of degrees and certificates on the August graduates as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
The Board requested another nursing update to further clarify the nursing program and to look into the possibility of expanding the program. Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President for Career Education, reviewed the background of the nursing program. With the partnership between IVCC and local hospitals, the program expanded by 20 students in the Fall of 2003. In the academic year of 2002-2003, IVCC admitted 60 students for the first year and 60 students the second year. In 2003-2004, 80 students were admitted for the first year and 60 students the second year. In 2004-2005, 60 students were admitted for the first year and 80 students for the second year. In partnership with a local hospital the nursing program could expand by 5-10 students in October of 2004. The 5-10 students admitted will be Advanced Placement students. Advanced Placement refers to students who have completed the LPN certificate program and leave for employment or other reasons and would like to return to enter the RN program. A nurse employed by the hospital will teach the clinical for these students. Sue Isermann reviewed the resources required to expand the nursing program by an additional 20 students. Two options were presented. Option 1 – Daytime, evenings and weekends and Option 2 – evenings and weekends only. Space needs included classrooms, labs, and clinical sites. Funding needs included staff, equipment, and remodeling. The total cost for Option 1 is estimated at $279,225 and total cost for Option 2 is estimated at $285,355. Jim Narczewski noted that the equipment and manikins were a one-time expense and Dr. Custer concurred. Challenges facing expansion include the partnership with hospitals to fund the faculty position ends May 2005, remodeling costs, additional classroom and lab space during prime daytime hours, and difficulty in finding faculty. Also to maintain accreditation by the National League of Nursing, IVCC must maintain a pass rate on the NCLEX of 80% or higher, maintain high student/employer satisfaction, have 90% placement of graduates in employment within six months, approval of program expansion, and maintain faculty:student ratios of 1:10 in clinicals. Faculty nursing members, Pam Mammano and Kim Abel were present at the meeting and were concerned about the quality of the program should it expand. Students do not receive the experience needed when clinicals are conducted at night and during the weekends. Also a few local hospitals do not handle acute care patients and the other hospitals have clinicals throughout the week and are unable to schedule additional clinicals. It was suggested by Board members to look at surrounding hospitals in other community college districts for the program’s clinical needs. It was also suggested that summer classes and summer clinicals could help in the scheduling with local hospitals. Presently there are 39 students on the waiting list for the RN program and 37 for the LPN program. Bob Marshall reviewed the selection process. Students are admitted into the programs on a point system. Points are received for grade point average, rank in high school class, the completion of two lab sciences, courses taken toward the nursing program, etc. Bob Marshall stated the selection process is very fair and extremely comprehensive. If a student is not admitted into the program and is placed on the waiting list, they can take additional courses to raise their grade point average or take courses toward the nursing program to increase their chances of admittance the following year. In conclusion, Sue Isermann, Gloria Bouxsein, Director of Nursing, and Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs, will review the structure of the Nursing program, explore suggestions from the Board, and make changes for Fall 2005 to enhance access to the nursing program.
It was moved by Mr. Simko and seconded by Mr. Lansford to convene a closed session
to discuss 1) purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body and
2) the review of the July 21, 2004 closed session minutes.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
On a motion by Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mrs. Paul, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Endress to approve and retain the
minutes of the July 21, 2004 closed session meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Wilcoxson, Mrs.
Paul, Mrs. Endress, Mr. Narczewski, Mr. Lansford, and Mrs. Sweeden. "Nays"– None,
motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Narczewski, seconded by Mrs. Endress, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m.