July 2003 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 in the Fireplace Lounge at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Present

H. Todd Phalen, Chairperson
Deborah L. Sweeden, Vice-Chairperson
Thomas A. Shea, Secretary
Jimmie D. Lansford
Kristine A. Paul
David L. Wilcoxson
Andy Simko, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Others Present

Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Services
Jerry Corcoran, Interim Vice President for Business Services/Finance
Walter J. Zukowski, Attorney

Before the meeting began Dr. Goodnow presented Harry R. Debo with an engraved clock in appreciation of his dedicated service to the IVCC Board of Trustees from 1987-2003. Mr. Debo resigned at the June meeting.


It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to add agenda items, Staff Appointment – Vice President for Business Services and Finance and Conferring of Certificates (July Graduates).

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Wilcoxson to extract the financial reports from the consent agenda. The motion died for a lack of a second.

It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden that the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Agenda consisting of the Minutes of the June 18, 2003 Board Meeting and the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $240,454.54; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $71,285.07; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $23,091.91; Bond & Interest Fund - $64,863.75; Auxiliary Fund- $176,597.70; Restricted Fund - $196,542.01; Audit Fund - $5,700.00; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $179,291.99 and the approval of the Financial Reports as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


Mr. Wilcoxson attended the ICCTA Convention in Chicago on June 19-21. He reported it was an excellent program and met a number of professionals from other colleges. Legislation may be introduced that would alter the way that Pell grants are distributed to students from low-income families. Under the plan, the government would provide the greater portion of Pell Grant support during the first two years of college, with smaller grants going to students later in their college careers. It is believed that "front loading" Pell Grants would help keep low-income students in college by allowing them to avoid taking out large student loans right away. Most students who drop out do so between their first and second years of college. Mr. Wilcoxson encouraged Board members to write letters when asked because he believes it helps. Mr. Wilcoxson received a wealth of information and came back with enthusiasm.

Andy Simko also attended the Convention and reported he received a lot of valuable information. The student trustees reviewed the Roberts Rules of Order, discussed the Pell Grant plan, debated with Senators and participated in team building exercises with student trustees from other community colleges. Andy has been nominated to run for President of the State Student Advisory Committee.


Dr. Goodnow reported that over 250 riders and staff participated in the Heart of America Ride for AIDS over the past weekend. The organization has estimated raising over $200,000 for AIDS research and care. Enrollments for the fall semester have increased by 16.99% in headcount compared to last year at this time. Semester hours have increased by 12.4%. Headcount for summer is up by 5%. The Foundation Golf Outing held on Friday, July 11 was a success. Dr. Goodnow reported that a number of staff members attended the annual Leadership and Core Values retreat held in Mendota. Team building exercises were conducted and organized by previous members of the Leadership and Core Values team. Dr. Goodnow recognized Jan Phillips for her leadership in the Outdoor EdVenture program. This program began last year with 30 students attending. This year over 100 students ranging in age from 8 – 14 are exploring areas of science, history, geology, art, etc. Plans for Building C are on schedule with student services and admission and records moving back before the first day of school. Information Technology moved to their new location last week. Jeff Carver, chemistry instructor, is working with 21 chemistry instructors and future chemistry instructors throughout the state for a week of intensive workshops at Illinois State University geared at improving instruction in high school chemistry classrooms. Fourteen participants will meet at IVCC for the Summer Science Institute funded by an Illinois State Board of Education Scientific Literacy Grant through Illinois State University with IVCC as a partner. Mr. Carver is seeking other grants from HECA for various similar projects.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to accept with regret the resignation of Ms. Sharon Trotter-Martin, English Instructor, effective immediately.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to accept Giacomo Leone’s retirement effective June 30, 2005, approve his participation in the College’s Voluntary Retirement Plan – Option A, and wish him a long, happy, and healthy retirement.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Simko to approve the appointment of Dr. Majid T. Noori as the Physics Instructor assigned to the Division of Natural Sciences and Business for the 2003-2004 academic year, with placement on the salary schedule at step G-8 - $49,625.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to approve the appointment of Mr. Jerry Corcoran as Vice President for Business Services and Finance at an annual salary of $82,400.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the Business Office to seek bids for instructional supplies for the Forensic Specialist Program at an estimated cost of $15,000.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Lansford to approve the bids from Royal Vending of Streator, IL for vending machine services; Jeremiah Joe of Ottawa, IL for specialty coffees; and Pizano’s Italian Eatery of Ottawa for food service.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mrs. Paul to authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of $571,700 from Commercial Mechanical, Inc. of Dunlap, Illinois as the lowest, most responsible with deductions from value-engineering in the amount of $37,948.00 for boiler replacement in Buildings C & E. The total amount of the bid is $533,752. Also authorize the Business Office to approve $78,000 for architectural and engineering fees, $7,800 for reimbursables and $30,948 in contingencies for a total of $116,748. The total cost of this project is $650,500.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Simko to authorize the Business Office to accept the bid in the amount of $16,405.43 from Dartek.com, Naperville, IL; $8,268.22 from Global, Fletcher, OH; $3,868.00 from Chicago Laser, Lansing, IL; and $565.20 from Bradfield’s Computer Supply, Peoria, IL as the lowest and most responsible bidders for computer printing supplies. The total amount of these bids is $29,106.85.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the IVCC Facilities, Services and Equipment Fee Schedule as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mrs. Paul to approve the recommended changes to Board Policy 4005 as presented.

The recommended change in the bookstore policy will provide faculty, administration, and staff a 15% discount on imprinted merchandise. Departments and recognized student organizations will receive a 15% discount on imprinted merchandise and supply items with the exception of software, palm pilots, cards, food items, and sale merchandise. This recommendation was based on a questionnaire sent to 20 Illinois community colleges in which all give a discount in their bookstore to college personnel. The goodwill and college pride generated by this discount is expected to outweigh any loss of revenue and would provide a low-cost marketing tool as employees wear IVCC apparel throughout the community. There was concern that the policy provided a benefit to the faculty and staff and not the students. It was suggested that the Board vote on the recommended policy as presented and directed the administration to investigate further the student discount.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – Mr. Wilcoxson, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Lansford to authorize the conferring of certificates on the July graduates as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


Lori Scroggs, Director of Development, reported that the development office pursues federal, state, private and corporate grants, handles alumni relations and directs the IVCC Foundation scholarship program. She distributed copies of the first alumni newsletter, "Growing by Degrees," to be mailed to a select number of alumni.


Mr. Zukowski reviewed the Open Meetings Act and stated that actions should be taken in open session so that the public has knowledge of activities being approved by elected officials. There are exemptions to the Open Meetings Act and the specific exemptions must be sited before the Board discusses them in closed session. These exemptions should also be listed on the agenda. The closed session minutes are approved after being reviewed by the Board. The minutes of closed sessions are reviewed after six months to determine if the minutes should remain closed. There are penalties for violating the Open Meetings Act. Action taken on a closed session item needs to be done in open session. In the event of a committee meeting, approval of the minutes is required by the committee. Mr. Wilcoxson asked Mr. Zukowski if the names of candidates applying for a vacancy on the Board could be released to the public. Mr. Zukowski will respond to this question after reviewing the Freedom of Information Act.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Shea to convene a closed session to discuss (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees (2) pending litigation and (3) review minutes of closed sessions.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.

On a motion by Mrs. Sweeden, seconded by Mrs. Paul, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed.


It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mr. Shea to approve the administration’s recommendation for notice to remedy and a three-day suspension without pay to employee (8394).

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Shea to approve and retain the minutes of the June 18, 2003 closed session.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"- Mr. Simko. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mr. Lansford, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Wilcoxson, and Mr. Phalen "Nays" – None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Lansford to adjourn the meeting.