May 2002 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 in Room C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Present
William H. Franklin, Jr., Chairperson
Deborah L. Sweeden, Vice-Chairperson
Thomas A. Shea, Secretary
Harry R. Debo
Jimmie D. Lansford
H. Todd Phalen
Rebekah Peterson, Student Trustee
Members Absent
Kristine A. Paul
Others Present
Jean Goodnow, President
Harriet Custer, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President for Student Service
Frank Papke, Vice President of Business Services & Finance
Herb Klein, Attorney
It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Lansford that the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Agenda consisting of the Minutes of the April 17, 2002 Board Meeting and the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $319,668.67; Operation and Maintenance Fund - $59,624.78; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - $33,098.75; Auxiliary Fund- $65,241.33; Restricted Fund - $181,203.04; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $15,062.99 and the approval of the Financial Reports as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
Dr. Goodnow reported the Faculty and Staff recognition event, held on Friday, May 10 was well attended and was a success. Enrollments for summer are up 23% in credit hours and 16% in headcount. Fall enrollments are up 11% in headcount. She indicated that she received information from Springfield that the General Assembly has adjourned for the week and will return on Tuesday, May 21. Cancellation of legislative days just a few days before the scheduled final adjournment date is highly unusual and signals the possibility that a fairly prolonged spring session could be in the making. If the session extends beyond May 31, an extraordinary majority vote is required to pass legislation, including a budget and/or any revenue enhancement initiatives. This means that beginning June 1, a 3/5 majority vote is required for passage of legislation instead of the simple majority vote now required. Dr. Goodnow reported that the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Board is seeking voluntary assessments of a minimum of $25 to allow the ETC Partnership to continue at a nine-month level. Their goal is $7,000. Dr. Goodnow provided sample letters she sent to CEOs, Chiefs of Staff, and Directors of Nursing at our local hospitals informing them of the situation that exists nationally to have the BSN as an entry level.
It was moved by Mr. Debo and seconded by Mr. Shea to accept with regret the resignation of Mary Prentice, Division Chair for Social Sciences and Public Service, effective August 6, 2002.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Lansford and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to authorize the Business Office to seek bids for the printing of 86,000 copies of the Fall 2002 class schedule at an estimated cost of $20,000 and also authorize the Business Office to accept the lowest, most responsible bid if the bid is within the estimated cost approved by the Board.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Debo to authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of CDW Government, Inc., Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of $27,906.04 as the lowest, most responsible bidder for the purchase of printing supplies.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mr. Lansford to authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of Unisource Worldwide, Inc. in the amount of $15,337.50 as the lowest, most responsible bidder for the purchase of 750 cases of white multi-purpose paper.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Debo to authorize the Business Office to accept the bid of Bradford Systems, East Peoria, Illinois in the amount of $30,467.00 as the lowest, most responsible bidder to relocate the existing library shelving and to purchase additional shelving.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Debo and seconded by Mrs. Sweeden to authorize the Business Office to change from the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with the State of Illinois, Department of Central Management Services – Local Government Health Care Plan to the Community College Insurance Consortium for health insurance for College employees for fiscal year 2003.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
Due to travel difficulties the SIFE Team was unable to return from Nationals in time to give their presentation. This item was tabled until the June Board meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Debo and seconded by Mr. Shea to convene a closed session to discuss potential litigation and the performance of a specific employee of the public body.
Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Ms. Peterson. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mr. Lansford, and Mr. Franklin. "Nays" – None, motion carried.
On a motion by Mr. Phalen, seconded by Mr. Lansford, and carried unanimously, the regular meeting resumed at 7:56 p.m.
It was moved by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Lansford, and carried unanimously to recess the meeting at 7:57 p.m.