June 10, 2021 Board Agenda
Thursday, June 10, 2021 – 6:30 p.m. – Board Room (C307)
The meeting can be accessed by the public at https://zoom.us/j/6794788792. Once logged in, use the meeting ID number 679 478 8792. For dial-in, call 1 (312) 626-6799.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
6.1 Approval of Minutes – May 3, 2021 Audit Finance Committee Meeting; May 3, 2021 Special Board Meeting; and May 13, 2021 Board Meeting (Pages 1-16)
6.2 Approval of Bills - $972,157.48
6.2.1 Education Fund - $765,836.28
6.2.2 Operations & Maintenance Fund - $81,911.91
6.2.3 Auxiliary Fund - $28,350.31
6.2.4 Restricted Fund - $23,323.26
6.2.5 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $72,735.72
6.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 17-33)
6.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page 18)
6.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 19-20)
6.3.3 Summary of FY21 Budget by Fund (Pages 21-28)
6.3.4 Budget to Actual by Budget Officers (Page 29)
6.3.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 30)
6.3.6 Investment Status Report (Pages 31-32)
6.3.7 Disbursements - $5,000 or more (Page 33)
6.4 Personnel - Stipends for Pay Periods Ending April 24, 2021; May 8, 2021; and May 22, 2021 & Part-time Faculty and Staff Appointments May 2021 (Pages 34-37)
7. President’s Report
8. Committee Reports
9. Workers Comp Renewal (Pages 38-40)
10. RAMP Projects (Page 41)
11. G4S Contract Renewal (Page 42)
12. Trust Agreement CDB (Pages 43-46)
13. Authorization to Continue Operations (Page 47)
14. Approval – Dental Hygiene AAS Degree (Pages 48-50)
15. Vice Presidents’ Contracts – (Page 51)
15.1 Approve the FY2022 employment contract for Ms. Cheryl E. Roelfsema, Vice President
for Business Services and Finance, with a 2.5 percent increase for FY2022, resulting
in an annualized salary of $12,262 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined
in her contract.
15.2 Approve the FY2022 employment contract for Dr. Deborah Anderson, Vice President
for Academic Affairs, with a 2.5 percent increase for FY2022, resulting in an annualized
salary of $64,583 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined in her contract.
15.3 Approve the FY2022 employment contract for Mr. Mark Grzybowski, Vice President
for Student Services, with a 2.5 percent increase for FY2022, resulting in an annualized
salary of $95,078 and duties, benefits, and other conditions as outlined in his contract.
16. Items for Information (Pages 52-63)
16.1 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (Page 52)
16.2 Certificate of Achievement Excellence in Financial Reporting (Page 53)
16.3 Request for Leave of Absence – Sarah Trager (Page 54)
16.4 Request for Leave of Absence – Ben Simpson (Page 55)
16.5 Part-time Faculty Retirement – Barbara Bouxsein, CAD Instructor (Page 56)
16.6 Staff Resignation – Rey Arteaga, Head Soccer Coach (Page 57)
16.7 Staff Appointment – Andrea Sergeant, Accounts Receivable Specialist/Cashier (Page 58)
16.8 Staff Appointment – Bret Rice, Custodian 3rd Shift (Page 59)
16.9 City of Oglesby – Proposed Annexation Benefits to IVCC (Page 60)
16.10 Library/Student Success Center (Page 61)
16.11 NRG Media Revised Contract – July 2021-January 2022 (Pages 62-63)
17. Trustee Comment
18. Closed Session – 1) pending or imminent litigation; 2) complaint lodged against an official or employee of the public body; 3) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 4) collective negotiations; and 5) closed session minutes
19. Compensation FY22 – Employees Not Affected by a Negotiated Labor Agreement
20. Approval of Closed Session Minutes
21. Other
22. Adjournment