October 8, 2020 Board Agenda
Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 6:30 p.m. – Board Room (C307)
The meeting can be accessed by the public at https://zoom.us/j/6794788792. Once logged in, use the meeting ID number 679 478 8792. For dial-in, call 1 (312) 626-6799.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Recognition – Nasrina Bellel – Paul Simon Student Essay Contest Recipient
6. Public Comment
7. Campus Update – IVCC Institutional Learning Outcomes (Dr. Deborah Anderson)
8. Consent Agenda Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
8.1 Approval of Minutes – September 10, 2020 Board Meeting (Pages 1-6)
8.2 Approval of Bills - $2,265,069.88
8.2.1 Education Fund - $1,602,152.41
8.2.2 Operations & Maintenance Fund - $83,948.06
8.2.3 Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $322,868.05
8.2.4 Auxiliary Fund - $139,476.64
8.2.5 Restricted Fund - $21,297.84
8.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $93,746.45
8.2.7 Grants, Loans and Scholarships - $1,580.43
8.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 7-23)
8.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page 8)
8.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 9-10)
8.3.3 Summary of FY20 Budget by Funds (Pages 11-17)
8.3.4 Budget to Actual by Budget Officers (Page 18)
8.3.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 19)
8.3.6 Investment Status Report (Pages 20-21)
8.3.7 Disbursements - $5,000 or more (Pages 22-23)
8.4 Personnel – Stipends for Pay Periods Ending August 29, 2020 & September 12, 2020 and Part-time Faculty & Staff Appointments September 2020 (Pages 24-29)
9. President’s Report
10. Resolution Authorizing Preparation of 2020 Tax Levy (Pages 30-31)
11. Protection, Health and Safety Projects for Tax Year 2020 (Pages 32-47)
11.1 Key Card System Upgrades (Pages 33-39)
11.2 Fireplace Lounge Accessibility Upgrades (Pages 40-47)
12. Farm Lease Renewal 2021 (Page 48)
13. TriO Match Funds (Pages 49-50)
14. High Deductible Health Plan/Health Savings Accounts (Page 51)
15. 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Revision (Page 52)
16. Approval of Certificate – Advanced Dental Office Management (Pages 53-54)
17. Faculty Retirement – Deborah J. Pumo, Nursing Instructor (Pages 55-56)
18. College Calendars 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 (Pages 57-65)
19. Items for Information (Pages 66-73)
19.1 Nasrina Bellel – Paul Simon Student Essay Submission (Pages 66-67)
19.2 Welding Instructor Request (Page 68)
19.3 Administrative Procedure: Lodging Rate Changes (Pages 69-73)
20. Trustee Comment
21. Closed Session – 1) pending or imminent litigation; 2) complaint lodged against an official or employee of the public body; 3) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; and 4) closed session minutes
22. Data Breach Notification and Monitoring Services
23. Approval of Closed Session Minutes
24. Other
25. Adjournment