February 12, 2015 Board Agenda
Thursday, February 12, 2015 – 6 p.m. – Board Room (C307)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
6.1 Approval of Minutes – January 15, 2015 Board Meeting; January 26, 2015 Facilities Committee Meeting; and January 27, 2015 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting (Pages 1-10)
6.2 Approval of Bills - $1,452,209.49
6.2.1 Education Fund - $1,041,062.88
6.2.2 Operations & Maintenance Fund - $93,679.91
6.2.3 Operations & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) – $16,704.00
6.2.4 Auxiliary Fund - $215,316.29
6.2.5 Restricted Fund - $48,963.95
6.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $36,482.46
6.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 11-29)
6.3.1 Financial Highlights (Pages 12-13)
6.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 14-15)
6.3.3 Summary of FY15 Budget by Fund (Page 16)
6.3.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 17-23)
6.3.5 Budget to Actual by Budget Officers (Page 24)
6.3.6 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 25)
6.3.7 Investment Status Report (Pages 26-27)
6.3.8 Disbursements - $5,000 or more (Pages 28-29)
6.4 Personnel - Stipends for Pay Period Ending December 13, 2014; December 27, 2014; January 10, 2015; and January 24, 2015 (Pages 30-40)
7. President’s Report
8. Committee Reports
9. Tenure Recommendations (Pages 41-52)
9.1 Mary A. Black (Pages 41-44)
9.2 Carmen N. Hartford (Pages 45-48)
9.3 Shane W. Lange (Pages 49-52)
10. FY2016 Budget (Pages 53-56)
10.1 Resolution to Designate a Fiscal Year (Page 54)
10.2 Resolution to Designate a Person to Prepare a Tentative Budget (Page 55)
10.3 Budget Calendar (Page 56)
11. Tuition Adjustment (Page 57)
12. Early Entry College (E2C) Tuition Adjustment (Page 58)
13. Course Fees/Adjustments (Pages 59-66)
14. Staff Appointment – Mr. Mark J. Grzybowski, Associate Vice President for Student Services (Pages 67-68)
15. Bid Results – Building A Chiller/Air Handler Replacement (Pages 69-72)
16. Request for Full-time Business Specialist Position, Small Business Development Center (Pages 73-78)
17. Approval of Early Childhood Certificates (Pages 79-80)
18. Items for Information (Pages 81-86)
18.1 Renewal of Non-tenured Faculty Contracts for 2015/2016 (Page 81)
18.2 Letter of Agreement with LaSalle County Regional Office of Education (Page 82)
18.3 Statement of Final Completion – Cultural Centre Sound System Replacement (Page 83)
18.4 National Endowment for the Humanities – Quarterly Calendar (Pages 84-85)
18.5 Thank you from the Northwest District Elks Lodge (Page 86)
19. Trustee Comment
20. Closed Session – 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) student discipline; 3) collective negotiations; 4) pending litigation; and 4) closed session minutes.
21. Closed Session Minutes – January 15, 2015 Board Meeting
22. Other
23. Adjournment