February 21, 2012 Board Agenda
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. – Board Room (C307)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Comment
6. Campus Update – Collaboration Across the Great Divide, Rick Pearce and Bob Mattson
7. Consent Agenda Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
7.1 Approval of Minutes – January 11, 2012 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting; January 17, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting; and January 17, 2012 Board Meeting (Pages 1-13)
7.2 Approval of Bills - $1,804,025.32
7.2.1 Education Fund - $1,346,400.94
7.2.2 Operations & Maintenance Fund - $80,524.81
7.2.3 Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $156,674.32
7.2.4 Auxiliary Fund - $159,274.22
7.2.5 Restricted Fund - $31,438.53
7.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $29,712.50
7.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 14-32)
7.3.1 Financial Highlights (Pages 15-16)
7.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 17-18)
7.3.3 Summary of FY12 Budget by Fund (Page 19)
7.3. Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 20-27)
7.3.5 Budget to Actual by Budget Officers (Page 28)
7.3.6 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 29)
7.3.7 Investment Status Report (Pages 30-31)
7.3.8 Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 32)
7.4 Personnel - Stipends for Pay Periods Ending January 14, 2012 and January 28, 2012 (Pages 33-40)
7.5 Request for Proposals (Pages 41-72)
7.5.1. Audit Services (Pages 41-53)
7.5.2 Bank Depository and Services for Operating Funds (Pages 54-72)
7.6 Request - Copier Lease Extension (Page 73)
8. President’s Report
9. Committee Reports
10. FY2013 Budget (Pages 74-77)
10.1 Resolution to Designate a Fiscal Year (Page 75)
10.2 Resolution to Designate a Person to Prepare a Tentative Budget (Page 76)
10.3 Budget Calendar (Page 77)
11. FY2013 Board of Trustees Budget (Pages 78-79 )
12. Faculty Retirement – Greg A. Oseland, Anatomy/Physiology Instructor (Pages 80-81)
13. Tuition Rate Adjustment (Page 82)
14. Course Fees/Adjustments (Pages 83-91)
15. Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Peru (Pages 92-99)
16. Request for Proposals – Wind Turbine Project Consultant (Pages 100-107)
17. Services Agreement – iFiber, Illinois Fiber Resources Group (Pages 108-116)
18. Reduction in Force – Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) Local Union 176 (Page 117)
19. Fund Transfer Agreement Between Illinois Valley Community College and Illinois Valley Community College Foundation (Pages 118-123)
20. Items for Information (Pages 124-132)
20.1 Staff Appointment – Bryan A. Clark, Public Services Librarian (Page 124)
20.2 Staff Retirement – Sandy Kozell, Custodian (Page 125)
20.3 Staff Resignation – Tanya Vescogni, Early Childhood Education Center Teacher (part-time) (Page 126)
20.4 Staff Retirement – Ruth Jameson, CNA Clinical Instructor (part-time) (Page 127)
20.5 Renewal of Non-Tenured Faculty for 2012/2013 (Page 128)
20.6 Statement of Final Completion – Safety Services Relocation & Fire Alarm Upgrade (Page 129)
20.7 Sustainability Education & Economic Development (SEED) Membership (Page 130)
20.8 Building Trades Expo – Friday, March 23, 2012 (Pages 131-132)
21. Trustee Comment
22. Closed Session – 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes.
23. New Maintenance Building – Community Instructional Center Project Phase II
24. Other
25. Adjournment