April 17, 2012 Board Agenda
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 – 6:30 p.m. – Board Room (C307)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Public Comment
6. Recognition
6.1 Coca Cola Silver Scholar, Erin Salz
6.2 Student Trustee, Brad Cockrel
7. Campus Update – Support Staff Service Project, Sandy Beard
8. Consent Agenda Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
8.1 Approval of Minutes – March 20, 2012 Board Meeting; April 3, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting; and April 3, 2012 Audit/Finance Committee Meeting (Pages 1-12)
8.2 Approval of Bills - $1,618,952.77
8.2.1 Education Fund - $965,507.21
8.2.2 Operations & Maintenance Fund - $89,562.84
8.2.3 Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $198,775.97
8.2.4 Auxiliary Fund - $40,493.79
8.2.5 Restricted Fund - $308,928.30
8.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $15,684.66
8.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 13-31)
8.3.1 Financial Highlights (Pages 14-15)
8.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 16-17)
8.3.3 Summary of FY12 Budget by Fund (Page 18)
8.3.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 19-26)
8.3.5 Budget to Actual by Budget Officers (Page 27)
8.3.6 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 28)
8.3.7 Investment Status Report (Pages 29-30)
8.3.8 Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 31)
8.4 Personnel - Stipends for Pay Periods Ending March 10, 2012 and March 24, 2012 (Pages 32-35)
8.5 Bid Results – Exmark Lazer X Mower (Page 36)
9. President’s Report
10. Committee Reports
11. Staff Resignation – Dr. Richard R. Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development (Pages 37-38)
12. Faculty Retirement – Daniel J. O’Connor, Automotive Technology Instructor (Pages 39-40)
13. Faculty Retirement – Douglas L. Stockley, Computer Instructor (Pages 41-42)
14. Sabbatical Leave Request – Steve Alvin (Pages 43-50)
15. Proposal Results – Audit Services (Page 51)
16. Proposal Results – Bank Depository and Services for Operating Funds (Page 52)
17. Exelon Property Tax Appeal Resolution (Pages 53-56)
18. West Ravine Erosion Control Proposal (Pages 57-59)
19. Tennis Program – Recommendation to Eliminate (Page 60)
20. Athletic Tuition Waivers (Pages 61-62)
21. Items for Information (Pages 63-66)
21.1 Staff Retirement – James E. Barnes, Part-time Library Technician (Page 63)
21.2 Change Order #1 – Aluminum Feeder Wire Branch Panel (Pages 64-66)
22. Trustee Comment
23. Closed Session – 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes.
24. Other
25. Possible Reduction of Duties Assigned to Athletic Director
26. Possible Reduction from Full- to Part-time Status of Tommy Canale
27. Adjournment