March 2007 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Presentation – Project Success
5. Consent Agenda
Consent Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following passage of the remaining consent items.
5.1 Approval of Minutes – Board Minutes of February 22, 2007 (Special) and February 28, 2007 (Pages 1-5)
5.2 Approval of Bills - $2,380,755.83
5.2.1 Education Fund - $752,346.75
5.2.2 Operation & Maintenance Fund - $116,425.51
5.2.3 Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $53,108.00
5.2.4 Bond & Interest Fund - $1,265,400.00
5.2.5 Auxiliary Fund - $123,285.04
5.2.6 Restricted Fund - $57,787.22
5.2.7 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund – 12,403.31
5.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 6-22)
5.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page 7)
5.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 8-9)
5.3.3 Summary of FY07 Budget by Fund (Page 10)
5.3.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 11-18)
5.3.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 19)
5.3.6 Investment Status Report (Pages 20-21)
5.3.7 Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 22)
5.4 Personnel
5.4.1 Stipends for Pay Periods Ending February 10, 2007 and February 24, 2007 (Pages 23-28)
5.5 Bid Requests (Pages 29-41)
5.5.1 Room D225 Renovation (Pages 29-38)
5.5.2 Window Blinds (Page 39)
5.5.3 Haas Horizontal Machining Center (Pages 40-41)
5.6 U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance (Page 42)
6. President’s Report
7. Trustees’ Report
8. Truck Driver Training Fee Adjustment (Page 43)
9. Cash Farm Lease Revision – Farm #8842 (Pages 44-56)
10. IVCC/Streator Unlimited Agreement – Warehousing Space for Warehousing and Distribution Courses (Pages 57-61)
11. LaSalle County Health Department Business Continuity Plan Agreement (Pages 62-63)
12. Proposed Board Policy 5007 - Assembly, Rally or Demonstration on Campus (Pages 64-66)
13. Board of Trustees Budget
14. ICCTA Awards
14.1 Business/Industry Partnership Award (Pages 67-70)
14.2 Lifelong Learning Award (Pages 71-73)
15. Letter of Inquiry Regarding Farm #8841
16. Items for Information (Pages 74-78)
16.1 Staff Rtirement – Carol Finley, Custodian (Page 74)
16.2 ICCTA Award – Paul Simon Student Essay Contest
16.3 ICCTA Award – Outstanding Faculty Member Award
16.4 2005 PHS Project, Change Order #4 - Stairwell Door & Hardware Replacement (Pages 75-76)
16.5 2005 PHS Project, Change Order #5 - Stairwell Door & Hardware Replacement (Pages 77-78)
17. Closed Session – 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) discussion of minutes of closed session meeting
18. Other
19. Adjournment