January 2007 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 – 7 p.m. – Board Room
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Presentations
4.1 Development and IVCC Foundation
5. Consent Agenda
Consent Items - Anyone may remove an item from the consent item list by requesting
the chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon immediately following
passage of the remaining consent items.
5.1 Approval of Minutes – Board Minutes of December 19, 2006 (Pages 1-5)
5.2 Approval of Bills - $1,668,653.12
5.2.1 Education Fund - $789,820.79
5.2.2 Operation & Maintenance Fund - $78,929.66
5.2.3 Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) - $4,327.04
5.2.4 Bond & Interest - $708,607.50
5.2.5 Auxiliary Fund - $30,808.60
5.2.6 Restricted Fund - $54,372.24
5.2.7 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $1,787.29
5.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 6-21)
5.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page 7)
5.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 8-9)
5.3.3 Summary of FY07 Budget by Fund (Page 10)
5.3.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 11-17)
5.3.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 18)
5.3.6 Investment Status Report (Pages 19-20)
5.3.7 Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 21)
5.4 Personnel (Pages 22-30)
5.4.1 Rescinding of Employment Acceptance – Kari A. VeZain, Horticulture/Landscaping/Grounds Maintenance Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center (Pages 22-23)
5.4.2 Sabbatical Request – Amanda Bigelow, Political Science Instructor and International Education Coordinator (Pages 24-27)
5.4.3 Faculty Appointment - Mary J. Neps, Horticulture/Landscaping/Grounds Maintenance Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center (Pages 28-29)
5.4.4 Stipends for Pay Period Ending December 30, 2006 (Page 30)
5.5 Bid Request – Welding Instructional Supplies (Pages 31-32)
5.6 Bid Approvals (Pages 33-34)
5.6.1 Summer/Fall 2007 Class Schedule (Page 33)
5.6.2 Utility Vehicle (Page 34)
5.7 Technology Purchase Request--Mobile Computer Lab/Assessment Center (Page 35)
5.8 Cooperative Educational Agreement (Pages 36-41)
5.9 Conferring of Degrees and Certificates (December Graduates) (Pages 42-54)
6. President’s Report
7. Trustees’ Report
8. Transfer of Funds (Page 55)
8.1 $10,700 from Fund 01 (Education Fund) to Fund 05 (Auxiliary Enterprise Fund) for daycare
8.2 $87,700 from Fund 01 (Education Fund) to Fund 05 (Auxiliary Enterprise Fund) for athletics
8.3 $18,000 from Business & Industry Grant to the Small Business Development Center
9. Intergovernmental Agreements (Pages 56-68)
9.1 North Utica Industrial Park TIF District (Pages 56-62)
9.2 Revised Ottawa Canal TIF District (Pages 63-68)
10. Board Meeting Date Changes (Page 69)
11. Proposed Revision of Board Policy 1008 (Pages 70-74)
12. Authorization for Destruction of Verbatim Recordings of Closed Sessions (Page 75)
13. Resolution Designating Date, Time and Place for Filing Board of Trustee Nominating Petitions (Pages 76-77)
14. Amendment to the Midwest Energy Alliance LLC Agreement (Pages 78-80)
15. IVCC Intercollegiate Athletics (Pages 81-83)
16. Items for Information (Pages 84-94)
16.1 Membership Agreement with CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) (Page 84)
16.2 IDOC Approves Salary Increases for Sheridan Employees (Page 85)
16.3 Fees for Professional Services (Page 86)
16.4 Approval of Medical Transcription Certificate Program (Page 87)
16.5 Credit Hour Report (Pages 88-94)
17. Closed Session – 1) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives; 2) litigation; 3) discussion of minutes of closed session meeting
18. Other
19. Adjournment