August 2006 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 – 7 p.m. – Board Room
1. Public Hearing
2. Call to Order
3. Roll Call
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Presentation – Athletics and Intramurals
6. Consent Agenda
6.1 Approval of Minutes – July 26, 2006 (Pages 1-8)
6.2 Approval of Bills
6.2.1 Education Fund - $1,029,406.74
6.2.2 Operation & Maintenance Fund - $101,606.96
6.2.3 Auxiliary Fund - $73,288.26
6.2.4 Restricted Fund - $121,652.57
6.2.5 Audit Fund - $8,000.00
6.2.6 Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $9,353.88
6.3 Treasurer’s Report (Pages 9-25)
6.3.1 Financial Highlights (Page10)
6.3.2 Balance Sheet (Pages 11-12
6.3.3 Summary of FY06 Budget by Fund (Page 13)
6.3.4 Budget to Actual Comparison (Pages 14-20)
6.3.5 Statement of Cash Flows (Page 21)
6.3.6 Investment Status Report (Pages 22-23)
6.3.7 Check Register - $5,000 or more (Pages 24-25)
6.4 Personnel (Pages 26-32)
6.4.1 Faculty Appointment – Janice M. Sharp, Sheridan CWT/Bridge Instructor (Pages 26-27)
6.4.2 Stipends for Payrolls Ending 7/15/06 and 8/12/06 (Pages 28-32)
6.5 Bid Request – Electronics and Electricity Instructional Supplies (Page 33)
6.6 Bid Approval – Emergency Alarm System Inspection and Testing (Page 34)
6.7 Partial Student Support for Dietetic Technician Program (Pages 35-36)
6.8 Conferring of Degrees and Certificates (August Graduates) (Pages 37-47)
7. President’s Report
8. Trustees’ Report
9. FY2007 Budget - Resolution to Adopt the Budget (Pages 48-51)
10. Inter-fund Loan, Transfer of Funds and Use of Operations and Maintenance Contingency (FY06) (Page 52)
10.1 $825,000 from Working Cash Fund to Education Fund
10.2 $252,029 from Education Fund to Auxiliary Enterprises Fund
10.3 $180,000 from Operations and Maintenance Fund Provision for Contingency for Capital Outlay Expenditures
11. Increase in Part-time Faculty Pay Scale (Page 53)
12. Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Peru (Pages 54-61)
13. Board Policy 2021 – Repeating A Class (Page 62)
14. Items for Discussion
14.1 Board Meeting Time
15. Items for Information (Pages 63-66)
15.1 New Registration Period (Page 63)
15.2 2006 College Auction (Page 64)
15.3 Bid Results – Leasing of Tractors/Trailers for Truck Driver Training Program (Pages 65-66)
15.4 Staff Resignation – Lisa Witalka, Purchasing Assistant (Page 67)
15.5 Change Order – Stage Curtain and Light Replacement (Pages 68-70)
15.6 Reception Planned for Dr. & Mrs. Huffman (Page 71)
16. Closed Session – 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) litigation; and 3) the minutes of closed session meetings.
17. FY07 Administrative and Support Staff Pay Increases (Page 72)
18. FY07 Employment Contracts for Vice Presidents (Page 73)
19. Other
20. Adjournment